Movieland. (1950)

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There’ll never be any gossip about Glenn Ford and this “other woman” in his life. She’s his mother. During his recent New York visit they were snapped at the Stork Club. ice cream. His craving for ice cream, I might add, verges on the extreme. She’s also very alert to his needs. She’s always getting him fishing tackle he wants, shaving cream he needs, or a kind of candy he likes. Ellie claims that the reason she’s so thoughtful of Glenn is so that he’ll miss her when she’s away on her annual dance tour. Of course, that’s hard to believe when she so obviously loves doing favors for other people. The thing I love about Glenn (aside from his letting me call him by his first name) is his great enthusiasm for little things. For example, he’s crazy about toy stores. He’ll cut his lunch hour short in order to browse through a new toy shop. Needless to say, he never leaves empty-handed. That’s one of the reasons Peter’s room looks like the win¬ ter headquarters for the Macy parade. Petie accepts all these playthings gra¬ ciously because he sees through his fa¬ ther. He knows Glenn has more fun than a kid in a toy store. Glenn also loves to travel. About a month ago he was getting ready to fly to Phoenix, Arizona, and he was so ex¬ cited you’d have thought he was em¬ barking on a world cruise. I haven’t traveled a great deal myself but I have been to Phoenix and I never got worked up about it. What I’m beginning to suspect is that I don’t have the proper attitude. I guess I need more genuine enthusiasm to round out my life. I’ve also been at the Fords’ house a couple of times when Glenn’s returned from one of his trips. Boy! is that a happy occasion. He comes in the front door loaded with presents and funny stories. The first time it happened, I was in the house amusing Peter while Ellie was rehearsing a dance routine in the music room. Glenn blew in unexpectedly and when the excitement of seeing him died down, Ellie asked, “Well, dear, did you get arrested this time?” My eyes must have bulged a foot. Glenn Ford arrested! But it happens to be true. In strange cities he has a weakness for error. Inadvertently Glenn breaks a city ordinance, and a policeman always seems to be watching. In Chi¬ cago, one time, he wanted to take a pic¬ ture of the Buckingham Fountain. It was during the war and as he started to get the fountain into focus, a policeman tapped him on the shoulder. A military secret floating on Lake Michigan was in the background and photographers were forbidden. Another time in San Fran¬ cisco he rented a car and started touring the city. Trying to negotiate the bay city hills and sight-see at the same time, he ended by going the wrong way on Market Street. A policeman caught him. Just recently in New York he was ap¬ prehended for feeding pigeons in Sher¬ man Square. Ellie and Glenn seem to have fun do¬ ing simple, inexpensive things together. Their idea of a pleasant night out is to dine at some quiet restaurant (usually a seafood place or Italian bistro). After dinner instead of going to a night club they take a ride along the coast and then stop for an ice cream soda on the way home. If Peter happens to go along, they include a stop-off at the neighbor¬ hood fire station so that he .can enjoy the special treat of inspecting a real fire engine at close range. Whenever I tell my parents that my ambition is to own a home like Glenn Ford’s they laugh at my wild dreams. “Hurry up,” they suggest with sarcasm, “and marry a millionaire. Then we can all enjoy your fortune.” My parents don’t read movie magazines much and what they overlook is that Glenn and Eleanor Ford didn’t marry millions either. They both came from good but far from wealthy homes. Ev¬ erything they have is a direct result of their own hard work. In Elbe’s case, her father died when she was a baby and her mother never remarried. Mrs. Powell watched over her daughter and gave her what advan¬ tages she could. When Eleanor was seven, she started her in ballet lessons and Elbe took to dancing like Nijinsky. Mrs. Powell had no intention of letting KOPAL PAINTS ON! DINGY TEETH LOOK RADIANT WHITE Be proud and happy to smile pi i Before KOPAL... 3 minutes later... After KOPAL This Is a wonderful fact ! Now. no matter how blemished your teeth may be— no matter how dull or dingy— In Just 3 minutes you can be proud and happy to smile! Yes. Kopal magically covers tooth surfaces — even gold fillings — with the pearl-like luster of movie star smiles. Yes, Kopal Is the amazing new cosmetic enamel for the teeth that beauty editors rave about and grateful users call a miracle of naturalappearing beauty. Try Kopal for the thrill of your life ! Paints on like nail polish — harmless A dentist's formula— Kopal Is absolutely harmless, tasteless. 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