Movie Age (1927)

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rrrrrrrifs= >C =*=« . . *4 W" "i< — -it' . it 11 The PICTURE GUIDE Little Tips on New Pictures •>g M •* •>«• •>£ V . ■>* V Clancy’s Kosher Wedding Distributed by F B 0. DIRECTOR: A. E. Gilstrom. STAR: George Sidney. SUPPORT: Sharon Lynn. TYPE: Irish-Jewish comedy drama. TIME: The present. LOCALE: New York’s east side. LENGTH: 6 reels. SYNOPSIS: Hyman Cohen and Tim¬ othy Clancy are proprietors of clothing stores side by side. Both resent the love of Leah Cohen and Tom Clancy. Izzy Murphy, a prizefighter also loves Leah. And then the day of the big Irish-Jew¬ ish picnic arrives. A fight between Izzy and Tom takes place; a promoter suggests that they fight it out in his ring for a $5,000 purse. Both make an agreement that the loser retire from the competition for Leah’s hand. Tim and Hyman wager everything they own on the fight. After the fight is over, a moving van is seen to carry off the last of Cohen’s possessions, and when everything looks gloomy for the Cohens, Mr. and Mrs. Clancy and son burst into the room and carry them back to their old home. HIGHLIGHTS: The Irish-Jewish pic¬ nic, the fight, the comedy actions. The Bells Distributed by First Division. DIRECTOR: James Young. STAR: Lionel Barrymore. SUPPORT: Lola Todd. TYPE: Psychological drama (from Sir Henry Irving’s famous stage produc¬ tion). TIME: Not so long ago. LOCALE: Alsace. LENGTH: 7 reels. SYNOPSIS: Village life in Alsace is picturized. The light hearted life of the villagers, as revealed in their work, their dances, their quaint courtship and their quaint festivities, is in sharp con¬ trast with the tragedy in the complex life of their friend, Mathias, the Barry¬ more role. His conscience is forever hearing the ringing of “the bells” by the hand of the man whom he murdered. He awakens after a horrible dream, but the horror has entered his soul, and he dies without revealing the truth of the hideous murder which he has committed. HIGHLIGHTS: Alsatian life, the murder of a Jewish traveler, the con¬ science-stricken characterization. Jesse James Distributed by Paramount. DIRECTOR: Lloyd Ingraham. STAR: Fred Thomson. SUPPORT: Nora Lane, Montagu Love, Mary Carr. TYPE : Historical drama. TIME : Latter part of the nineteenth century. LOCALE: Kansas and Missouri bor¬ ders. LENGTH: 8 reels. SYNOPSIS: The famous outlaw is first introduced during the Civil War days as a member of a hard riding Con¬ federate cavalry outfit. As the story develops, both Jesse and his brother, Bob, are attracted to a beautiful girl named Zeralda. She, in spite of her coldness, becomes interested in Jesse. Thrilling incidents follow from the time he enters General Grant’s tent in dis¬ guise, risking his life in battle, then put¬ ting over a spectacular train holdup un¬ til he is married to Zeralda. The final wedding scene is a distinct novelty. Jesse holds up a stage coach, and Par¬ son Bill who appears from beneath a cushion, marries them clinging to the drivers seat as Jesse drives the coach at top speed with Zeralda beside him. And just one more word — Silver King, the faithful horse, plays an important part. HIGHLIGHTS: The stage-coach hold¬ up, the train holdup, plenty of laughs to punctuate the action. Isle of Forgotten Women Distributed by Columbia. DIRECTOR: George B. Seitz. STAR: Conway Tearle. SUPPORT: Dorothy Sebastian, Alice Calhoun. TYPE : Romance drama. TIME: The present. LOCALE: The tropics. LENGTH: 6 reels. SYNOPSIS: An American youth as¬ sumes the blame for an embezzlement in order to shield his father from sus¬ picion and ruin. The innocent boy goes to Paradise Island in the tropical re¬ gions for adventure. Despite his seem¬ ing guilt, his fiancee retains her faith in him. On the island he finds himself in possession of an entrancing native girl, who insists she belongs to him, and over whom he is forced to fight when her old lover becomes insanely jealous. A tragic ending comes to both the na¬ tive lovers while the American and his girl are reunited again. The latter tells him of the real defaulter’s confession — and then wedding bells follow. HIGHLIGHTS: Tropical life, Tearle’s notable characterization. The Thirteenth Juror Distributed by Universal. DIRECTOR: Edward Laemmle. STAR: Anna Q. Nilsson. SUPPORT: Francis X. Bushman. TYPE: Crook melodrama (from the stage play, “Counsel for the Defense”). TIME: The present. LENGTH: Six reels. SYNOPSIS: Henry Desmond, a law¬ yer, has an argument with Quinn, whom he shoots and kills. When the case come up in court later, the guilt is thrown on Richard Marsden. Helen, the wife of Marsden, was at one time a sweetheart of Desmond; and so she asked the lawyer to defend her husband. During the long drawn-out trial, Mars¬ den is found guilty, but Desmond de¬ clares that he committed the murder. The officials believe that he has gone out of his mind and refuse to believe him. Through a clever hoax, however, Desmond produces evidence which proves his guilt and the picture culmi¬ nates in a thrilling climax of friendli¬ ness and love. Desmond is released on a plea of self-defense and sails for Eu¬ rope. HIGHLIGHTS: The friendship be¬ tween Desmond and Marsden, the mur¬ der, the trial. . ji ■ : Exhibitors— l Send Us ft l Your » « i 4 Exploitation Stunts and Ideas 9 (Ef -~oc •>£ %e <|