Movie Classic (Apr-Aug 1932)

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Has Chaplin Stayed Abroad Too Long? eighteen -year-old *u remem ber, was little m be married her. Likened Him to Christ AT the Chaplin ontaining ittest the enormity of his conquests socially, artistically and, incidentally, perhaps amorously in Europe. Hut: triking thing that they reveal is the fact that he was interviewed by Emil Ludwig, the author and biographer of "Napoleon," "Bismarck," etc., who compared t harlie with Christ. In order oi world-importance and ng men's imaginations, Ludwig listed Christ. Chaplin and Gandhi. Rapturously, Ludwig exclaimed, "What is the fame of Gandhi, compared with him who has shaken the world as only the figure of Christ has done before him? There is no one yet who has sustained such worldiine, and yet remained so simple and unaffected." 1 don't think there has ever been a greater tribute paid to Chaplin. What star of the films has ever gained so much for his enterprU >t light was continuously focused on Chaplin al even though it dashes on him only intermittently at home. He never missed a chance to "sell" his picture to his international audience. That Charlie went to Europe, and that he remained away so long, for any other reason than "selling" ti ture is gravely doubted in 1 1 oily wood, though it is willingly granted that he is a great "play-time Charlie." Beside him, even Barnum was a rank amateur as a ball) hooer. Don't fool yourself that this little come dian doesn't know the value of publicity. From the old, old days he has always managed to get plenty of it. The expedients he used in the beginning were very simple — such as performing comedy stunts on the old "million-dollar rug" (now long forgotten) at the Alexandria Hotel, his "dallying" — that's the word he himself once used to me to describe it — with beauteous damosels of the movies 1 le has always aimed to be a romantic figure, he goes alter the "big stuff." It's kings, queens and aces with Charlie. And meanwhile, how the profits roll up! Charlie found out in Europe that he could even get along without a press-agent. So Carlyie Robinson, who has worked in that i y for him for many years, came home. But now the headliner has his biggest battle right ahead of him. He'll have to convince the movie folk themselves thai he's ■till a kingpin. He'll probably have to make some hard-headei Mm believe that in still go on making silent picture: And he'll h i to keep in : hi here as he h is abroad. The "dope" in I loll j wood is that Charlie will start in, returns, to make i iry. Sounds funny, thai positiveness for anyone who Charlie's glacia in produi ilms — but il I There still sei isei hap lin pro I e exhibitors di I ' hal i he nexl b i il talkie. i lie will have his o\\ n ■ < al iouI ill thih, though, as he al« lj • does. Vnd il ' than likely to be the shrewd way. lie Can still priii. iii'. outsmart thi They may joke about his genius, his moods, eadline getting— but they can • < harlie is a good business man to d His European trip hasn't been mere monkeyshines. Monkeyshines went into it plenty, but it has also been a smart and profitable adventure. GdiDDJ^ — AN 03) ODD ID) NT LKJWW BY.....** ACBBRt -DCrtZfiT^ B.O.' (body odor) ENDED HAPPILY ENGAGED OH, TOM, ARENT THE GIRIS ATTHE OFFICE OARtlNGS TO SEND ME ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL GIFTS? YOU'RE CERTAINLY THE POPULAR LITTLE LADY WITH EVERYBODY, INCLUDING ME) Many thousands offend — unknowingly! WE don't know when we're guilty of "V>.Q."(boJyottor) because we quickly get used to an ever-present odor.Y t notice instantly. Play safe bathe regularly with Lifebuoy.Its creamy, searching . i es— stops "B.O."< ri off hands — helps safeguard health. Its pleasant, quickly-vanishing, hygienic scent tells you Lifebui ; Complexions grow lovelier Lifebuoy's bland, deep -cleansing lather pores ol clog Impurities. Brings healthy radiance to dull skins. Adopt Lifebuoy. APRODUCTOFLEVI R BROS. CO.' 69