Movie Classic (Apr-Aug 1932)

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<\h £^™? How to AAake Up /our Lips to Last 8 Hours or /Wore 9 A. Al. — You apply when you go out 5 P. fA. — Eight hours later — lot'e/y red I New 8-hour lip coloring discovered in Paris by Edna Wallace Hopper. Formulated on entirely new principle. Waterproof .... Wearproof . . . . Indelible .... Ends constant malcing-up.' Edna Wallace Hopper, famous stage beauty, discovered it in Pans. A lip color that banishes all the smearing and fleeting life of present ways in make-up. An utterly new kind of lipstick. She sent it to Hollywood, and it swept through the studios like a storm. Old-time lipsticks were discarded overnight. Now — Kissproof, the world's largest makers of lipsticks, has obtained the formula from Miss Hopper, and offers its amazing results to you. A totally New type, different from any other you have ever tried . . . Kissproof or any other kind. You put it on before you go out. Then forget about it. Six hours, eight hours later your lips are still naturally lovely! No more constant making-up. No more fuss and bother. Do you wonder that women are flocking to its use? Utterly NEW Principle It is different in formula and result from any previously known lipstick. It does what no other lipstick does or has ever done . . . actually seems to last indefinitely. That's because the color pigment it embodies has never before been used in a lipstick. It holds where others smear. Then, too, it is a true, Natural color. Thus it ends that artificial smirk women have tried for years to overcome. A color that glorifies the lips to pulse-quickening loveliness — trust the French for that! ip si What to Ask For To obtain, ask for the New Kissproof Indelible Lipstick (or Lip and Cheek Rouge). And — remember it is Not the "same" as any other lipstick known. Don't believe that ;ust because you have tried Kissproof before — that you have tried this one. You haven't; this is Entirely New. Edna Wallace Hopper paid $2.50 for the original in Paris. Owing to tremendous demand the price is much less in this country. Two forms at all toilet counters — lipstick — lip and cheek rouge. Remember— Kissproof gives you imported lipstick quality without imported prices. Money cannot buy a finer lipstick. new Kissproof Juictella/s LIPSTICK