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o teach, train, or entertain with 16mm. sound or silent
DAZING versatility . . . truly satisfying brilliance . . . endid tone reproduction . . . remarkable ease of opition. That, in brief, is the story of Sound Kodascope 10-N Projector. So "mystery story," either! You can get the facts )m lots of people — home movie enthusiasts, lecturers, ucators, athletic coaches, sales demonstrators, and lustrial training supervisors. They'll tell you how S-10-N" meets their requirements for showing both and and silent 16mm. movies . . . their experience 1 prove to you that it can serve you to your full sfaction.
Or take a look at the machine itself. A quick glance eals many of its most important features and advances: the clearly marked, finger-tip-handy controls it make operation as easy as tuning in a radio . . . simple arrangement for threading sound or silent . . . the jack for plugging in microphone or phonoiph to provide commentary or background music th silent movies — or for mixing voice or music with md-track reproduction . . . the special Fidelity Con1 that assures first-rate sound reproduction from all )es of 16mm. sound film . . . the super-fast f/1.6 menized projection lens that transmits images to the
screen with marvelous crispness and clarity. This lens is interchangeable with five others, for "tailor-made projection" — the right-sized image, correctly illuminated, on practically any screen, at almost any distance. And — to mention but two — there are such noteworthy "built-in" features as the powerful high-fidelity amplifier, especially engineered for sound-projection service, and the rotary stabilizer, which keeps the film moving smoothly and at uniform speed at the critical point where the sound is picked up — a definite aid to uniform, top-quality reproduction.
Easy to carry . . . easy to use
It's no trick at all to go into action with the "FS-10-N." The two sturdy, well-balanced carrying cases house speaker, projector, connecting cords, and take-up reel. Open up, set up, and you're ready to show movies that look wonderful, sound wonderful . . . movies your audiences will thoroughly enjoy and appreciate.
Your Kodak dealer will be glad to answer any questions you may have about this superior, popular 16mm. sound projector. Better stop in and see him at your earliest opportunity!
Sound movie shows at home, in clubroom, store, church, school, or public auditorium! Either single or twin-speaker unit can be supplied with Sound Kodascope FS-IO-N Projectoi — the latter being recommended when maximum volume and coverage are desired.
A truly portable outfit! The two cases house projector, speaker, reel arms, take-up reel, and connecting cords . . . weigh but 47 and 25 pounds. The Cordomatic speaker cord for the single-speaker unit permits extension to the exact length desired, plus automatic retraction.