Movieland. (1948)

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INTRODUCTORY OFFER! All-in-One Cigarette Lighter and Full-Pack Case gives you cigarettes and lights together as you want them. Streamlined, smart, modern ... a wonderful convenience, the Ideal gift. For men or women. Built for lifetime service of beautiful plastic. Deep-well lighter holds month's supply fluid. SEND NO MONEY ... 7 DAY TRIAL. Order on trial, Inspection and approval. On arrival de¬ posit *1.98 plus C.O.D. Use 7 days. If not delighted return for full refund. (Send *1.98 with order and we pay postage.) (Dealers . . . write for prices, discounts.) HENRY SENNE & CO., Dept. 1-B SM N. State St. Chlcage 1*. IH. MORE MONEY for YOU SELL EVERYDAY CARDS EARN EXTRA CASH selling stunning Everyday Box Assortments of 14 cards. Sell f or SI. 00— nay von unto 60c cash profit. Other Big Values: — Sensational “Little Dear” Notes, Gift Wraps, Personalised Stationery, etc. No experience is needed. CARDINAL CRAFTSMEN. Dept. 976 117 W. PEARL STREET, CINCINNATI 1, OHIO {) EARN !} MONEY SHOWING i SAMPLi FABRIC Write me, and I’ll send yoa this Wgr package of actual sample fabrics and style presentation * ~30LUTELY FREE. You'll see *orgeoos, newest style dresses— lovely .lingerie — hosiery .men 'a shirts and ..socks— all at LOW PRICES. Take orders from friends I and make money In spare time. 1 GET FREE SAMPLES! 1 Send nomooey forth isbia-profit syoors free. Rash name, address now. THE MELVILLE CO.. Dept. 4263. CINCINNATI 3* OHIO ACTUAL PHOTOS of the Favorite WESTERN STARS Including Sunset Carson, Gene Autry, Tex Ritter, “Wild Bill” Elliott, Bob Steele, Bill "Hopalong" Boyd and many others. Action poses, portraits, and on horseback. 50c FOR THE COMPLETE SET OF 64 „ „ Catalogue of 100 s of stars with Roy Roger* first order. Stewart-Croxton Studios, Dept. M14, 1408 Westwood Blvd., West Los Angeles 24, Californio. 112 Why spend needless time and money when Dr. Guild’s GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMATIC COMPOUND may bring comfort¬ ing relief from the misery of asth¬ matic attacks? On sale at nearly al! drugstores. Cigarettes, 50*. Powder. 25f and $1.00. If your dealer cannot supply you, order direct. Use only as directed o n package. A FREE SAMPLE will prove how much this trusted product-can help you. Write J.H.GuildCo.,Dept. H-27. Rupert.Vt. YOUR QUESTIONS— LANA'S ANSWERS (Continued from page 57) know what other people are talking about and can ask intelligent questions when you'd like the conversation continued. Of course, you can't know something about everything, but you'll discover that clever people love to do the talking and you can be a great suc¬ cess if you learn to listen intelligently, now and then asking a question. If it's a man you are trying to impress, find out what interests him and let him tell you about it. If ft's sports, or politics, or golf, or music, and you are ignorant in these fields, you could begin with: "I wish I knew more about football. Who is considered the top figure, and won't you please explain why he is?" It's better to make your question specific, and not say "Tell me all about football!" which leaves your companion baffled. ' Above all, when your companion is talk¬ ing, don!t glance around the room or over his shoulder, but listen to what he says and look interested, whether or not you are! • How do you study your script? Do you read it all the way through first, or just so many sides? „ (Pauline Burey, Youngstown, Ohio.) To begin with, I read the whole script. Fortunately, I'm a quick study. I read over the scenes I am to do next day; if they are complicated, I read them several times, but I don't try to fix them in my mind, as so many lines are changed on the set. When the director has decided how the scene is to be done, I look at my lines again and go into the scene. Your name is usually mentioned in connec¬ tion with your newest "date." lust for the record. I'd like to know what feminine movie star is your closest friend? (Rod Russell, San Francisco. Cal.) I have quite a few women friends, among