Movie Classic (Sep 1936-Feb 1937)

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WvSfi: 37 w & J0* It's immensely and vitally important— that first impression... when boy meets girl— when man meets woman. And the first smile she gives him should be a quick flash of sheer beautywhite teeth in a healthy mouth. But if she's been careless, heedless— her smile may be just an unpleasant glimpse of dingy teeth, of tender gums . . . and that "moment of magic"— that "instant of glamour" is lost forever. NEVER NEGLECT "PINK TOOTH BRUSH" For the sake of your own good looks and good health— go directly to your dentist whenever you see that tinge of She evades all close-ups . . . Dingy teeth and tender her charm ... She ignored "PINK TOOTH B gums destroy RUSH" 7 lS "pink!' It may be a symptom of a serious gum trouble. But it is far more likely to be a simple warning of gums that need more exercise, more stimulation— gums that will quickly respond to the healthful stimulation of Ipana and massage. Modern dental teaching emphasizes this fact— today's soft foods are largely responsible for tender, ailing gums. They need far more work and exercise than they get to keep them firm and healthy. And that is why Ipana Tooth Paste and massage is so widely recommended— so widely practiced. Rub a little extra Ipana into your gums every time you brush your teeth, and the reason is soon evident. For those lazy gums waken. Circulation increases. Gums feel stronger. You'll notice a firmer feeling, a healthier look. They're less "touchy" and more resistant. Ipana is especially designed to benefit the gums as well as the teeth. So when you use Ipana in addition to massage, you are using the dentist's ablest assistant in the home care of teeth and gums. You are giving the really serious gum troubles far fewer chances. And you are adding, every day, to your own beauty and your own power of attraction. Movie Classic for September, 1936