Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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MOVIE MAKERS 171 New club in Enfield A new club, the Enfield Camera and Cine Association, ACL, in Thompsonville, Conn., has just elected its slate of officers. G. Charles Gosselin was selected as president; Edson B. Pierce, vicepresident, and Francis Youngjohn, secretary and treasurer. Membership is open to all persons interested in photography and at least nineteen years of age. Those interested should write Edson B. Pierce, P.O. Box 54, Thompsonville, Conn. South African club organized Having gone through the pains of first meetings last July, the Cine 8 Club, ACL, in Durban, South Africa, is now fully organized and has recently started to publish a club calendar. The membership has now reached fifty, and there are indications of further recruits to come. The club is eager to exchange items of information with other cine clubs, both 8 and 16mm. Groups interested in such an exchange should write C. R. MacKenzie, ACL, The Cine 8 Club of Durban, 732 Essenwood Road, Durban, South Africa. N.Y.8'S Guest Night The tenth annual Guest Night of the New York City 8mm. Amateur Motion Picture Club will be held this year on Friday evening, May 14, at the Hotel Pennsylvania. The program (which will begin at 8:30 p. m.) will include Magic Stairway, 1947 Ten Best winner by Margaret and Harlan Webber, ACL, of Schenectady, and a selection of the year's other outstanding 8mm. productions. Tickets, which include federal tax and refreshments following the screening, are priced at $1.50. They may be secured from Brit Boice, 210 Lincoln Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. F. Hollywood, FACL, 65 Pine Street, New York City, or at the door on the evening of the party. Christchurch competition N«w Zealand's Christchurch Photographic Society is back again with more movie news, this time with the results of the Ian R. Little Championship Cup competition. First place was taken by L. M. Fairbrother, with A Song of Southern Splendour; second prize was captured by W. Craven, with Trees, and third was taken by R. A. Evans, ACL, with Those Were the Days. The competitors are to make a second film for another cine tournament, and the aggregate of the two awards will decide the final winner of the cup. Buffalo movie Salon Inaugurating an annual movie salon last year, the Amateur Cinema Club of Buffalo is plan ning to make the show a tradition and to continue it each year. The auditorium of the Buffalo Museum of Science already has been obtained for this year's spectacle, and a fine group of films is being assembled for the screening. Lummus officers The newly elected officers of the Lummus Camera Club, ACL, are Dan Costello, president; Earl Hunter, vicepresident, and Dorothy Schramm, secretary. The group is a recreational unit of the Lummus Corporation, in New York City. Contest in Richmond The win ners of the annual movie contest of the Richmond (Calif.) Movie Camera Club, ACL, have been recently announced by that Bay unit. Top honors were won by Mr. and Mrs. Rihn for their film, Burroing Along Sierra Trails; second place was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Daley with Father Takes a Movie; other awards were third by W. R. Tosh for A Story About Fences; fourth by Mrs. Harris for Leroy's Birthday, and fifth by Mrs. W. R. Tosh for Here and There. Washington contest Adhering to their schedule of running contesting films during their regular meetings, the members of the Washington Society of Amateur Cinematographers have seen a large number of pictures in their last two assemblies. Among those competing for the grand award were Ice Thrills of 1947, by Ray Parks, ACL; Rainbow Canyon, by Harold Wagar; In the Good Old Summertime, by Wilber Comings; Skiing the Northwest, by Ted Sarchil, ACL; Ice Capades, by William Kuhl, ACL; Anticipation, by Joe Gray; Silhouette, by Don Sutherland, ACL, and Yosemite, by Harold Wagar. Screenings at Philadelphia Recent programs of the Philadelphia Cinema Club have consisted of screenings of the following pictures: Amateuriana and Hubby's Revenge, by G. Del Valle; Saddle Trips around Mt. Robson and Jasper Park, by S. Howell; Christmas Inside and Out, by Walter Brobyn; Christmas Time at Our House, by Henry De Luca; Christmas with Eileen, Jim and Bill, by James Haggerty; Lullaby, by John Mansure; Washington, Our Nation's Capital and A Trip to Luray, Virginia, by E. Esser, ACL, and The Big Show, by A. Rasch. Albany Workshop Helpful and specific, the workshop night idea of the Amateur Motion Picture Society of Albany, ACL, is sure to pay dividends in better movies. PRECISION PHOTO -LENSES An American Product Since 1899 ^L will give you a lifetime of JR ^W profitable satisfaction wl GOERZ DAGOR F6.8 The favorite universal all-purpose lens, colorcorrected, wide-angle, convertible — for interiors, exteriors, commercial and amateur work, scenic views, groups, banquets, color film, copying, enlarging. GOERZ SUPER DAGOR F8 The wide-angle lens, greatly extended coverage, convertible. GOERZ DOGMAR F4.5 The perfect speed lens, color-corrected, convertible. For news, sports, portraits, general work, color film. GOERZ ARTAR F9 to F16 The apochromatic process lens, for color separation with perfect register in the final process; also for black and white commercial work. GOERZ GOTAR F6.8, F8, F10 The lens for black and white, process and com mercial work, copying and enlarging. GOERZ HYPAR F2.7, F3 GOERZ APOGOR F2.3 The movie lenses with microscopic definition. GOERZ MOVIE CAMERA ACCESSORIES ^L Order thru your deafer now ^B ^m tor delivery as soon as possible ^B TheCP. GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. MM-4 DISTINCTIVE EXPERT TITLES and EDITING Tor the Amateur and Professional 16 ram. — 8 mm. Black & White ana Kodachrome Price list on request S T A H L EDITING AND TITLING SERVICE 33 west 42 St. New York. N. Y. BLACK AND WHITE 'KODACHROME ENLARGED REDUCED' DUPLICATES GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY, Inc. 1 64 N. Wocker Dr., Dept. M, Chicago 6; III. MOVIES by MAIL... from our FILM RENTAL LIBRARY PEERLESS CAMERA STORES I NEST HOME 138 E.44thSt.,New York 17.N.Y.