Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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MOVIE MAKERS 41 SOUND FOR YOUR FILM FOR EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIPWE MAINTAIN SKILLED TECHNICAL STAFF, COMPLETE STUDIO FACILITIES AND BERNDT MAURER EQUIPMENT. Price List Free on Request SPOT FILM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 339 EAST 48 STREET N. Y. C. SPECIAL ITEMS 1VAURER MODEL D, I6MM. SOUND RECORDER. AMPLIFIERS, COMPLETE, USED. FRIED. I6MM. CONTINUOUS PICTURE AND SOUND PRINTER, MANUAL LIGHT CHANGES. ZOOMAR LENS, I6MM. MODEL A, 17 TO I06MM. FOCAL LENGTH— USED. Free Catalog M4 of 16-35mm Equipment CAMERA MART 70 West 45 street IMIVICKM IVIMKI, New York 19, N. Y. Cable Address: Cameraman TIPS ON TITLING look for WRITING TITLES CENTERING TITLES A SIMPLE TITLER all in the FEBRUARY MOVIE MAKERS BLACK AND WHITE • KODACHROME ENLARGED REDUCED DUPLICATES GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY, Inc. 164 N. Wacker Dr., Dept. M, Chicago 6, III. 8 SENSATIONAL 16 Our Brand-New 1947 Production LITTLE FELLOWS (A trip to the Children's Zoo) ORIGINAL-DELIGHTFUL-ENTERTAINING Handling charges: $1.— for 50 ft reel 8mm, silent S2.— for 100 ft reel 16mm, silent S3.— for 100 ft reel 16mm, sound Write for free film-catalog and "HOW TO SOUND YOUR MOVIES" OMNIFILM 35 Park Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. This offer is valid only till Feb. 29th, 1948 in the afternoon. One thing which certainly played hob with my continuity was that stopping places on the Colorado are practically non-existent. I had planned a number of sequences for our camping places and had to chuck them all. Where we could stop, the terrain was so rough that we could get over it only with difficulty. It was either so rough with rocks that you couldn't climb over it cr so dense with poison ivy that you couldn't get through. My Special with tripod and accessories weighed about twenty five or thirty pounds and my Speed Graphic and its stuff almost as much. I don't know what I would have done without Harris's help. He carried my Graphic almost everywhere we went. That weight probably doesn't sound, very heavy to some of you, but sprinkle in some extremely rough terrain and temperatures of 115 to 120 degrees and it will soon get heavy. Take the time, for instance, when we hiked to Rainbow Bridge. Six miles up and six miles back over the roughest country that God ever made. No doubt the cloudburst the night before — which poured a wall of water down Aztec Creek eight or ten feet high — made it a little rougher than usual, but I doubt if it's a picnic at any time. Rainbow Bridge was worth it though. In fact, I believe it would be worth it if you had to cover the distance on your hands and knees. I shall never forget how I felt when I finally trudged over that last sand hill and viewed the Bridge for the first time. What a sight! The sky was just clearing from the storm of the night before: steamy clouds floated lazily across the face of Navajo Mountain. But words are not adequate to describe the spectacle. I shall say only that, aside from shooting the rapids, Rainbow Bridge was easily the outstanding experience of the trip. But it was really to get pictures of the rapids that I made the trip, and that is why I insisted that the journey include Cataract Canyon. Men long familiar with the river assured me that Cataract Canyon was its roughest section. Although it did not offer so many rapids as Grand Canyon, the river here was supposed to drop more feet to the mile and the rapids were said to be a little rougher. I think that our boatmen, Don Harris and Jack Brennan, were chuckling with glee when we camped just above the rapids in Cataract Canyon. These are extremely noisy, and their roar was a sombre threat throughout the long night. You recalled that twenty nine men already had lost their lives in this stretch of savage water — and you pulled your sleeping bag about you more closely. As we were heading into the first PRECISION PHOTO -LENSES An American Product Since 1899 ■k will give you a lifetime of mk ■T profitable satisfaction ^1 GOERZ DAGOR F6.8 The favorite universal all-purpose lens, colorcorrected, wide-angle, convertible — for interiors, exteriors, commercial and amateur work, scenic views, groups, banquets, color film, copying, enlarging. GOERZ SUPER DAGOR F8 The wide-angle lens, greatly extended coverage, convertible. GOERZ DOGMAR F4.5 The perfect speed lens, color-corrected, convertible. For news, sports, portraits, general work, color film. GOERZ ARTAR F9 to F16 The apochromatic process lens, for color separation with perfect register in the final process; also for black and white commercial work. GOERZ GOTAR F6.8, F8, F10 The lens for black and white, process and commercial work, copying and enlarging. GOERZ HYPAR F2.7, F3 GOERZ APOGOR F2.3 The movie lenses with microscopic definition. GOERZ MOVIE CAMERA ACCESSORIES ^k Order thru your dealer now ^H ^m for delivery as soon as possible ^B TheCP. GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. MM-1 8MM THRIFTY FILMS 25' dbl 8mm Regular Panchromatic Weston speed 32-24 $2.25 ALSO AVAILABLE 1 00' 16mm, same speed $6.00 Prices include machine processing Order your Holiday Supply NOW THRIFTY FILMS p ° B°* 688' station h. ■ nrcini riLivia Los Ange|es 44_ Ca|if "Be thrifty— use THRIFTY" iHaK-JtJuiiHfc THE RALPH R. EN0 CORP. 626 W. 165 ST. . NEW YORK Send your film for free criticism or estimate. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS Outdated . . . but, good as new . . . unconditionally guaranteed by Alfred Bass. FILM I6MM 50' magazines X or XX proc. not incl. .$1 .35 35MM E. K. infra red per roll 69 3 for 1.85 35MM 100' Plus X or Dupont, No. 2, 3 per roll 2.15 Note: All prices f.o.b. San Francisco SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OVERSEAS ORDERS flLFR€D^^BI)SS 51 Second St. San Francisco, Cal. Cable address: ALBAS