Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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48 FEBRUARY 1948 REDHEAD FROM MANHATTAN Lupe Velez Michael Duane ' Fast tempo musical H comedy with tropical" * flavor of South American songs and dances. Story of theatrical life, with amusing complications. 7 reels, 66 mins. A DESPERATE CHANCE FOR ELLERY QUEEN William Gargqn Margaret Lindsay Charley Grapewin A banker's disappearance poses a baffler for Ellery Queen. Tense. fast-moving mystery, on high "whodunit" level. 7 reels, 72 mins. HARVARD, HERE I COME Larry Parks Maxie Rosenbloom Arline Judge "Slopsie" Maxie goes to college, proves he's a moron. One hundred gay farce. Exuberant per cent goofy, gabby. entertainment. 7 reels, 66 mins. SCATTERGOOD MEETS BROADWAY Guy Kibbee Mildred Coles Emma Dunn Beloved Scartergood turns theatrical producer to help 'a neighbor's author son. Cupid active in a heartwarming story, full of chuckles. 7 reels, 68 mins. 13 POST PICTURES CORP. 1 15 W. 45th St., New York 19, N. Y. THE MAGAZINE FOR 8mm & 16mm FILMERS Published Every Month by AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE Februa ry 1948 The reader writes 50 Late releases New 8mm. and 16mm. films 54 Carnival on Canal Street Leo J. Heffernan, FACL 57 A basic titler James W. Moore, ACL 58 Tips for the title writer 59 Sun spots William Howe, ACL 60 Fine frames From readers' films 62 A star is born Amy Wray Hilton 63 Equipment survey: 2 16mm. silent cameras 64 Hints from Hollywood 68 Action on ice Oscar H. Horovitz, ACL 69 The clinic Aids for your filming 70 Get them straight! George Merz, ACL 71 News of the industry Reports on products 72 Closeups What filmers are doing 78 Clubs People, plans and programs 82 More than labeled, editorial 86 Cover photograph by Roy Pinney from Monkmeyer JAMES W. MOORE Editor WILLIAM HOWE ANNE YOUNG Consultant Editor Production Editor JAMES YOUNG RICHARD W. DEANE Advertising Manager Promotion Manager Vol. 23, No. 2. Published monthly in New York, N. Y., by Amateur Cinema League, Inc. Subscription rate $3.00 a year postpaid (Canada and Foreign $3.50); to members of Amateur Cinema League, Inc., $2.00 a year, postpaid; single copies 25c (in U.S.A.). On sale at photographic dealers everywhere. Entered as second class matter, August 3, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1948, by Amateur Cinema League, Inc. Editorial and Publication Office: 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y., U.S.A. Telephone MOhawk 4-0270. Advertising rates on application. Forms close on 10th of preceding month. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: A change of address must reach us at least by the twelfth of the month preceding the publication of the number of Movie Makers with which it is to take effect.