Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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Marvelous movies first time you shoot . with Cine-Kodak cameras Cine-Kodak Magazine Eight— illustrated— makes full-color Kodachrome movies as simple as snapshots. Film comes in magazines; exposure guide "dials" the lens setting; £ast,Lumenized f/i.g lens takes wonderful movies indoors and out— slow-motion shots, too You'll want to learn how amazingly easy and economical home movies have become today. One low-cost roll or magazine of film will capture a whole weekend ! Ask your dealer for the free booklet "Home Movies the Cine-Kodak Way." The Supply Situation Though Kodak is making more cameras, projectors, and film than ever before, the demand is greater, too. Keep in touch with your Kodak dealer. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER 4, N. Y. "Koda\" is a trade mar\ Cine-Kodak Magazine 16 Camera, counterpart of the "Magazine Eight," makes bigger movies for larger groups. $150. plus tax. Cine-Kodak F starts as low as $2.50 per roll, in eluding processin Tax extra. Cine-Kodak Eight-25 Camera is a remarkable little movie maker with f/2.7 lens. Only $55, plus tax. Kodascope Eight-33 with f/2 lens and 500watt lamp, a grand little projector for home shows. $78.