Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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IE MAKERS "TEN BEST" FOR 1947 ryce Canyon Trails" nm. color ink E. Gunnell, FACL iten Island, New York ineh'? ■nm. color nry E. Hird, FACL Igewood, N. J. [agic Stairway" m. color garet and Harlan M. Webber, ACL lenectady, N. Y. "Movie Menagerie" 8mm. color Francis M. Spoonogle, ACL Alpla|us, N. Y. "New England Autumn" 16mm. color Hamilton H. lones, FACL Buffalo, N. Y. I "Skibet'! 16mm. color Otto Wilhjelm Copenhagen, Denmark "Yosemite On Two Wheels And Two Feet" 16mm. color Stanley Midgley, ACL La Canada, Calif. "Macbeth" 16mm. black-and-white David Bradley Winnetka, 111. HONORABLE MENTION "Fantasy in Toyland" 16mm. color Charles H. Benjamin, ACL Brooklyn, N. Y. "Help Yourselves, Boys!' 16mm. color Lewis Lewis, ACL Capetown, South Africa "Picnic" 8mm. color Irwin Sharpe and Cye Landy Jamaica, N. Y. "Farm Frolics" 8mm. color Terry Manos, ACL Bronx, N. Y. "Ice Follies 1947" 16mm. color Oscar H. Horovitz, ACL Newton, Mass. "Ringside Seats at Home' 16mm. color George Merz, ACL Clifton, N. J. "Gateway to Faith" 16mm. color Rev. Edward Hayes, ACL, and Rev. Paul Hayes, ACL Orange, N. J. "The Inside Story of the Outside Cover" 8mm. color George E. Valentine, ACL Glenbrook, Conn. "This Land of Ours" 16mm. color Edward F. Cross, ACL Fairfax, Va. "Green Gold" 8mm. color Mildred J. Caldwell, ACL Long Beach, Calif. "Lake Superior Landscape" 16mm. color Elmer Albinson Minneapolis, Minn. ► It gives us great pleasure to extend our congratulations to those movie makers whose names appear here. Each has good reason indeed to be proud of his — or her — achievement with film and camera, and of the recognition accorded by Movie Makers. We, in turn, are gratified to learn that, with but one exception, all the "Ten Best" movies and all those winning honorable mention were made on Cine -Kodak Film. / V KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER 4, N. Y.