Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1947)

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82 FEBRUARY 1947 A MOVIE FILMS Join the Film-of-the-Month Clob and receive a BONUS of one film with every four purchased at the regular retail price. Charter members will receive "News Review of 1946," an Official Films Release, as their first bonus. You may enroll in any one of five groups: 8 MM Short 8 MM Feature 16 MM Short 16 MM Feature 16 MM Sound complete You may cancel your membership at any time. Your only obligation is to buy four films within a period of one year. Send card for complete details and membership form. 10 BEACH ST., I'.j//Jf? BOSTON, MASS. Studio, Laboratory and Amateur Equipment Precision Optical Work, Lenses, Prisms, First Surface Mirrors, and Fine Ground Glass. Backwinds and Three Lens Turrets Installed from $32.50. Reperforating 16mm to 8mm 2c ft. MacVAN MANUFACTURING CO. 3829 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego 5, Calif. A 30 MINUTE I6MM SOUND FILM PADEREWSKI CONCERT See and hear Paderewski play Chopin's Polonaise, the Moonlight Sonata, His Own Minuet. 2nd Hungarian Rhapsody Write for Free Catalogue LEWIS FILM SERVICE Z^T^Z STOP "APOLOGIZING" IN '47 FOR YOUR MOVIE TITLES Write today for t FREE A-to-Z Sample Title Teat Kit. Make UtlM that are different . . . better and tailored to your taste. Try our method . . . FREE. COMPLETE COLOR OR B.&W. OUTFIT $6.50 A-to-Z MOVIE ACCESSORIES 175 Fifth Avenue Dept. M New York 10, N. Y. CASH FOR YOUR IDEAS! Have you constructed a gadget? Tell us about it and, if your item is acceptable, we will pay you $3.00 if it is accompanied by an illustration. $1.00 is paid for an idea without illustration. Get on The Clinic page. MOVIE MAKERS 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. States." Instead of handling the reaction conventionally, I used big close shots of Mac's eyes widening, followed by the screen filling words to the United States. This gave the effect of Mac being stunned. A sign, King George's Wharf, Calcutta, dissolved in, and the locale was set for the GI's going up the gangplank. Smooth transitions in time and locale are most difficult when you have so many scenes without fades or dissolves. The only logical solution was to have more inserts at the beginning or the end of a sequence, where these time transitions could be worked in. The subject matter for these inserts was the ship's newspaper, which also took the place of titles, to inform the audience of the position of the ship. A pocket sized calendar, with Mac constantly checking off the days, was used as a "running gag" as well as for supplying another transition device. A fade in on the ship's newspaper reveals the vessel to be near Singapore at sunset. The film was not actually exposed at sunset. It was the case of that wide angle lens, "Bouche" film and the twenty four frames a second camera again. However, much of the film was too underexposed for twilight or even night scenes. To fill in this gap, shots of the ship's newspaper announced the progress of the voyage in a series of dissolves, such as China Sea, Philippine Islands and International Date Line. USA Tomorrow dissolved to Mac anxiously scanning the horizon. All scenes of Mac aboard ship were filmed on our apartment roof. The brisk wind waving the radio aerial and the door frame easily passed for the deck of a vessel. Cut in after the staged roof shots were the actual scenes of the "Welcome Home" boat and the enthusiastic response of the GI's. Mac was again seen, marking off the last day on the calendar, then ripping it up, and as he waved happily, the picture faded out for the last time. The clinic [Continued from page 70] some excess of cement. Eventually, the motions become almost automatic, and one presses the cement brush against the bottle side just hard enough to leave the correct amount of liquid for rapid, but steady, application to the film edge. To acquire this facility quickly is to be kind to your movie audiences. Practical films [Continued from page 71] land, as well as provide the Florida visitor with a lasting reminder of his sojourn in the sun. Descriptive folders may be had by writing to Mr. Wurtele, who expects to make 8mm. prints of these films available in the near future. GOOD IMPRESSION As part of their promotional program, the Harris-Seybold Company has produced a comprehensive 16mm. color picture, with sound, of the offset lithograph industry, How to Make a Good Impression. A non-technical presentation of the lithographic process in terms of its advantages to buyers of printing, it shows the basic differences between lithography, letterpress and gravure, in addition to the colorful effects and realistic illustrations made possible by lithography. Pathescope Productions left no stone unturned in recording the high speed action of a huge four color offset press; a special platform was suspended from a traveling crane in order to film the action from feeder to delivery in one uninterrupted shot. To demonstrate detailed processes like the dot etching technique, microscopic lenses were used; and telescopic lenses show the movement of small parts inside the press. Animation is used to advantage in several sequences, to simplify the more technical phases of platemaking and press operations. The film is available on a free loan basis. Requests for loans for prints, deposited with Modern Talking Picture Service, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, are channeled through the Cleveland office of the Harris-Seybold Company. ON THE TOWN In a revised Kodachrome print of their popular 800 foot 16mm. film, New York Calling, the New York Central System, ACL. offers an up to the minute movie tour of the high spots of Gotham, leading off with shots of the spectacular skyline viewed from a sightseeing launch. Little has been overlooked by Director Frederick G. Beach, FACL, in his camera coverage of the Big Town; the blazing lights of Times Square, the towering shafts of Radio City and the more mellow historic buildings of Lower Manhattan are only a few of the points of interest to be seen. The picture is replete with all the eye catching scenes that make New York City the town people love to visit, but don't care to live in, as the platitude goes. A catalog, listing the local distributors for the film, can be obtained by writing to the Motion Picture Bureau, New York Central System, 466 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y.