Movie Classic (Apr-Aug 1932)

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You bet there's a big thrill in a swell movie! But if you want to live romance, as well as watch somebody else's romance, better spend a few seconds a day keeping your gums in condition! 'i won't have an attractive smile for long unless your teeth stay sparkling white and sound. And that means you must keep your gums firm and healthy! Your gums probably aren't lirm and IPANA healthy. Modern foods are too soft ner. And you certainly don't want to and creamy to stimulate your gums. takechanceswiththej0«M</KM.rof your Lacking work to do, your gums have white teeth! Yet that's another thing become lazy and sickly. Two to one "pink tooth brush" warns youabout! they're so tender that they bleed. You can improve the condition of That's why you now may have thosegumsof yours if you'll use Ipana "pink tooth brush". Tooth Paste with massage. Clean your And when "pink tooth brush" ar teethwith Ipana. But every time, rub a rives, take heed! For it's Nature's little more Ipana right into your gums. danger signal — a warning that more i ou'U soon notice a new sparkle serious gum troubles are on the way. in your teeth. Use Ip.ina with massage Gingivitis, Vincent's disease, even regularly, and you'll he able to pyorrhea may be just around the cor forget "pink" on your tooth brush! BRISTOL-MYERS CO.. Dept.IM2 73 Wesi Street. New York, N. Y. . ^-\ , ^flpr V Kindly send me trial I \A TOOTH ^"^ r" — * 0 1 U PAST! is a two-cent stamp to cover partly U^" ~ f1 O AH the cost of packing and m.ulm/;. i""^^ |/lO sJ^ ^ X'T^-'-^^S^^' S'"" __^^^^* __^^^^H O 103 = . D.-M. CO. A Good Tooth Paste, Like a Good Dentist, Is Never a Luxury 3