Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1938)

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181 Horace Wilson of the Philadelphia Cinema Club in an editing coil AMATEUR CLUBS What organized cine groups are doing everywhere Pflilly dines Nearly two hundred members and guests attended the second annual banquet of the Philadelphia Cinema Club, held recently in the Rose Room of McCallisters Restaurant. Featured on the evening's program was an address by League director Harold E. B. Speight, ACL, dean of men at Swarthmore College, who spoke on The Place of Hobbies in Busy Lives. On the screen were Idle Days, club contest award winner by A. L. 0. Rasch, Charles j. ancj Guatemala Rainbow, a four reel, 16mm. Carbonaro, ACL ' ' color travelog, produced jointly by R. W. Crowther, ACL, and Ripley W. Bugbee, ACL. The latter film was accompanied with sound effects and music via the dual turntable. At an earlier general meeting, H. B. Rockwell, jr., of the Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation, gave the club an illustrated lecture on the use of photronic meters. New York State Serving the communities of Binghamton, Endicott and Johnson City, the Cinema Club of the Triple Cities recently has been organized with headquarters at Binghamton, N. Y. First officers are Dr. Clifford Decker, ACL, president; G. K. Crandall, treasurer; Albert C. Schmidt, ACL, secretary. Serving with them on the executive committee are Dr. Raymond J. Bowen, Frank A. Johnson, Edwin H. Moody, W. E. Naylor, Irving K. Peck, John J. Sullivan and Walter Webster. On an early program following organization, the club heard from J. F. Wulfetange, jr., on the problem of exposure, and screened The Land of Ultima Thule, from the League's Club Library, and China, Japan and Honolulu, by charter member T. E. Darrow. Eights in Oakland New in California is the Bay Empire 8mm. Club, organized with thirteen charter members and already grown to more than a First award trophy of recent Metropolitan Motion Picture Club interclub cine contest JAMES W. MOORE, ACL quarter hundred. Donvan Smith, ACL, is first president, aided by Ronald Shattuck as secretary treasurer and Glenn Burks, ACL, as corresponding secretary. Elected with them on the board of directors are Dr. E. H. Anderson, ACL, A. F. Becker, ACL. and 0. Rountree. Meetings are being held on second and fourth Wednesdays, at the Oakland home of Dr. Anderson. Contests in Dallas Less than a year old, the Dallas Cine Club, in Texas, already has completed one contest for members' films and is now in competition on a second. In its initial venture, the club limited entries to fifty feet of 8mm. or one hundred feet of 16mm. film, with awards going in order to E. Moss Brown, for A Dog's Life; Chester Glassley, ACL, for Skippy; George Nash, ACL, for Betsy's Second Christmas. The judges were Jack Rice, Dallas News photographer, and Lauren Marlow, a local photographic dealer. Cash prizes and handsome certificates of achievement went to the winners. The current contest will conclude in June. North Essex Drawing from the townships of Belleville and Nutley, in New Jersey, The Cinemen Club already has enrolled sixteen members in the first few months of its existence. Meetings are being held on third Wednesdays, in the homes of club members. At a recent election, the following took office: William de Mars, ACL, president; Howard Stoddard, vicepresident; Everett Earl. ACL, treasurer; Homer Lyman, ACL, recording secretary; Everett Nestell, corresponding secretary. Serving with them as trustees are William Hunt and Walter Krumbeck. I n te rC I U b CO n test Fifteen films, representing eight amateur movie clubs of the eastern seaboard, took part in a successful revival of the Interclub Contest, traditionally sponsored by the Metropolitan Motion Picture Club, in New York City. Top award went to Dr. Frederick Brock, ACL, of the Staten Island Cinema Club, for his film study, Movie Bugs, with Robert F. Gowen, ACL, running a close second for the Mount Kisco Cinemats, with The Birth of St. Mary's. Other high ranking entries were Acadia in Maine, by Frank Gunnell, ACL, of the Staten Island club ; Behind the Dial, by Kenneth Bloomer and Robert Orr, jr., ACL, for Mount Kisco; New England Holiday, by Albert Watts, ACL, of the Amateur Cinema Club of Buffalo. The New York club, ofttimes winner in past years of the Interclub Contest, did not compete in this year's gathering. Dayton data With more than eighty members and guests crowding its quarters at the Van Cleve Hotel, the Dayton (0.) Cinema League [Continued on page 188]