Movieland. (1950)

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78 L In GENUINE jLomiort leather WAITRESSES $ ^ .95 NURSES J HOUSEWIVES SCHOOL GIRLS . . . ETC. A gorgeous Buckle Ad¬ justing Shoe, featuring expert workmanship SUPERB COMFORT HIGH STYLE! LOW PRICE! ALL Colors: Bl&ck, Brown. PROFESSIONAL WHITE. Red, OxBlood, Navy Blue, and Green. MEDIUM, NARROW and WIDE WIDTHS. Sizes 4 to 9 — Start Enjoying Comfort now. fmmm SEND NO MONEY ---'2 LOVMEE SHOES, DEPT. 16 1025 Broad St., Neworli, New Jersey Please send poirs @ $3.95 Piirt Color Size Width I Second Color Choice Name . . Address . City . Zone . State . □ Check □ Money Order □ C.O.D WC PAY POSTAGE IF PREPAID SENT ON APPROVAL ANY PHOTO ENLARGED to Size 8x 1 0 Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT Paper SAME PRICE for full length or bust form, grroups, landscapes, pet ani¬ mals, etc., or enlargements of any part of a group picture. Original U returned with your enlargement. Send NoMoney 3 for$l g Just mall photo, negative or snap PlustSe for shot (any sire) and receive your en ynaJanqneo~ *>-. . largement. guaranteed fadeless on 7 V°u 1 y i beautiful double-weight portrait photo. ^ quality paper. Just pay postman C.O.D. plus postage or send cash and we will pay postage. Send Your Photos or Negatives Today! Professional Art Studios, 534 S. Main, Dept SII-D, Princeton, Illinois A REAL MIDGET RADIO! CARRY IT IN YOUR POCKET Works on new diode— NEEDS NO TUBES. BAT¬ TERIES OR ELECTRIC “PLUG-INS". Plays years for nothing! IN bEAUTIFUL RED PLASTIC. Guaranteed to work on loeal stations SEND ONLY SI.OO&^.oS send $3.0U and we pay postage. SENT COMPLETE. READY TO PLAY on simple attachment. LISTEN TO AT HOME, IN BED, ON FARMS, SCHOOL, MOST ANYWHERE ANYTIME! Wonderful gifts for anyone! Amazingly low-priced! Order Now! MIDWAY CO. Dept. THW-4 KEARNEY, NEBR. HAPPILY EVER AFTER ( Continued from page 25) parts, but she made each of them out¬ standing. When Warners dropped her from the studio contract list, Paramount grabbed her without even giving her a screen test. But she had yet to bide her time before gaining real recognition. Meanwhile, Audie, four years older than Wanda, was growing up on a Texas farm. His father, a share-cropper, had nine children. Life to the family was a grim proposition. Getting sufficient food and clothing were problems enough. Ordinary luxuries were out of the ques¬ tion. At early ages, each member of the family was thrown into the battle for existence. Audie can’t remember when he began working in the fields. When he was a child, he heard that a travelling stock company was playing in a nearby town. The idea of “something different” fascinated him. He walked seven miles through mud and chilly autumn weather “just to see the tent.” Having neither shoes nor shirt, he wore a hand-me-down suit, many sizes too large, with a double-breasted coat wrapped tightly around his thin body. Arriving at the show lot, he stood for a long while gazing at the people who entered the tent. The ticket-seller finally broke down and slipped him into the show. It was his first contact with the theater. The play itself made little im¬ pression on the future motion picture star. But characteristically he never for¬ got the kindness of the man who made seeing it possible. Such an environment may do either of two things to a sensitive child. It either crushes his spirit, which often leads to resignation or bitterness; or it increases _his resolution and defiance. It is accord¬ ing to the stuff of which one is made. Audie was bom with the seeds of great¬ ness. As a child, he escaped into the world of the imagination, living with his dreams and maturing ideals. He still pre¬ fers solitude to the company of most people. That was one of the problems which he and Wanda, who likes a lot of friends, had to work out before their marriage. When he was sixteen, his mother’s death broke up the family union. Three of the younger children were placed in an orphanage; the older ones scattered. Audie, now rootless, drifted to Green¬ ville, Texas, where he secured employ¬ ment in a radio shop at sixteen dollars a week. . The war came on. Audie tried to enlist in both the Marines and the Paratroops, but was turned down by both organiza¬ tions because of being underweight. He finally landed in the infantry. In 1943, the year that Wanda came to Hollywood to begin her movie career, Audie was fighting through the rugged, bloody hills of Southern Italy with the Third Infantry Division. By 1945, Wanda had made several pictures, but she was still a comparative “unknown” when Audie became nation¬ ally famous as “the most decorated com¬ bat soldier of World War H.” With every American medal available to an infantry¬ man, he was returned to America for a rest shortly after VE Day. He arrived in Texas, a quiet, cleancut youth with brooding eyes. He had not yet reached his 21st birthday. The public immediately proceeded to lionize him. That was something Audie neither ex¬ pected nor desired. His brain was still WATCH FOR COGITATE” Second of the MGM— PETE SMITH Short Subjects based on PAGEANT MAGAZINE'S Popular Feature COMING SOON TO YOUR FAVORITE MOTION PICTURE THEATRE SONGWRITERS — CONTEST ADVANCE ROYALTIES TO WINNER GUARANTEE RADIO PERFORMANCE Here is your opportunity . . . Reputable publisher has song composed by nationally known musician. Write words and title to this song. Send for complete set cf rules. Guarantee winning song will be published and thoroughly promoted. "LYRIC CONTEST"' 8360 WEST FIRST STREET, Dept. 3 LOS ANGELES 36, CALIF. r FREE PHOTO 0IRECT FROM HOLLYWOOD glARGE SIZE OE YOUR FAVORITE * MOVIE STAR I INTRODUCTORY OFFER! You will also receive FREE 1 handsome cotalogue containing nomei of oil the* stars, ■ including various pictures ond poses. Send name of your ■ FAVORITE STAR ond 15< to cover hondling ond moiling. ■ HOLLYWOOD FILM STAR CENTER * uk H MI NO. JMW • DEFT. I ll • H0UTW000. CAUF. | Save on CIGi ARETTES Chesterfield, Lucky Strike, Old Gold, Camel, Philip Morris, Tareyton, Raleigh, Kools, etc. All postage and insurance PAID to any point in the U. ! Send remittance with order. $158 Ca,,ono, 10 packs JOE SMITH SALES COMPANY P. 0. Box 1066 Department HWG-4 Joplin, Mo. Do You Want to Make Men OBEY YOU? Do you want to make him love you wildly, fiercely? Do you want to make him say, "Darling, I adore you. I wor¬ ship you. I'll do ANYTHING lor YOU!" Do you want to make him OBEY your every command^ Then use CHEZELLE (What a Perfume) to help you CONTROL Men. One woman told me that CHEZ-ELLE is the STRONG¬ EST perfume she ever used. Another woman told us that she blesses the day she first used CHEZ-ELLE, because now her husband comes home at night to help her Just send me your name and address and I will rush a Trial Bottle of CHEZ-ELLE (What a Perfume) to you. When the postman delivers CHEZ-ELLE in a plain Package, deposit only $2 plus postage (3 for $5) with im on this GUARANTEE. Use CHEZ-ELLE for 10 days. If you don't agree that CHEZ-ELLE. is the most POWERFUL perfume you ever used, return it and I'll send your *2 rieht back. Write NOW to TRUIOVE, 58 Walker St., Dept. I46-CC, New York 13