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QTfje Jf mesrt (gift !
The convenience of this remarkable camera appeals to movie beginners as well as to advanced workers. It has everything — no threading — three speeds — quick change from black and white to color — small size. It's the ideal camera for everyone.
A professional type 16mm. camera for the advanced movie maker. Direct focusing through taking lens — dissolving shutter — separate, 100-foot film magazines— many other features. We stock and demonstrate accessories for the Special, too.
SALE — Limited number of Filmo 70-D and 70-D-A cameras; excellent condition; $ 1 00 up.
I373-6TH AVE. (near 56th) NEW YORK, N. Y.
You've Always Wanted in ■^HYOUR FILM TITLES
The professional appearance — the touch of completeness that comes with the use of attractive "Art Titles." Clear, brilliant ana original in design; fifty styles for selection. 8 words or less 25c, additional words 3c each; minimum order $1.00. (16mm. only.) Samples and literature sent free. Write today.
4862 Sheridan Road Chicago
Buy your requirements at the lowest market prices, direct from the producers and distributors.
«I. H. Hoffberg Co., Inc.
729-7th Ave. New York, N. Y.
'specialists in 8MIVI I Equipment • Accessories • Service I
for low-cost personal movies . I The New Filmo Double Eight
I Palm-Size Marvel of Accuracy $49.50 I Filmo 8 Gear Driven Projector $112.50
I Economy-!Accuracy = Keystone '8' Camera $29.95 Projector $39.50
I Ideal Xmas Present, Easy-to-make 8 or IAMM. I
' Titles with Typewriter and Titler S2.00
. Change to 8MM! Write for Particulars |
■ 1771 E. 12th Cleveland, Ohio j
bulbs and you will be well on your way to getting shots that will be the delight and envy of all your movie making friends. A speed lens and supersensitive film are of course almost a necessity, and if the light permits stopping down there will be a resultant added depth of field. For the benefit of those who really cannot afford a meter, I include my former pet lighting scheme for closeups. Have the subject sit about three feet from a bridge or table lamp, having replaced the regular bulb with a flood bulb. Place the lamp to one side and very slightly to the rear of the ear line of the face and also slightly above this line. Now put an unshaded flood bulb in an overhead light socket without using any reflector. If there is no socket, then the bulb and extension cord can be held by an assistant. In either case, the bulb should be about six feet from the face, slightly in front and high above. Last, use one more flood bulb (this one in a reflector) and turn it directly at the face from a point at eye level about six feet away. Use supersensitive panchromatic, open up to f/1.9 and shoot.
Amateur clubs
[Continued from page 534]
active and able club goes into its second full year of existence, a cooperatively produced film story has already been placed before the cameras, and plans are being formulated for permanent club quarters.
Films in Philly ■ Judged on formal score sheets by all the membership, Lake Louise, a one reel, 16mm. color study by Ripley W. Bugbee. ACL, took first award in the late contest for vacation films conducted by the Philadelphia Cinema Club. Circus Days, running 400 feet of 16mm. monochrome, won second place for A. L. O. Rasch. Early last month, members of this club joined in an outing to Willowbrook, near Pipersville, Pa., on the trail of fall colorings for a composite scenic study.
Buffalo tries again ■ A new constitution and a new board of officers are the immediate results of a reorganization of the Buffalo Amateur Cinema Club, first formed about a year and half ago. George F. Thomas, ACL, now leads the club as president, with Clyde M. Bishop, ACL, vicepresident; Dersey B. Doll, ACL, secretary; Albert S. Watts, treasurer. At the first meeting after reorganization. the program was devoted to a clinical screening of members' 8mm. films.
Mount KisCO ■ A discussion of how both a photoelectric cell exposure meter and color film are affected by a combination of artificial light and daylight was the fea
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A photo electric exposure meter that everyone can use successfully. Light, compact, direct reading, and particularly adapted for motion picture work. Complete in Ever-ready case with silk neck cord $22.50
Electric exposure meter for enlarging, giving absolute control of enlarging exposure. Your problems will disappear when you use electric meters with both camera and enlarger. Largodrem, complete with paper tester. . .$10.00 Paper tester, alone 1.00
Orthoplan yellow and U.V. Rapid (Cloud) filters are made of optical glass (no gelatin) . They are indispensable for motion picture or still photography — and the price is surprisingly low. Fitted in the convenient Rhaco adjustable spring holder. See them at your Dealer's.
— and, of course, the SUPERB, NEW, CHROME-BLOND
the "Rolls-Royce" of still cameras. Hand made, of the highest precision and quality of materials, the Makina stands without an equal in the field of fine cameras. You owe it to yourself to enjoy the distinction of owning a Makina, the camera of experts.
of your Dealer's, or write us for literature.
Photo Utilities, Inc.
10 West 33rd Street New York, N. Y.