Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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1. Sound movies at your finger tip! Controls are clearly marked and are centralized for full operating convenience. 2* A single switch starts motor, turns on brilliant 750-watt projection lamp, for showing sound or silent movies. 3. Superb tone reproduction from all types of 16mm. sound film through this special Fidelity Control. 4. Microphone or phonograph can be attached to permit addition or "mixing" of voice or music. 5* Threading the film, whether sound or silent, is almost as easy as with a silent projector. O. Thread light illuminates sprockets and "gate" so that film can be threaded without use of room lights. I • "FS-10-N" can be set on top of closed case, as shown, or can be operated without removal from opened case. 8* By means of handy tilting adjustment knob, it's easy to line up projection beam with center of screen. 9» Simple "clutch" engages rewind mechanism for fast, smooth rewinding of film after reel has been projected. 10. Reel arms are detachable. They pack snugly in projector case and can be attached to the machine in a few seconds. 11. "FS-10-N" accepts reels through the 2000-foot size (1600foot reel shown) — 55 minutes of sound movies! 12. Lamphouse cover can be quickly removed for inspection of lamp or cleaning of reflector.