Movie Classic (Apr-Aug 1932)

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George Rafl doesn'l want many more pngster roles. He'd like a chance al a romantic r61e and believes there's a reason why he could play it Conf onressions o f a Giqol igolo (Continue J from page 66) Iwayite who knows his way around, sophisticated, wise, smooth, soft-spoken without being particularly well-educated, Lut never bored with life. His face is masklike, but his eyes are amazingly expressive. "In the gigolo game you meet everyone from society people and royalty to gangsters and racketeers,' he says. "I danced at many private parties for millionaires, including a party that Schuyler Parsons, one of the bluebloods, gave for the Prince of Sweden. Yes, I've met gangster* many of the big shots. They like to hang I the cafes." Doesn't Try to Act HE CAME to Hollywood by accident. Texas Guinan asked him about ago to go to Chicago with her show. He went, but after a couple of days left it, and decided to go to California on a trip. "It was just a vacation, and the day before I was to leave for New York I was eating in the B own Derby, looking over the movie people. Rowland Brown sent over isked to meet me. He said I w i type he wanted for his picture, '( luii Millions.' I told him I hadn't appeared in pictures, but would take the part, and ii alter a couple of days he didn't like wouldn't expect any pay. But everything went all right, and I've been in pictures "I had never done any dramatic work ncing. I don't try I an.l I think I do m) besl work when they lone, so I can be natural." Hi Ii i 'I'm. I in an inconspicuous Span menl :. il h am it hei ' lew Yorker I on . a typical D D and 1 lent If you i i I ony. VVhel \\<-s he is bod try or merely a friend, one i Quite know. It is to be recalled that the ( Ireal I lod Gable got his starl to fame in .1 gangster role. Rafl hopes to do t he s; "Bui I don't want to 1 u : idem ified as .1 gangster type. What would I I fla; ' Well, perhaps I shouldn't say it. but think I can play lover roles. "You see, I have plenty of experience. I used to be a gigolo." NUMBER • A SERIES OF FRANK TAtCS BY [ The Ideal Marriaqe MUST ITS "HEALTH FACTS" BE KEPT A MYSTERY? : hrd br Mao Ri> Dr. Morgorete Hupperl, Graduated in Vienna; formerly connected with the gynecological department and the maternal ward of the Ho ; ita] "i the City of Vienna. At present associated with the Mariahilf Ambuiatorium and Hospital. "With the swift demands and arduous cares of running a modern home, no woman of today can expect to retain her bridal vivacity and charm, if she neglects her physical self. "That delicate mechanism which is wholly feminine . . . demands a special care all its own. And the penalty of ignoring its needs is often very costly. Costly to youth . . . looks . . . peace of mind and, often, marital happiness itself. "I have often wondered why the .1 woman will cleanse her throat daily with an antiseptic mouth wash; will see her dentist regularly, to protect her teeth . . . yet will totally neglect that much more important and imperative hygiene . . . marriage hygiene . . . the hygiene of feminine antisepsis. The Have you a young married daughter or friend who should know these facts? For your own guidance, as well as lor the enlightenmi nl of any girl or woman who .mil di ar to you . . . may we send you a copy of our interesting broi "The Facts About Feminine ll\ Written by a woman physician, it handles the vit .il subji ci of mat 1 ne « ith licacy and charm. Mi n ly mail the coupon, and your copy will b paid, in plain wra| © I';::. Lchn & Fink, Inc. hygiene ol protection against virile, healththreatening bacteria. " It would be a good idea for every woman to See a gynecologist (or family doctor) as often as she sees her dentist. But at least, she can. and she should, use a good feminine antiseptic like " I.ysol". . . regularly. "Lysol" is so sale and healing that it has been used for a half century by our obstetricians during childbirth. And, so Ear as I know, nothing else is quite so gentle, or quite so thorough lor effective and germ-destroying feminine hygiene." (.Signed) Dr. MARGARETE HUPPERT I EHN S» FINK. Inc., Bloomftcld, N.J. Dcpt. n; Sole Distributors "/ "I ysol" diftinl Please lend me Free, postpaid, .1 copy of "The Facts About Feminine Hy| Niimr Add rest 73