Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1947)

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MOVIE MAKERS opment of faster film emulsions. Bardwell & McAllister, Inc., of Hollywood, have, for this reason, developed the B&M Foco-Spot. Used in conjunction with the well known 750 watt Baby Keg-Lite, the Foco-Spot enables the operator to shift lighting areas and shapes of spots, as well as to vary both focus and intensity, with ease. Apertures of various sizes on a revolving disc provide many types of light opening, while four mats are included for rectangular effects. Film Alliance Thomas J. Brandon, executive director of Film Alliance of America, Inc., 1600 Broadway. New York 19, N. Y.. recently returned from a three months' survey of the postwar film industry in England, France, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Victor When a home movie display crashes the National Aircraft Show, it is news. The Victor Animatograph Corporation of Davenport, Iowa, was the company that did it. One of 170 exhibitors. Victor gained the enviable position through its affiliation with Curtiss-Wright. Telefilm According to Telefilm Studios of Hollywood, the brain behind most of the special 16mm. equipment used by Telefilm's production department and laboratories is Lloyd N. Christiansen. A pioneer in the use of sound for amateur films. Mr. Christiansen has developed a special sound printer not yet available to the industry. DeVry When a battered, blistered camera fell to the ground from sixty five miles in the air at White Sands. \. M., history was made. For the film within the camera was intact — and the camera itself was in remarkably good condition. It was a 35mm. Model A motion picture camera, produced by the DeVry Corporation. 1111 Armitage Avenue, Chicago 14, III. R. C. A. Built by the BCA Film recording department in Hollywood for the Coronet Instructional Film Company, Glenville. 111., the first complete mobile recording unit to be developed especially for 16mm. sound film recording is now in operation. A complete film and disc recording channel is mounted on a one and a half ton truck chassis. New I nstitute The only private film institute of its kind in the country — New Institute, Inc., 29 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn 17, N. Y. — commenced rolling last November, when its first classes were inaugurated. The school's intention is to offer both novice and professional a completely rounded experience in motion picture making, in both the 16mm. and 35mm. fields. The most modern technical apparatus is employed, and representatives of several leading production units are on the teaching staff. In the Film Workshop advanced students have an opportunity to work individually on all phases of motion picture production — planning, writing, shooting, editing and recording, in cooperation with the screen acting classes. Donald Winclair is director of the school. Camera Specialty The new pole projector stand is now being distributed by Camera Specialty Company, Inc., 50 West 29th Street, New York 1, N. Y. Sturdy, rugged, compact and lightweight, the stand has a maximum height of fifty two inches and measures twenty five and one half inches in length when closed. All fittings are made of solid polished aluminum, and the stand has a patented locking feature for leg extension. Zacher S Edmund Zacher. ACL, announces the opening of a new store. Zacher's, at 354 Asylum Street. Hartford 3. Conn. The store will present a wide range of photographic supplies and services. McCeeS A new store has been opened by McGee's Photo Supply Company at 5 Trescott Street. Taunton. Mass. Headquarters for McGee's are at 1446 Acushnet Avenue. New Bedford. Mass. Clo-Brite Spun glass Glo-Brite diffusers for both regular reflectors and for reflector type bulbs are available in six popular sizes, to fit any reflector from six to eighteen inches in diameter. They are said to provide scientific diffusion with minimum light loss. The diffusers are produced by GloBrite Products, Inc., 6415 North California Avenue, Chicago 45, 111. Moulin-Lindsay A new portable Pho-Tel-Boom is being marketed by Moulin-Lindsay Company, 621 South Lebanon Street. Los Angeles 14, Calif. Medium price is an outstanding feature of the item, which is reported to fill lighting needs hitherto costing two or three times as much. Accurate control of both quantity and placement of light is offered by the boom, which will make a vertical arc of 170 degrees and a horizontal arc of 360 degrees. The boom will reach a height of fourteen feet and will make a circle twelve feet in diameter. It may be used as a light standard alone, and the standard may be bought separately without the boom arm. Folded, Pho-telBoom measures twenty seven inches in length. 41 rr ^Qae/vg, American PRECISION PHOTO -LENSES An American Product Since 1899 j^ will give you a lifetime of Mt ^r profitable satisfaction ^H GOERZ DAGOR F6.8 The favorite universal all-purpose lens, colorcorrected, wide-angle, convertible — for interiors, exteriors, commercial and amateur work, scenic views, groups, banquets, color film, copying, enlarging. GOERZ SUPER DAGOR F8 The wide-angle lens, greatly extended coverage, convertible. GOERZ DOGMAR F4.5 The perfect speed lens, color-corrected, convertible. For news, sports, portraits, general work, color film. GOERZ ARTAR F9 to F16 The apochromatic process lens, for color separation with perfect register in the final process; also for black and white commercial work. GOERZ GOTAR F6.8, F8, F10 The lens for black and white, process and commercial work, copying and enlarging. GOERZ HYPAR F2.7, F3 GOERZ APOGOR F2.3 The movie lenses with microscopic definition. GOERZ MOVIE CAMERA ACCESSORIES ^k Order thru your dealer now ^M ^m tot delivery as soon as possible ^fl TheC.P. GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. MM-1 16mm SOUND on film Recording Studio and Editing Facilities 8ERNDT MAURER RECORDER GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY, INCORPORATED 164 North Wacker Drive Chicago 6 r LET'S A00 SOUND « » /. to Your Silent Films in Color or Black and White We'll make a professional production of your silent 16mm. film, adding music, narration and special effects. Finest color duplication in the industry. Telefilm's skilled technical staff and finest sound-recording equipment, plus complete studio facilities, will put that envi. able Hollywood touch in your film. We serve industrial, amateur and educational film producers and some of America's largest companies. Write TELEFILM, Inc., 6039 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif., for prices and technical details. TELEFILM..NC. HOLLYWOOD 16mm HEADQUARTERS LOWER You save by using Telefilm's vast facilities. Telefilm's experience nnn-rr. skill, and equipment will cut your I Omm LUSTS production costs on any 16mm. film.