Movie Classic (Sep 1932-Feb 1933)

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Movie Classic Tabloid News Section THE NEWSREEL OF THE NEWSSTANDS Meet Wera Engels, RKO's new German "find." She's the girl whose Dad commanded the famous Cruiser Emden during the War Wide woria Yes, girls, Buddy Rogers is back and, if you can believe the reports, all signed up for a new screen career. The little blonde is Jeanette Loff, who sings with his band, and is returning to films, too. Romance rumors link her with Gilbert Roland, not Buddy Wldt World Marilyn Miller and Don Alvarado, very much in love, went aboard the S. S. Bremen to attend a gay farewell party for friends — and didn't get off the boat in time. They were carried off to Europe, but denied the trip was a honeymoon. Or a publicity stunt, either! Lillian Roth, who has just turned author with "Stagedoor Johnny," i-. giving up her acting. Not to write, but to wed Justice Shalleclf of New York Cltyl 27