Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1936)

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42 JANUARY 1936 STORAGE PPING | CASES FOR FILMS All sizes in stock for immediate delivery. Catalog and Prices on request. FIBERBILT SAMPLE CASE CO. 40 W. 17th St. New York I California Distributor: Craig Movie Supply .^M ^BH ^^B mmame mmmb^h mmi vmmm ^^mt m^ • • • • titles for your COLOR FILMS Art Titles, specially made for Kodachrome and Dufaycolor films. Original designs, clear, brilliant, striking. Fifty style selections. Also black and white. 8 words or less per title 25c; additional q words 3c each. Minimum order $1. (16mm. only.) Send for free samples q and illustrated literature today. ART TITLE GUILDE 4862 Sheridan Road Chicago, III. 2 usable 'The End' Titles, 10c to those requesting our big January catalogue of 16mm. film bargains. Our 28 page. Fourth Edition Rental Catalogue of Silent and Sound-onFilm 16mm. subjects will be included if specially requested. EASTIN 16mm. PICTURES Davenport, Iowa Complete Protection ... ALL RISK INSURANCE For as little as $4 you can insure your Camera and Equipment. Includes Fire, Theft, Burglary, Accidental Damage, etc. World-wide policy. Why risk loss of cherished possessions when Complete Protection is so reasonable? Trit Chicago. Illinois KODACHROME ENLARGEMENTS /MORAI-E Movi-e NnSfRVICt/ Genuine, S7.50 — 3'A x 4'A ■ PHOTOGRAPHY & PROJECTION ■ EDITING, TITLES. FILM PRESERVATION 342 MA Dl SON AVE.N.Y, $60°°M0VIE SCREEN S Si J. 75 en Professional Projection ONLY Screen, 9x9 feet, sold this astounding reduction only while our present stor] lasts. White surfaced screen of the identical quality used by movie theaters. Perforated While They Last: for sound. Mounted on spring rollers and backboards, with wall brackets (celling brackets if desired). Shpg. wt. 25 lbs. Write for Central's Inventory Book and Almanac, containing 1001 sensational bargains. Your free copy is ready. CENTRAL CAMERA CO.. Est. 1899 Dept. D-l, 230 S. Wabash. Chicago. III. The burglar FERGUS REDDIE Scene 1. Medium shot. A dining room with the table set for three. There is an empty place. Mother and Father are finishing dinner. Both of them seem nervous or ill at ease about something. Dad looks at a clock on the mantel. Scene 2. Closeup. The clock, showing that it is nearly eight o'clock. Scene 3. Semi closeup. Dad looks down from the clock and at the empty place. He speaks angrily. Title 1. "// he isn't here in five minutes . . ./" Scene 3. Continued. Dad finishes and looks at Mother. Scene 4. Semi closeup. Mother looks worried but tries to soothe Dad. She speaks. Title 2. "I dont see where he could be." Scene 4. Continued. Mother finishes speech and starts suddenly to look away from Dad. Scene 5. Semi closeup. Inside the front door. It opens slowly and a young boy sticks his head in, looking around apprehensively as if expecting trouble. He steps in. Scene 6. Medium shot. Mother and Dad at the table, looking toward Junior as he comes into the scene. Mother rises and starts to fix some food for him. She stops and looks at Dad. Scene 7. Semi closeup. Dad gesturing strongly in disapproval. He speaks. Title 3. ''Bed without supper is the thing for a child like him." Scene 8. Medium shot. Carry on as in Scene 6. Dad is gesturing toward the stairs. Junior looks appealingly at Mother, who looks at Dad, but he is firm. Junior leaves. Scene 9. Medium shot. Junior's bedroom. He is in his pajamas and gets into bed. He is hungry and restless and tosses about. Slow fade out. Scene 10. Medium shot. Slow fade in. The living room, with Father and Mother at evening activities. Mother looks up An easy scenario ready for filming with three actors at the ceiling as if listening for some noise from Junior's room. She returns to her sewing. Scene 11. Closeup. The clock in the living room. It is ten thirty. Scene 12. Medium shot. Different angle on the living room. Dad folds up his paper and makes ready to go to bed. Mother puts away her sewing. They leave the room, turning off the light. Scene 13. Semi closeup. Junior asleep with head on pillow. Mother, in nightgown and wrapper, is bending over him. She kisses him, draws cover over him and then leaves the scene. Scene 14. Medium shot. Bedroom with twin beds. Father, in pajamas, is doing Indian club exercises before retiring. He puts the clubs between the beds. He gets into bed, lying on right side with back to other bed. Scene 15. Medium shot. Bedroom. Father asleep in bed. Mother comes in softly, gets into bed and turns out the light. Fast fade out. Scene 16. Semi closeup. Fade in. It is dark and the bottom of a door barely can be seen. The door opens, revealing a shaft of light from the other room. The door closes again mysteriously. Scene 17. Medium shot. Father and Mother asleep. Mother starts up and listens. Scene 18. Semi closeup. A table in the living room in the semi darkness. An ash tray falls off the table on the floor below. Scene 19. Medium shot. Same as Scene 17. Mother shakes Father, who sits up in bed. Mother turns on the • light and whispers, "Burglars!" to Father, and then puts a finger over her lips to indicate silence. Father listens. Scene 20. Near shot. Chair in the darkened dining room, silhouetted by light from another room, the chair falls over as somebody on the dark side passes by and brushes it. Scene 21. Medium shot. Same as Scene 19. Father jumps out of bed and grabs an Indian club. Mother follows him. Father pauses at the door, listens and then starts to creep out. Mother picks up a flashlight from a bureau and comes after him. Scene 22. Medium shot. Mother and Father are creeping down the stairway, Father in front with the Indian club raised. Mother lights the flashlight,