Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 20 MOVIE AGE Educational Makes MidSeason Announcement of Coming Short Features An announcement which further strengthens Educational’s short features has been made by President E. W. Hammons. The addition to Educational’s program calls for the release of five ad¬ ditional pictures covering three differ¬ ent types of short feature material. The earliest release in the new group of special subjects will be a single-reel picture showing Carter DeHaven in character studies. Next in order will be the 1927-1928 subjects in the McCall Colour Fashion News series, showing Hope Hampton displaying the latest creations from Paris. Educational also has in preparation, to follow these, two two-reel dramatic subjects, done in tech¬ nicolor, which also feature Miss Hamp¬ ton. Besides these five subjects, Educa¬ tional recently announced a series of six Bowers comedies, the first of which has been completed. The one-reel Carter DeHaven picture is in the nature of a novelty subject. DeHaven, who is so widely known as a screen comedian and clever vaudeville star, presents his interpretation of the way several Hollywood celebrities ap¬ pear. It is an entirely different sort of novelty with a comedy twist at the finish of the reel. Fine Clothes for Claire Windsor in New Picture “Fashion Madness” has been selected by Columbia Pictures, as Claire Wind¬ sor’s second starring vehicle under her new contract. She recently completed “The Opening Night,” her first Colum¬ bia special, and will start work on the new production immediately. “Fashion Madness,” as its title indi¬ cates, will give Miss Windsor an oppor¬ tunity to display the talent which has won her the sobriquet of “the best dressed woman on the screen.” A well known Parisian designer has been en¬ gaged by Columbia to create the cos¬ tume that Claire will wear in the new production, and a sumptuous fashion show will be one of the features of the picture. Mack Sennett is now busy cutting his personally directed romantic-war Pathe comedy, “The Romance of a Bathing Girl.” Sally Eilers, a new discovery, Matty Kemp, Johnny Burke, Alma Ben¬ nett, Carmelita Geraghty and Lionel Belmore play the featured roles. “Passion” Still Going Strong Over Country “Passion,” now being nationally re¬ leased by Tiffany-Stahl Productions, has been again making some good rec¬ ords throughout the United States, play¬ ing in many of the important first run theatres. With Emil Jannings and Pola Negri in the cast and Ernest Lubitsch the director. “Passion” is a real of¬ fice attraction. “Passion” first opened in New York City at the Cameo Theatre, where it played to a capacity business for three weeks. Immediately following this en¬ gagement the picture was booked by Pantages and played at their theatres in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Kansas City. The Davidson Theatre in Milwaukee ran “Passion” for one week, as well as the New Theatre in Baltimore and the State Theatre in Denver. One of the outstanding features in exploiting this picture took place when “Passion” played at the Columbus Audi¬ torium in Green Bay. Wis. Prominent people were invited to a private show¬ ing and their comments on this spec¬ tacle were the basis of a three column, nine-inch deep ad used in the Green Bay Press-Gazette. Coming" Our Big Annual HOLIDAY NUMBER Containing Special Features and Articles of Exceptional Interest Send a Christmas message to your friends in the industry through a card in this issue. Write for rates or mail your copy to MOVIE 414 South 13th St., AGE Omaha, Nebr.