Movieland. (1950)

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UGLY FAT or Money Back LOSE UP TO 9 lbs. ....THE FIRST WEEK Th/s Simple Easi/-to-Fo//ow Way DOCTOR’S 14-DAY PLAN Proves remarkable power to help reduce excess pounds NATURALLY— without drugs — no exercise — no com¬ plicated dieting. Now, the remarkable formula of Dr. Edw. Parrish, M. D„ well-known doctor of medicine, is available to fat folks who want to lose ugly, flabby fat the simple "common sense" way nature intended. Not a dangerous diet method that often leaves un¬ healthful results, but a harmless, , effective plan as your own physician might prescribe or recommend. Dr. Parrish's new 14-day plan starts to work almost im¬ mediately. You start losing fat the very first day . . . without cutting out entirely any of the foods you like — or no cost to you. No harmful drugs, no painful exercise or massage. Certified AS HARMLESS AND EFFECTIVE by Dr. Parrish Except in those rarer glandular cases, reducing can be extremely simple and easy. Dr. Parrish personally endorses and certifies this plan has definite weight reduction value. He invites you to ask your own doctor about it. confident that he will tell you how safe, harmless and effective it is. MAKE THIS CONVINCING, ECONOMICAL TWO-WEEK TEST! For lunch eat 8 Dr. Parrish’s Tablets, and nothing else except coffee, tea or any bever¬ age. For breakfast and supper, don't cut out any foods you like — just cut down on them. This plan cuts down your caloric intake and you LOSE WEIGHT NATU¬ RALLY — results may amaze you! SEND NO MONEY! Just a penny postal card for the regular $2.25 size at only $2.00. C.O.D. charges and postage extra. Send $2.00 with order and we pay post¬ age. First box must satisfy or money back. HOOD PRODUCTS CORP.v Hood Bldg. 686 Broadway, New York 12, N. Y. • Dept. 724-B Sell Lovely EVERYDAY CARDS Gii Earn EXTRA CASH It's easy to make MONEY in yonr spare time show¬ ing exquisite Birthday, Anniversary, Convales¬ cent greeting cards to friends and neighbors. Amazing assortment of 14 stunning folders for $1 retail sell quickly— pay well. Also Station¬ ery, Gift Wrappings. No experience needed. WRITE TODAY for SAMPLES on approval, a PHILLIPS CARD CO., 511 Hunt St., Newton, Mass? LEARN AT HOME TO BE A PRACTICAL NURSE You can learn practical nursing at home in spare time. Course endorsed by phy¬ sicians. Thousands of graduates. HIGH SCHOOL NOT REQUIRED 50th yr. One graduate has charge of 10 -bed hospital. Another saved 8400 while learning. Equipment Included, women, 18 to 60. Easy tuition payments. Trial plan. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 452, 41 East Pearson Street, Chicago II, III. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name. Citu. State Age Amazing New Creme Re-Colors Hair In 22 Minutes If you want to change streaked, gray, graying or drab hair to a new lustrous youthful-look¬ ing color, try Tintz Creme Shampoo-Tint today. It’s a new hair coloring that re-colors hair at home as it sham¬ poos. Takes only 22 min¬ utes. No waiting for re¬ sults. It’s easy to use — no messy mixing. Caution : Use only as directed. Won’t wash or rub out. Won’t harm per¬ manents. MONEY BACK guar¬ antee. Get your choice of color today: Jet Black, Black, Dark Brown, Medi¬ um Warm Brown, Medium Ash Brown, Light Brown, Auburn (Henna), Blonde. SEND NO MONEY. Deposit with postman on delivery $1.25 plus tax and postage on MONEY BACK Guaran ee of satisfaction. (Enclose $1.50 incl. tax. Tintz pays postage.) Mail order today to Tintz Co., Dept. IS. 20S N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, III. In Canada. 561/2 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ontario. Canada. separated when she was very young. She had very little formal education; and she was substantially on her own by the time she was sixteen. Her first job in “Rio Rita” wasn’t much. She sat in a large cardboard moon which overhung the stage. She showed her legs and her figure, and she never had a line to say. Take any sixteen-year-old girl — no matter how physically mature — introduce her to the Broadway life, and in a few months time, that girl’s personality changes. Her youth dies. She becomes hep to the stage-door johnnies, to the angle boys, to the fellows with the fast lines. . . . She came out to Hollywood and she made the rounds of the various spots. She was seen in the right places by the right people and she wound up getting a six-months contract with Hal Roach. At the end of the six months, when Roach let her go, she took a job as a chorus girl in the Eddie Cantor musical, “The Kid from Spain.” At the same time she began going around with Charlie Chaplin, whose hectic love-life has flashed so notoriously across the pages of the world press. Chaplin was then looking for a leading woman for “Modem Times.” He wasn’t seeking an actress. He just wanted a beautiful girl, with a beautiful form. He got Paulette but with her beauty came a brain. For two years her name was constantly