Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1932)

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435 Amateur clubs JAMES W. MOORE, ACL Latest news of group activities and photoplays Fall programs ■ With the foregathering once more of hundreds of clubs for a new year of activity, the thoughts of club directors and officers will turn naturally to the problem of suitable programs. Chief of the many possibilities should be a club contest. Hundreds of feet of film shot during the summer will be new and fresh to fellow members, a challenge to their ability. Hundreds of feet will call for editing and titling and a contest will serve admirably as that needed stimulus to get them in shape. Further, holding a contest gives one of those rare opportunities in club programs for every member of the group to take an active part. Where a contest is scheduled, it should be planned early in the year and thus allow adequate time for the preparation of entries before a closing date set during the middle of the winter season. Then, should a number of clubs wish to compete with each other in an intersectional competition, entries will be ready to hand representing the best work of each group. In all of this the Club department of the League will be glad to aid. We can offer suggested regulations for a simple or an elaborate contest. We can outline a plan of judging, whether by the members or by a selected board. Later, should your club wish to place its best films in sectional competition with those of other groups, we can put you in touch with your nearest neighbors and aid, throughout, with organization and detail. The Club department will welcome hearing from you on this or other club activities and will be glad to help you with all of them in every way possible. Satirizes ■ Using a cast of more than one hundred, the University of Southern California Cinema League, at Los Angeles, has produced Hollywood On Parade, 1600 ft., 16mm., a satire of outstanding scenes and episodes from current professional releases. The production, which was given a premiere screening at the annual banquet of the club, was directed by Bryant Hale and photographed by Reeves Templeton. C. A. Stark and Dorothy Weisminger, prime movers in the formation of this campus cine group, will be in active charge again this year. Film picnic ■ ^ne ^rst annuai picnic of the Greenbrier Amateur Movie Club, of White Sulphur Springs, was held with great success at the summer camp of the Greenbrier Military School, Caldwell, W. Va., where swimming, canoeing, fishing, tennis and track events were filmed in detail by club secretary Hal Morey, ACL. Unusually attractive announcements, identification tags and stickers, prepared by the picnic committee, added gaiety to the occasion. Mr. Morey, representing the club, is contributing a regular column of Cine Chat to The Portico, a pleasant weekly publication of the Greenbrier Hotel. Contest ■ fR Paris* France, a contest is being sponsored by CineAmateur, a journal of home cinematography, to select the best French amateur films of 1932. Two classes will be represented — the photoplay and the newsreel, travel or scenic film — and all pictures must be on 16mm. or 9.5mm. stock. Entries must reach the offices of CineAmateur , 47 rue de la Victoire, Paris 9e, before midnight of October 31st to be accepted. Vacation films ■ Meeting under the direction of their president, J. W. Lee, the Richmond (Calif.) Camera Club projected members' vacation films, among which were featured reels of Lake George, by Mr. Lee and Kodacolor pictures of Bryce Canyon, by J. Moore. H. M. McKay, of the Cinema Club of San Francisco, demonstrated the results of his recent experiments in film toning and M. A. Garland discussed and demonstrated angle shooting and lighting in the making of still pictures. East Boston ■ A one reei burlesque comedy, Neapolitan Rascals, replete with custard pies and all of the other standard accoutrements of slap stick humor, was produced in East Boston this summer by the Candida Cinema Club, according to the report of club president Joseph Marino. Previous to this production, the group had completed The Candida Cinema Review, a newsreel. An active drive for increased membership [Continued on page 451] Filming "Markheim" by English Club at Stanford University William A. Palmer