them Mrs. Keenan Wynn. What did you like most about South America? (Joan Reed, Pueblo, Colo.) The courtesy extended to me by all the people I met. Are married men easier to act with than single ones? (Mrs. Ronald BothwelL Ogden, Utah.) It makes no difference. The only thing that is important is whether or not the man is a good actor. Do you think the public would accept you as an actress if you were not beautiful? Can you really act, or has your face and figure made you what you are today? I don't believe you will answer this — you don’t impress me as^the kind of woman who would answer these questions! (Sally Mart insen. Cortland, N. Y.) I hope sincerely that the day will come when the public will accept me as an actress. My studio has given me a variety of roles to do and I've learned from each one. I was thrilled to be chosen for "GREEN DOLPHIN STREET," and I hope I'll justify the studio's confidence in my ability to play the role. Did you have any speech defects or physical shortcomings to overcome in your prepara¬ tion ior a screen career? (Marie Louise Coutu, Norwich, Conn.) No, I was very fortunate. My big problem was to learn to act. How do you keep such a nice figure? (Dorothy LaManna. Hammonton, N. J.) I always lose weight on a picture. The hours are long and my pictures usually run over a period of months. How old were you when you first started wearing lipstick and going out with boys? (Audrey Barash, West Los Angeles, CaL) I was fifteen when I began to work in pictures, so that was the age I first wore lip¬ stick, but then I wore it for the screen. There was no thrill in wearing it offscreen. I sup¬ pose I was a little later than most girls to go "dating," as I had to go to bed early so as to be up at dawn to get to the studio. What Is your idea of a perfect evening? (Rose Lanzillo, Brooklyn, N. Y.) That depends on my mood. Sometimes I like to go to an outdoor Hollywood Bowl concert; sometimes I enjoy going to see some friends, when we listen to records, talk or play games. I'm a push-over for a new game! Sometimes 1 like to go dancing, if 1 have a good partner, or to a night club, if I'm feeling gay and won't have to work next day. Do you set your own hair, and if so, how do you do it and what with? (Barbara Weigand, San Francisco, Cal.) For pictures, the hairdresser at the studio does it. Between pictures, I go to a beauty shop to have it shampooed and set. I don't have permanents because sometimes I like to wear my hair sleek and smooth, but it holds a curl nicely, and I can do any hair¬ style myself. I am a young wife, proud of my figure. I'd love to have a child, but I have a mental fear of ruining my figure. Do you think an ordi¬ nary person like me would be the same after¬ ward? Or did you have special care to regain your super-figure? (Baya Thomas, Denver, Colo.) When my baby was born, I went back to a little below my normal weight. I took the exercises recommended by my doctor to tighten up my muscles, and that was all there was to it. I would say go ahead and have the child, then follow your doctor's advice carefully, and there's no reason in the world that your figure won't return to nor¬ mal. How should young girls from 15 to 20 dress, and should they still wear sweaters? (Sharon Alpert, New York City.) Dress as becomingly and neatly as pos¬ sible. Don't go in for the sloppy style, but if sweaters are becoming, wear them in their proper place. Don’t wear sophisticated clothes at your age, because they won't have the same effect they'll have when you are older. Can a girl truly say at the age of 13 that she is in love? (Wanda Lee. Wichita Falls, Texas.) No. How do you feel when doing a love scene with Van Johnson? (Emily Eastes, Indianapolis. Ind.) When you're doing a scene in a picture, whether it's a love scene or something else, you're so absorbed in getting it right that personalities don't enter into it, so I can t answer that question. Which of all your possessions do you value most? (Jeanne Merrill Buffalo. N. Y.) My record collection, which I've been (Continued on page 113)