Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 22 MOVIE AGE Eight cent* per word payable In advance. No advertisement* accepted for leu than S1.00. THE CLEARING HOUSE o— Sells Second Hand Equipment. Seats, Projectors. Screens, Pianos, Organa, Theatre* and Miscellaneous Articles. Buys Rates f#T ether spa* furnished on request. Write for detailed report of circulation coverage. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Six Hundred opera chairs; two Pow¬ ers projectors; Screen; Booth, rewinds, etc. Excellent condition — low prices for quick sale. Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. C13t-3-19-28 Satisfaction guaranteed. Rebuilt Powers-Simplex-Motiograph Machines, Opera Chairs, Screens, Portable Projectors. Everything for “THE MOVIES.” Bar¬ gain Prices. Free Catalog. Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn. FOR SALE: 35 O. S. Rolls Repro¬ duce Organ. A-l condition, $1.50 each. Write C. F. Bays, Bays Theatre, Blackwell, Okla. Pit 12-31 FOR SALE — One double 80 amperes, 220-60 cycles, three phase generator; like new; series type. Also two Hallberg arc controls, two Type E Powers lamp houses in good condition. Will sell at right prices. Apply, George Mc¬ Arthur, 2301 Cass Ave., Detroit, Mich. C-2t— 12-31 160 — Brand New High Grade Spring Cushion Upholstered Chairs. Regular cost six dollars. Will sell for $4.00. Exact photo and details in first letter. Immediate shipment. C. G. Demel, 845 South State, Chicago. P2t — 12-31 BUY HERE— SAVE A LOT— Good paper, fine shape — while it lasts: Ones 5c; slides, 5c; sets, 25c. Get your bar¬ gain supply early. Majestic, Washington, Kas. Plt-12-24-27 POSITION WANTED OPERATOR with ten year’s experi¬ ence wants steady job. Can do repair work. Married. Walter Ingalls, New Hampton, la. P2t-12-24 HELP WANTED WANTED — First class mechanic and motion picture equipment repair man, thoroughly experienced on Simplex, Powers, and Motiograph. Good salary, splendid position and wonderful oppor¬ tunity for right party. References re¬ quired. Address Box M.T.S. Associated Publications, 368 Glover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. C2t-l-7-28 THEATRE WANTED TO LEASE OR BUY— If prices and terms can be made to suit both. Inter¬ ested in house in town of 2,000 to 3,000 population anywhere in southern Arkan¬ sas or Mississippi. 12 years experience in running and managing. What have you. Address Exhibitors Tribune, 19 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, Okla. C4t 7-28 THEATRES FOR SALE BRICK BUILDING and equipment, population 1,700, seats over 600, the only show in town, a good Sunday town, will take one-half cash, balance to suit buyer. Write F. W. Hughes, Scammon, Kas. _ Pit THEATRE FOR SALE in Western Oklahoma. Seats 200; fully equipped; city of one thousand; bargain if taken at once. Write Box E. H., Exhibitors Tribune, Liberty Theatre Bldg., Okla¬ homa City, Okla. FOR SALE OR LEASE— Modern 350 seat theatre. Town 1000. 1500 to draw. Bargain. Regent Theatre, Cen¬ terville, Mich. P4t-12-31 200 Seat House, Sunday town of 15,000. Priced right. Box C. N., Motion Picture Digest. Pit 12-31 I EXHIBITORS— | Send in your Box-Office reports Wgi 1 CLIP HERE MAIL TODAY Here is your Handy “Ad Order” Blank To: ^ Kindly insert the following want ad . Associated Publications, Inc. times in your “CLEARING HOUSE” SecKansas City, Mo. tion. Name ... Address a word To reach practically all of the motion picture theatre owners in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mis¬ souri, Kansas, Nebraska, Ok¬ lahoma, Colorado, Texas Panhandle, Utah, Arkansas, Southwest Tennessee, East¬ ern Kentucky and New Mex¬ ico. Try it l