Movie Classic (Apr-Aug 1932)

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Wc, ave YOUR OWN HAIR ivith the iv ave set smart hairdressers use FINGER-WAVING is so. much easier if you use Wildroot Wave Set! Beautv experts say nothing else makes such lovely, lasting waves. Wildroot Wave Set contains no gum or sugar ... leaves no stiffness or white flakes. ^ et it's so inexpensive that a wave costs you almost nothing! Excellent for resetting . . . makes permanent waves last longer. Approved byGood Housekeeping. Get a bottle today at your favorite toilet goods counter. Or send 10c for a generous trial bottle. \\ ildroe.1 Co., Inc., Dept., MV-6, Buffalo. N. Y. WILDROOT WAVE SET Makes waves last longer Safe, RELIABLE, QUICK — X-Bazin leaves the skin virginaliy white, smooth and free of hair. Discourages o re-growth. Cream or powder . . . for fastidious women whowant the best. Large size, 50c at drug and department stores; special size at 10c stores. HALL & RUCKEL, INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Established 1848 No man will ever tame Joan Crawford, her Handwriting says (Continued from page 57) thing on which to put her new Paris hat. Although her personality shows both charm and brilliance, there is a sound underlying element in her character that also gives her practical ability. Take another look at her signature and notice her full, round letter "J" — and the way in which her first and last name are tied together — and the open-looped "d" in her last name, which swings backward with a graceful flourish until it almost joins her unusual underscore. Can Hide Her Emotions THESE show self-confidence and assure us that she is not afraid to tackle hard work when its necessary to do so/ They also tell me that she has physical vitality and enthusiasm, so that she has no trouble in finding a great deal of enjoyment in her work — even though she may not show this enjoyment on the surface. Joan would make a good poker player, as she can keep her thoughts to herself and not bat an eyelash if she chooses, no matter what she may be feeling underneath. You can see this in her small "o's" and "a's," which are almost all tightly closed and somewhat angular. This is true despite her capital "D" in "Dear," which is a trifle open, and despite the forward angle of her handwriting, which shows that she is also frank and sincere and can show her emotions easily. All these characteristics of her handwriting of which 1 have spoken, taken in conjunction with the fairly wide and even spaces between her words, show me that she has the ability of cool and deliberate thought — probably unsuspected by the average male with whom she comes in contact. Men will be apt to judge her by her charm entirely and will not expect her to have much braininess. But in reality her mind is accurate and logical, and she knows how to enhance her real power and brilliance by displaying it cautiously, rather than in a too spectacular manner, which would scare off people or make them envious of her. She, herself, may not be conscious of her reason for this cautiousness, as it is more or less an instinctive reserve, caused by a certain self-analysis, which makes her want to think firstly and act secondly. Notice that her "t" crossings are about in the middle of the letter and not 'way up at the top, which is where you would be apt to find them in a handwriting so full of motion and rhythm. Look at your own handwriting or that of your friends and see if this is not true in most cases. You movie addicts who have seen her in various pictures in which she portrays "flaming youth" may wonder at what I am telling you, but I assure you this is true and not a press-agent's story. What Proves She's Moody WITH all this caution and selfanalysis, you will find that she can be temperamental at times, even to tantrums, and is not always easy to handle. At such times she is apt to forget her caution and probably says things which she deeply regrets afterwards, or else bottles up these bitter feelings until she is about ready to bite a nail in two. Notice that there are six different kinds of "t" crossings in this short specimen of her handwriting, and a slight downward pull to the word "handwriting," and a long, graceful dash after the word "Rice." Yet the majority of her handwriting runs slightly upward. When you find these combinations, you will always find some moodiness, although it is not a very dominant quality in Joan's nature. The truth of the matter is that she is changeable by temperament, but logical mentally — and, this makes her somewhat difficult for the casual observer to understand. Some perfectly innocent little thing will strike her in the wrong way, and then come the fireworks. But her mood is apt to go as quickly as it comes. Fortunately, she has a sense of humor and can laugh at many things that might make other women cry and tear their hair. Thus she is able to be amused by her mistakes, when the first bitterness has worn off, and to forget the hurt to her pride, and forgive it, too, when it concerns herself alone. But if you hurt anyone for whom she really cares, watch out — for that she will never forgive and forget, and for such people she will fight. And that brings us to her love nature and the intimate personal side of her character which, after all, is just as important as the mental side and much more interesting to some of us, I dare say. This young woman may marry once or a dozen times during her life — which should be long, barring accidents, as she has excellent physical vitality — but no man will ever possess more of her than she chooses to give. Yet there is plenty of affection and emotion shown in her handwriting, and she can give royally when she cares to do so. Notice the first high stroke of her capital "M" in "Miss," and you will see a spirit of defiance which shows independence and dislike of being possessed too greatly, even by those who are first in her affections. On this account, it is easier for her to play at love than to give herself freely and fully, and people may think her indifferent when she is really quite the contrary. Be careful not to try to take anything away from her which she feels is hers — unless she offers it to you first. And that applies not only to her possessions, but to those whom she loves, as well. She can fight for her rights when necessary and will dislike people who take too freely of her time or her possessions without asking. Her Ideal of a Husband SHE is fond of good times and spending money, although I would not call her recklessly extravagant. She will not want anything that is elaborate or fussy, as her tastes are simple and her judgment good. I doubt that she has much patience when it comes to trying on dozens of gowns, if she has to stand very long to be fitted, in spite of her love of attractive clothes. Her ideal of a husband is a man who is nice-looking, but he must not be a "pretty" man or without spunk. For she likes to be dominated to some extent, even though she may fight against it and be very independent. What woman doesn't? The man who can hold her love the longest will be firm, but not too dictatorial and "bossy," and will understand her reserve, as well as her loving nature. Thus we have Joan Crawford, as shown by her handwriting. (And handwriting tells the truth about us all, no matter how we may try to hide or disguise ourselves to the world in general.) Life should always be interesting to her, as she has so much charm and talent and the strength to fight for what she wants to gain. She should be careful not to be too tensely personal in her reactions and to use her talents along the serious, as well as the lighter, lines of pictures. For she has only begun to develop her real stage personality and ability, in spite of the success that she has already found.