Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1939)

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482 SEPTEMBER 1939 For rapid and efficient splicing use the BESBEE RAPID TWINS RAPIDOFF Emulsion Moistener and Remover Shaped like fountain pens, these TWINS are indispensable for fine splicing. Inner chamber contains the fluid . . . press the point and the fluid is released. BESBEE RAPIDON SET; including pen and 1-oz. bottle of FLUIDON Film Adhesive S1.75 RAPIDON and RAPIDOFF SET; both pens on a very practical stand similar to fountain pen desk •et S3. 50 BESBEE FLUIDON; an improved adhesive, flows freely, sticks better, won't smear or dry out ; 1-oz. bottle 25c RAPIDOFF or RAPIDON, priced separately S1.50 At your dealer, or write. Made in U. S. A. BESBEE PRODUCTS CORP. Trenton New Jersey UNUSUAL BUYS In used equipment — fine condition FTLMO 70-D; 1-in. Zeiss Tessar f/2.1; 4-in. Dallmeyer f/i; Mayfair Case SI 49.50 FILMO 70, Cooke f/3.5, completely rebuilt & refinished (brown crackle); guaranteed; with case 59. 50 CINE-KODAK B; f/3.5 22.50 LEICA MODEL, F, //2; Everready case 105.00 Write for our special Bargain List of movie and still equipment. Fine-grain photo finishing. Laboratory on premises. PDISON M ARTinc 403 Madison Avenue New York (Between 47th & 48th Sts.) 16 mm sound on film rental: adapted from Chas. M. Sheldon's novel. New 1939-40 S-O-F catalogue now ready. LEWIS FILM SERVICE 105 East First St., Wichita, Kansas SERVICE b REPAIR On All Movie CAMERAS PROJECTORS SOUND SILENT Call Circle 6-0445 World Film Enterprises KM'"" Slits perfectly 16mm width film to exact 8mm width. Die cast body with hardened steel cutting wheels. New price, each, $2.50. DEVELOPING RACKS Stainless steel, take 30 feet 16mm or 8mm width film. Can be used in 11x14 or 8x10 flat trays respectively. Complete with loading stand, each, $6.75. Specify type wanted. At Your Dealers or Direct J. C. Haile & Sons Motion Picture Dept. 215 Walnut St. Cincinnati, Ohio. Why of titling; Oscar Martin followed with the When, and Carl Lowenthal finished off with How. The last named section was illustrated with a fifty foot roll of 8mm. film containing twenty five different kinds of titles, ranging from the simple, typed caption to elaborate, double exposed titles on multiple projected backgrounds. A color film of the Boy Scouts, by Clarence Truitt, and Not One Word, from the League's Club Library, rounded out the program. Movies in Maui A motion pic ture division of the Maui Camera Club, in the Hawaiian Islands, has been announced by that group in a recent dispatch from Noel Atkinson, chairman of publicity. Officers of the club include Victor Schaeffer, president ; Alfred Martinsen, ACL, director of the movie division; William Sakamoto, secretary treasurer. The most recent activity of the cinema unit has been filming, in detail, the elaborate preparations for a luau, or native Hawaiian feast. Films in Fort Wayne Highlights and Shadows, the outstanding Eastman documentary film on photography, was featured at a late meeting of the Fort Wayne Amateur Cinema Club, in Indiana. Clinical screenings of members' films rounded out the program. Recently elected officers for the coming club season include Albert J. Krueper, president; Jack Edwards, first vicepresident; Ralph Schwartz, ACL, second vicepresident ; B. J. Olender, secretary; William Brosler, treasurer. Donald Craig will serve with them on the board of directors. Practical films [Continued from page 467] plex than formerly. Educators and religious leaders will more than ever need to use care to avoid being swept into the position of using films just for the sake of showing a picture instead of confining them to their proper use in an educational program — an aid to understanding and a stimulus to thinking related to a given subject under consideration." Animated Reel for Exam. To illustrate a talk about the Battle of Tannenberg, that was part of his examination for an R.O.T.C. Second Lieutenant's commission. W. Graham McKelvy, ACL, class of 1940 at Princeton, constructed an enlarged map of the battle area, painted pieces of cardboard to represent each corps and spent ten hours filming the progress of the battle by single frame animation. The production, in 16mm. color, lasted only ten minutes but provided him with a visual resume of his talk, which presented so vivid a picture of what happened when the Germans and the Russians met in 1914 that President Harold W. Dodds and Professor Albion, of the History Department, persuaded him to make a similar, though more elaborate, film of the Battle of Princeton fought during the American Revolution. Scenes of the actual terrain and features of the battlefield will be combined with animated flat maps and a relief map in this picture. Toy soldiers will be animated to illustrate troop movements. Mr. McKelvy has been working on this film during the summer and hopes to have it completed before his senior year commences. Incidentally, he passed the R.O.T.C. examination. Fish Hatchery Operations The Mahoning County Natural Resources Council has engaged Billy Knox, ACL. of Youngstown, Ohio, to make a 400 foot. 16mm. color film of the work of each of its fifteen different societies. The first picture, now completed, illustrates restocking lakes and streams throughout the country, mainly with ten pound bass. Included in this reel are scenes of the hatchery at Meander Lake, where one quarter of the new stock was presented to the State. The second film in the series has been commenced and will concern wild life preservation. Movie Shows Egg Profits As the feature of its exhibit at the World Poultry Congress in Cleveland last summer, the Poultry Department of the University of Maryland showed a two reel, 16mm. sound film depicting its research and educational activities. Produced by Business Films, Inc.. of Washington, D. C, the film describes the difference between old and new methods of obtaining eggs, justifying the title, Bigger Earnings from Better Eggs. Cameraman for the project was Marshall Faber, ACL. of Washington, D. C. Why Metals Fracture First of a series of 16mm. analytical and educational films to be made for the American Society of Metals is a reel concerning metallic crystals, now in production by Reid L. Kenyon, ACL. of Middletown, Ohio. It will show, among other things, that metals fracture not because of crystallization, but because of fatigue failure. When completed, the film will be screened before groups of the society's members and will also be offered to engineering schools. The next production will concern the types and uses of metallurgical tools. Swedish Missions Use Movies In West Khandesh, India. Fredrik Franklin. ACL. is now undertaking a 1600 foot. 16mm. monochrome film to