linked with his. Both refused to admit marriage, engagement, or future plans. In any event, Paulette Goddard be¬ came very well-known while under Chaplin’s sponsorship. So well-known in fact, that after she left him, David Selznick signed her to a contract. Just how much Paulette learned from her years with Chaplin is difficult to say. Chaplin has always fancied himself a liberal intellectual. He has always sought the company of other intellectuals, and while the women in his life have con¬ stantly been subservient to him, Paulette Goddard certainly wasn’t! It’s entirely possible that while married to Chaplin, Paulette acquired the savoir jaire she now demonstrates. Paulette realized early in the game her apparent lack of formal education and she sought to remedy this inadequacy by cultivating the companionship of men who had it. For example, during the war she was entertained at The White House by Harry Hopkins, late adviser to President Roose¬ velt. She was dined by Lord Louis Mountbatten, a member of the British Royal Family and a onetime Viceroy of India. She was courted and married by Burgess Meredith, a genuine intellectual, an Amherst College man. Since these three men are personalities of consider¬ able mental proportions, it must follow that what attracted them in Paulette Goddard was her brains. *> Harry Hopkins briefed her on national politics; Lord Louis Mountbatten, among other things, gave her the lowdown on international affairs; Burgess Meredith has given her dozens of tips on the art of acting; Chaplin showed her the wis¬ dom of conserving money. Paulette has used the men in her life to better her station, to improve her mind, to broaden her outlook, and there¬ by to increase her bank account. Today, she’s one of Hollywood’s richest women. Her primary and original attraction was her body. It’s now her brain. She is not neglecting her figure, but she realizes one very important fact — the mind lasts much longer than a body and when culti¬ vated, can bring a woman, many men, much wealth, and great success. Paulette Goddard is living proof of that fact. The End ALAN BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE . t Continued from page 301 the guy wants to be inland,” said the real estate man grimly. Alan laughed and made the purchase. During succeeding years he was offered three times the purchase price. Re¬ peatedly he and Sue decided to sell, then made a farewell tour of the property only to end up by assuring one another that they should hold it for just one more year. For a better price, of course, they agreed — without meeting one an¬ other’s eyes. In the fall of 1948, the old Ladd house had become so crowded that something simply had to be done. They checked building prices and found them down from the peak. Alan checked lumber supplies and found seasoned timber was available; he and Sue (as a result of their new-house -viewing expeditions) had decided upon a builder. And so, seven years, four scrapbooks, and a thousand dreams after the Ladds had first said to one another, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a home that we had planned and built ourselves?” — the ground was broken for that home. Most of their plans were incorporated in the house; for example — the office. The Ladd living room had long been cluttered with photographs waiting to be autographed, photographs already auto¬ graphed and ready to mail, and stacks of fan mail. Alan and Sue have always tried to read every fan letter sent to Alan. Sometimes the mail will accumu¬ late for several days, and when one re¬ ceives several thousand letters per day, the chaos can be considerable. When the house plans were drawn, Alan found that there was more space in the master bedroom than necessary, so he conjured up an architectural triumph. At the north end of the room a fireplace was constructed about twelve feet south of the outside north wall. A partition was run from one side of the fireplace to the bedroom’s east wall, and a door was installed between the fire¬ place and the bedroom’s west wall. In this way, a door, a fireplace, and a sec¬ tion of wall sealed off a retreat just large enough to contain a file cabinet, a desk, and two chairs. There is also an outside entrance to this cubicle, so that if either Sue or Alan wants to rest while the other is attending to business details, the busy one will be able to enter and leave the office without disturbing the occupant of the bedroom. Another brilliant idea is the trunk room, which opens off — closet-fashion — from the main corridor of the east wing of the house. It is next door to the master bedroom, easily accessible, and its floor-to-ceilmg shelves will accommo¬ date luggage for the entire family. One funny thing happened in the midst of the planning. Sue had yearned to have a series of interior flower beds and planted areas in both the living room and the den. Midway in the con¬ struction period, the contractor pointed out that if the plans were adhered to, 92