Movie Classic (Mar-Aug 1936)

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MILK makes four star beauty news By DORIS DUMONT This new creme made from milk certainly is getting the big rave from Hollywood's beauty experts and the stars as well. In the dressing rooms and make-up departments at every studio the praises are the same. Nothing I could write here would convey one-tenth part of their enthusiasm so I'm going to publish answers to the four questions most frequently asked by my readers about the new Creme of Milk. Now for the questions : "Is Creme of Milk really made from milk?" I quote from a letter written to the makers of Creme of Milk by California's largest producers and sellers of dairy products, Golden State Co. Ltd. They say : "The concentrated oils of pure, fresh, wholesome dairy milk, or dairy cream, furnished by us for inclusion in Creme of Milk, measure up to the highest quality standards of this Company for purity, freshness and wholesomeness." "Does it nourish the skin?" Because it is made from milk, Creme oi Milk nourishes the skin in a very special way of its own. No other creme or beauty preparation of any kind has ever been able CLEAR YOUR SKIN WITH Mrs. Pat O'Brien, charming wife of the famous Warner Bros, he-man star, says: "Creme of Milk is even more important to the society woman than to the screen star." Marion Talley, Metropolitan Opera Star, now being featured on the NBC Network, says: "I've never used anything that made my skin feel and look as fresh and youthful." to duplicate the beneficial effects of milk oils on the skin. "How do you use Creme of Milk?" Creme of Milk is much quicker and simpler to use than an ordinary face creme. The moment you spread it on you can fairly feel your skin drinking it in. Leave it but a minute or two, then wipe it off easily. "Does it penetrate the skin?" Creme of Milk penetrates the pores and skin tissues more deeply than any other creme known because milk oils are far more delicate and finely textured than the wax, mineral oil, lanolin and similar substances Ot which other cremes are made. For tin's reason it cleanses more thoroughly and more quickly. Creme of Milk shipments were rushed to more than 5,000 stores last month and in California alone more than 100,000 women are already using it. Stores in your community may not have received their shipments yet, so I suggest you write me personally enclosing fifty cents for a regular size jar or one dollar for a large size jar of this thrilling new creme. Address your letter to Doris Dumont, Hollywood, Calif. JOAN MARSH IN "DANCING FEET' AMAZING NEW FACE CREME ACTUALLY MADE FROM RICH DAIRY MILK Send 10c for 3 day trial. See coupon. REPUBLIC PRODUCTION Creme of Milk has new nourishing and cleansing qualities found in no other creme Because it is made from milk, Duart's new beauty discovery, Creme of Milk, has special qualities that clear the skin with amazing speed. Hollywood stars and their cosmetic experts say that the Creme of Milk formula for extracting the vital beautiiying oils from pure dairy milk is the greatest cosmetic discovery in twenty years. If your complexion is not as soft, smooth and youthful as it should be — do as all Hollywood and thousands of women everywhere are doing now — change from your present cleansing methods and start using the thrilling new type creme — Creme of Milk. See improvements first day You will know Creme of Milk is different the very moment you spread it on . . . you can fairly feel your skin drinking it in. Improvements that you can see and feel come quickly. Dryness, coarse pores, blackheads and other marks of a poor complexion go fast when the genuine milk-oils penetrate deep into the tissues, cleanse away all dirt and build up the supply of the natural youth-giving oils that feed and nourish the skin. No other creme, lotion or soap can duplicate the amazing effects of milk on the skin and yet Creme of Milk costs no more than the most ordinary face cremes. Try it for 10c or order a regular size jar for 50c, large economy size $1. On sale at 3'our favorite cosmetic counter. LENORE SABINE, President of the Motion Picture Hairstylists Guild and Head Hairstylist of Paramount Studios says: "Creme of Milk is truly a NEW TYPE of creme. There is nothing else like it — every star I kr.ow is using it to protect the bca::!y cf her skin." Mail Coupon Today to DUART, 984 Folsom St. San Francisco, Calif. I enclose 10c for which please send me ONE regular 20 cent size jar of Creme of Milk. Name Address City State 7 ONLY BEAUTY CREME IN THE WORLD MADE FROM MILK Movie Classic for July, 1936 51