Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1936)

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4 •••• r. "trtrf. 1 -■fi^L^^f^ SOME ONE YOU KNOW IS STANDING BEFORE A WINDOW LIKE THIS l^HIKiNDS and relatives who have seen your movie shows *■ ...distant members of the Family to whom an exchange of movie records would lie i priceless privilege — surely you know those who would lie more tnan delighted to Ihul a Cine-kodak or a Kodascope under their Christmas tree. Ami you air giving so much Ihis year whin you decide upon home movies. In the II nun. Geld there's full color filming, indoors or out, with eitlier regular Kodachrome or the new Type V Kodachrome. They can start a colorful film diary on Christmas morning if you include a roll or two of film and a $5 Kodaflcclor in your gift list. In the 16 mm. field there is a greater film range including, of course, Kodachrome, and outstanding equipment — the versatile Magazine CincKodak; the efficient Cine-Kodak K; the brilliant and economical Kodascope E; the de luxe Kodascope L. Give lasting happiness. Give home movies. Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y. i^^^^HM ov/ft II Mllll. Cine-Kodnk Eight, Model 20, with /.3.5 lens , Cine-Kodak Eight, Model 25, cSs'Sfofeklsght M; 1:1 60. l'm will, f.l.t ton, ,„„1 ,.,.»,. Kodascope Eight, Model 20 ' ..J'f Kodascope Eight, Model 10, Kra^scoprEig^ModcY iio, mM .. Yit]l 300-watl lump and oaio , <>7 flO uolor hiiirra for Cin6-Kodaka Eight, depending upon tho ciitucrit iiiodt'I $1 IH) In I 10 !•' ■','".''.'. '•"'••I'1!"'" '"■'. f<" Ciiio-K Eight, Model 60. . . . a7"ll> kodak l>„,ke, Itangc Finder 7.00 Carrying m«-» f„r l.ine-k.nlak. Eight, Models ^11 1 US.,., 3.50 Carrying ea.e. for k„ ,„,,.., liight, 1 |, S ,11 .,.„„ !N,l. JO hitch fur ko,li,~, „|„ 1'uil.t. \l,„lel 20 'Kill No. 25 .croc, for h,„l„„ lid,,. M,„|..| III i.JX No. 0 .creei. for k„ Ki„l.l. Model 110 (A ko<l„..o,„ Im^-1,1 It,., I ( U|| Fighi Film Viewer 12 S) Ki"r,,"',l"kTi""r ::::: «'" Kodaflootor 5.00 200-foot iiluminum rod. in Film can. for 200-fooi reel. |n Cine-Kodak KikIiI Panchromatic I'll 2 25 Cioc-Koilak I ml,, koihirlir I'll... J.7J Cine-Kodak Kiglu kiidiifliromc. Typo A, Film 3.75 I H linn. Magazine Cine-Kodak, >.ith /.1.9 lona 125.00 Magazine Cine-Kodak, including combination cn.c for Comoro ami accessories... 1:17.50 Cine-Kodak, Model k, w ith f.\.'> Ion 1 12.50 Cine-Kodak, Model K, with/.l.a Ions ami ea.e 125.00 Kodascope. Model E, with yourohoico of lona no, I lamp, fro., 54.50 Lcnaca: 1-iiiol, f.2.5. 2-inch /.I.O, 2-Inch /.2.3. 3-Inch /.2, 4-i,,eh/.2.3. Lamp.: 100-. r.OII-. ami 750-wult. Kodnseope. Model l„ with your choice of Ion. and 1„iii[>. from 1111.00 Lcll.c: 1-inch /.2, 2-inch I1 .0. .'l-luch ,.2 ,1 l-lncli f.2.5. Lnmp.: 4II0-. 500-. ami 750-wnll. Adapter for telophoto lenses 0.50 2-inch /.3.S Icn. .'Ill, 5(1 2 ' .-inch f.2.7 Icn 53.80 3-inch f.i.r, Icn. .111. 50 1-inch /.2.7 Icn. 011.50 41 .-inch /.4.3 Icn. 5.1.50 6-inch f.4.5 Icn. 711.50 15 mm. wide angle Icn. for Clnc-Kodok k 19.00 Kodak Porkol Range Finder 7.00 Cine-Kodak Tripod SJ.II> Cine-Kodak Tripoli Truck 1500 Carrying caie for Kodascope 1 18.00 Carrying case for Kodascope F 12.00 kodallcclor 5«0 4011-foot iiliiniiniiin reels. '■" Film can. for MMl-foot reel. ."0 Cine Album for Storing 100-fool reel. 3. 511 Cine-Kodak I lllcr <'■?> Kodascope Film Viewer "•;' Kodascope Rewind ond Splicer '.00 Color filler, for u.e with Cinekodak-, depending upon e, era model 11.80 tO -1.75 Cinc-Kodob Panchromatic Film: 50-fool roll J-J; 11111 fool roll 0-'M' 200-foot roll '*!. 50foot .niin.iz.rn-" !.****. 2*21* < irM'-kofh.k ^i<r.-"v Film, 100-fool roll only... *.S0 Cin6-Kodafa Super Seniltlvc Panohromnllc Pllmi 50-foot roll _ ,,. loo-foot roll '■;'; 200-foot roll ,'■ .-,ll-r....l nniLMnino.. ■:'"»■ Kodachrome Him, regular or I jrpc A i ^ 50-foot roll* • ,.',J. 100-fool roll. ' £ zoo-foot roii.... :;:::;::::::: SSS 50-fo"t maffux.inm