Movie Classic (Mar-Jul 1933)

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We print this ad for MEN at the request of 1,100 WOMEN • The burden of their complaint is: "We're sick and tired of seeing nothing but women in your ads about bad breath. It isn't fair, because men are really the worst offenders. Why don't you quit picking on the women and write a few ads that will urge men to be more fastidious about their breath?" When these requests, coming from dancing teachers, cashiers, club women and housewives, began to get over the thousand mark, we thought it about time to do something about it. This advertisement is the result. How's your breath today? Whether it is because men are too busy to take proper care of their mouth and teeth, or because they smoke more than women, or eat and drink unwisely, the fact remains that men are the worst offenders when it comes to halitosis (unpleasant breath). Your common sense tells you that halitosis is the unforgivable fault in the business or social world. It is unforgivable because it is inexcusable. The one way to make sure that your breath is beyond reproach is to gargle with Listerine every morning and night, and between times before meeting others. Don't waste your time and effort on questionable mouth washes with little or no deodorant effect. Tests show that Listerine instantly conquers mouth odors that ordinary antiseptics cannot hide in 12 hours. It attacks the source of odors (fermentation of tiny food particles in the mouth) and destroys the odors themselves. Lambert Pharmacal Company. LISTERINE ENDS HALITO SIS — INSTANTLY ATTACKS ODORS ORDINARY MOUTH WASHES CANNOT HIDE IN 12 HOURS