Movie Classic (Apr-Aug 1932)

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You Can Read Sylvia Sidney's Secrets in Her Face to put int'> her performance a finished, untluc. make-up. It is that al -the I lebraic !icr ■ humariit \ s little tribulatii — thai to her portra) The shape ..i hi eals that si ■ perfectly normal, well-balanced [>er i. She doesn't overrate it and it won't turn her bead. She i level-headed tor that. Lively When She Wants to Be FI\< >\l the ph) !;>oint. her lips, and n.istrils reveal that she is very vital in temperament. She could, in chosen company, laugh and play and carry on in the manner. She could be very human and amusing. But she couldn't be that way with everybody nor could she Lie that way all of the time, even with friends. She has too much repression for that, but not a snob by any means. Looking at the set of her lips, I would say that at times she has a tendency to get a bit unnerved, and has to struggle for self-control. This little tendency is invariably reI by a slightly oblique mouth. But she ic I always comes through all right. I would say she had the makings of a sterling little friend and would be a good sticker through trouble. She may not as yet have had to put this trait to use, but when the time comes, I know she will be that way. From the nose, nostrils and lips I should further >ay that she is capable of ardent affect ion —very ardent and very adoring, but it will be hard to make her show it at first. Sylvia Sidney is a real "find," so far as motion pictures are concerned. She is just irl suited to pick up the mantle of tradition for an excellent, artistic, sympathetic performance. She is a little Sarah Bernhardt in the making. Looking Them Over (Continued from page 23) WONDER if things are as "rifty" between Johnny Weismuller ('I'urzan, the A pi: Mm!, to you) and his wife, Bobbe \rnst, as Hollywood is making out/ The chief source ol suspicion lies in the fact that liobbe swore oil professional work and promise. I Johnn) she wouldn't do any more'! ter their marriage. Johnny didn't want her to dance any more. Now that liobbe is strutting her stuff in a local night-club, the folks are wondering if Johnny doesn't care now .' THE marriage of Joan Bennett to Gene Marker broke all records foi peed The actual ceremony by Judge Lewis Works was over in sui ii a short blink of the nests didn't realize il had begun, until it v.. I , n sister tnce, (In' matron ol honor, was so Wirpi ised she neai I; forgol to da -Ii up and 1 i -He bride. Com ny when she I I 1m Marcpiis took much longer. \l Connie's wedding the ceremonj took so I hal foan, a one ol the attem to be i he lirst to kiss her sister, only to discover that "it" i over yet . i ral hundred pei ded loan's marriage, at least half of them beiri pri (Conlinut 76) Enter each day's Beauty Contest with a fresh, clear skin! JLves — Eyes — Eyes! I king at you, judging you. Every day, all your life, you are in a Beauty Contest! Today.get a do/en cakes ay. Camay w ill keep your skin so fresh, so exquisitely soft, that you'll get admiration wherever yoi Your other beauty aids will have a far lovelier effect if your skin is kept deeply clean with Camay — the blandest, most delicate of all beauty soaps! This lovely bride has won the greatest Beauty Contest of all. Her precious veil is no lovelier than her exquisite skin. Keep your skin soft and fresh with gentle Camay! Creamy-white, fine of texture — Camay is truly the Soap of Beautiful Women. ,\'o amount of money could buy a gentler, more luxurious beauty soap. lo take care of that precious skin of yours, take care what soap you use! Depend only on gentle, sate Camay, the Soap of Beautiful Women — the one soap praised by 73 leading skin doctors. Its pure creamy-whiteness is natural. It has no coloring matter — no chalkiness" to dry out your skin. Get a dozen cakes today. One brief minute with Camay's luxurious lather and warm water — a quick cold rinse — and your face is so clean, so satin-soft! With each day your skin will be lovelier — and you 11 w in each day's Beauty Contest! c A MAY L*T A Gunble Co. THE SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN 65