Movie Classic (Sep 1935-Feb 1936)

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SEND FOR THIS BOOKLET on SIROIL Siroil has brought relief to thousands of men and women throughout the country. Applied externally to the affected areas it causes the scales to disappear, the red blotches to fade out and the skin to resume its normal texture. Siroil will not stain bed linen. We back with a guarantee the claim that if you purchase a bottle of Siroil and do not receive decided benefit within two weeks— and you are the sole judge— your money will be refunded. SIROIL Laboratories, Inc. 1214 Griswold St., Dept.F-11, Detroit, Mich. Please send me full information on Siroil— the new treatment of Psoriasis. ! NAME ADDRESS. CITY \ X ***" *£~J& How to wash Blonde hair 2 to 4 shades lighter — safely! Blondes, why put up with dingy, stringy, dull-looking hair? And why take chances with dyes and ordinary shampoos which might cause your hair to fade or darken? Wash your hair 2 to 4 shades lighter with Blondex — safely. Blondex is not a dye. It is a shampoo made especially to keep blonde hair light, silky, fascinatingly beautiful. It's a powder that quickly bubbles up into a foamy froth which removes the dust-laden oil film that streaks your hair. You'll be delighted the way Blondex brings back the true golden radiance to faded blonde hair — makes natural blonde hair more beautiful than ever. Try it today. Sold in all good drug and department stores. Dick Powell Tells— [Continued from page 32] girl who not only can make you forget your worries, but also make you share in her fun. I've known several like that. Take Margaret Lindsay, for example. "You won't find an actress in all Hollywood who's more sincere about her work and career. But she has a keen sense of perspective — she has learned that life's a lot more pleasant, not to mention much easier, if you don't take yourself too seriously. When you're out with Margaret, whether you go roller-coasting at the beach or to a dance at a night-club, you can bet you're going to have a grand evening and won't be able to take yourself or your worries seriously. a A ND if a girl has poise, she'll catch ^* me — or any other fellow— rlooking at her twice. By 'poise' I mean the ability to fit into any situation — to be a 'good mixer' under any condition. I can be interested in a girl who does possess it. Like — " "Like whom?" I urged. He grinned, and said, "Well, like Mary Brian." (Dick's and Mary's mutual affection for one another needs no retelling here.) "She has poise. She's perfectly at home, a swell mixer anywhere. And that's important — and in any girl's favor, whether she's an actress or not !" "What keeps a girl from being on a preferred list?" I asked him. "For one thing, a big overwhelming sense of jealousy," said Dick. "That's sort of funny, too. A man likes the girl he dates to be interested enough in him to resent too much competition — that's only human. But deliver me from those who breathe flames if you happen to smile at anyone else ! "It's unfortunate, but it's absolutely true — a little jealousy can go a long, long way — in the wrong direction. It wrecks an evening for any couple when either the fellow or the girl goes into tantrums over some little thing that a less jealous person wouldn't even notice. "What I mean by being a 'good date' could probably be boiled down to one thing — companionship! You know the kind of girls I mean. You can merely say, 'Well, what's on the menu ?' — and whatever you both decide to do, you end up by having a lot of fun. That's companionship. Or maybe understanding would be a better word for it. "Every fellow has plenty of flaws and imperfections in his makeup. If he's halfway human, he can't avoid them. But try to find a girl who will take a fellow for just what he is and will be politely blind to his foibles and faults ! "Plenty of girls make a mistake by trying to change a man's manners, his habits and even his mode of living. At first, you're flattered at their interest, but after a while you begin to chafe at the bit. A good sport will see your WORK... "FUN AGAIN' With Constipation Cleared Up THE end of every day found her tired out, nervous, often with headaches. But now, thanks to Nature's Remedy, work is fun again — she feels like going to a movie or dance any night. Millions have switched to this natural all-vegetable laxative. Contains no mineral or phenol derivatives. Instead a balanced combination of laxative elements, provided by nature, that work naturally, pleasantly. Try an NR tonight. When you see how much better you feel you'll know why a vegetable correc ^ ^ ) tive is best. Only 25c at all druggists. THE A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO., St. Lo TO-NIGHT TOMORROW ALPJCHT FREE: -autiful 5 Color— 1935-19B6 Calendar-Thermometer ith thenurchase of a 25c box of NR, or a 10c roll of jms (For Acid Indigestion). At your druet?ist's. JTRAMGEr 5PDNGE Cleans Cars NEW WAY! nS\\\ui\s^ it. Agents making phenomenal profits! SAMPLE OFFEr-Samplossentat our risk to-first person In each locality who writes. No oblijration. Getdetaile. Be first-send „„urnamo TODAY I KRISTEE MFC. CO., Z72J Bar.Street, Akron. Ohio. ARTIFICIAL LASHES BROUGHT TO YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME AT A REASONABLE PRICE! The secret of the captivating beauty of movie stars! Long, dark, lustrous laehes that transform eves into bewitch* ing: pools of irresistible fascination. Makes the eyes look larger, more brilliant, and far more expressive. Try a pair of these wonderful lashes and yon will be surprised at each magic charm so easily acquired. Quick ly pat on by anyone, absolutely safe, can be used again and again. Mailed promptly on receipt of price. 35c pair, 3 pair SI. 00. MITCHELL BEAUTY PRODUCTS. Dept. 1001M SL Louis. Ho. BANI5H WRINKLES and Regain the Glory of Youthful Charm This New and Better Way! Eestore the smooth, firm, fresh look of youth without dangerous operations or costly massage. Simply wear safe, comfortable CONTOTJR-ETTE. This remarkable beauty aid strengthens weak face muscles and gently smooths away wrinkles from eyes, forehead, mouth, throat and chin. You'll look years younger. Send for CONTOTJR-ETTE today. Try it. If you aren't 100% satisfied return it and get your money back. Special price $2.00 or c. o. d. $2.15. Fully protected by patents. Non-elastic. SPECIAL PROPOSITION TO AGENTS Who want to make $35 a week and MORE! Write today ... Territories are going fast* Dept. F-2, CONTOUR-ETTE COMPANY. 17 N. State St., Chicago, ill. Bathe them with LAVOPTIK Instant relief for inflamed, sore, tired, strained or itching eyes. 6000 eyesight specialists endorse it. 25 years success. Get Lavoptik Iwith free eye cupi from your druggist. 64 Movie Classic for November, 1935