Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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30 W: HEYOurosrai on the Best 16mm SHORT SUBJECTS? Educational. . . Entertaining! STRANGE AS IT SEEMS P0S1 I by John Hix 8 Subjects Absorbing dramatizations of historic ironies, oddities, and coincidences, culled from the byways of human experience. One reel sound films; running time 9 minutes each. FIFTY YEAR BARTER LAFAYETTE, CHAMPION OF LIBERTY GOLD AND MAN SILVER THREADS MARK TWAIN EMPEROR NORTON LITTLE JACK HORNER STAR GAZERS List Price: $25.00 each. Available at leading film Libraries. Write tor FREE catalog to Dept. 73 POST PICTURES CORP. 1 15 W.45th St., New York 19, N. Y. 8MM THRIFTY FILMS 25' dbl 8mm Regular Panchromatic Weston speed 32-24 $2.25 ALSO AVAILABLE 100/ 16mm, same speed $6.00 Prices include machine processing Order your Holiday Supply NOW P. 0. Box 688. Station H. Los Angeles 44, Calif. "Be thrifty— use THRIFTY" THRIFTY FILMS MAGAZINE CAMERAS s4950 16MM. MAGAZINE LOAD CAMERA, f3 Bausch and Lomb Anastigmat Lens. Spring wound, variable speeds. Uses 16mm Simplex Pockette Magazine. Supplies of Magazines and Film Available Further Enquiries Invited HIRST FILM SUPPLIES ^L,BrT DISTINCTIVE EXPERT TITLES and EDITING For the Amateur and Professional 16 mm. — 8 mm. Black & White and Kodachrome Price list on request S T A H L EDITING AND TITLING SERVICE 33 West 42 St. New York. N Y. 400' to 2000' 16mm. Safeguard your Film. Ship in FIBERBILT CASES. FIBERBILT CASE CO. 40 WEST 17th ST. NEW YORK CITY City. On the West Coast, a model will be demonstrated by Dr. Fr. X. Rejlek, in Room 318, 1553 North Hudson Avenue, Los Angeles 28, Calif. New AnSCO plant To keep up with the increasing demand for film, Ansco plans to build a new two million dollar plant in Binghamton, N. Y. The building will be erected by next summer, barring shortages in structural steel and masonry materials. SMPE The sixty second semi-annual convention of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers was held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City from October 20 to October 24. Chief note of the program was the growing interest in television and its problems as related to the motion picture field. Kodak dividends A record wage dividend of about $11,650,000 was approved for 50.000 Eastman Kodak employees. Largest in Kodak history, the dividend will be paid next March. In thirty six years, wage dividends amounting to approximately $88,500,000 have been distributed by Kodak. Willoughby catalog The latest Willoughby general supply catalog, containing 200 pages of items regularly stocked by the company, is off the presses and is available for six cents in stamps. Willoughbys is located at 110 West 32nd Street. New York 1, N. Y. THE Bell & Howell Handi-bar movie light may be used with or without a tripod. The light sockets may be swung with the camera or pointed in any direction. Further details may be had from the Bell & Howell Company, 7100 McCormick Road, Chicago 45, III. February exhibit All types of p h o t o g raphic equipment and materials will be exhibited during the entire month of February at the New York Museum of Science and Industry, according to an announcement by the Photographic Merchandising and Distributing Association, Inc., 303 Lexington Avenue, New York City. In addition to displays JANUARY 1948 which all manufacturers will be invited to set up, there will be non-commercial historical and educational demonstrations. The museum will be open to the public from ten in the morning to ten at night; the usual forty eight cent admission fee will prevail, though there will be special arrangements for conducted school tours, and children accompanied by adults will be admitted free. Lighting accessories A "barn door"' and a spot shade have been added to the accessories available for the Fresnel Photospot, which is produced by Display Lighting, Inc., 417 East 61st Street, New York 21, N. Y. Display also reports that the Numocushion stand — originally developed for the Giraffe boom light — may now be had as a separate unit for all lighting equipment. TWO all metal film storage cases feature hinged upper portions and sectional dividers to keep reel cans separated. One will hold twelve 8mm. 200 foot reel cans, the other Iwelve 16mm. 400 foot cans. Further information may be had from the Bell & Howell Company, 7100 McCormick Road, Chicago 45, III. Barleben to Tomlin Karl A. B arleben, formerly director of advertising and sales promotion for DeMornay-Budd. Inc., has been appointed associate producer of Tomlin Film Productions, Inc.. 480 Lexington Avenue. New York City. New Weston quarters With a total floor space of 78.000 square feet, a new three story building was recently occupied by the Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation on its plant grounds in Newark, N. J. This past fall, more than 5000 customers and friends of Weston were invited to an open house to tour the new facilities. Ampro acquires plant A five story building, with approximately 100.000 square feet of floor space, has been acquired by Ampro Corporation. 2835 North Western Avenue. Chicago 18. 111.