Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ■ Cash required with order. The closing date for the receipt of copy is the tenth of the month preceding issue. Remittance to cover goods offered (or sale in this department should be made to the advertiser and not to Movie Makers. New classified advertisers are requested to furnish references. ■ Movie Makers does not always examine the equipment or films offered for sale in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and cannot state whether these are new or used. Prospective purchasers should ascertain this fact from advertisers before buying. 10 Cents a Word Minimum Charge $2 ■ Words in capitals, except first word and name, 5 cents extra. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ■ BASS SAYS: He'll SELL you cameras new' or old; Here is a fact that must be told. ... No better deal has yet been made, Than when you go to Bass to trade.— CHARLES BASS, President. FINE USED CINE VALUES UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED! 8mm. Cine-Kodak Model 25, f/2 5 lens, £37.50; 8mm. Cine-Kodak Model 60, f/1.9 lens, foe. mt., 872.50; 8mm. Revere Magazine Turret, Wollensak f/1.9 ctd. lens, case, $147.50; 8mm. B. & H. Aristocrat, Wollensak f/1.9 lens, critical' focuser, case, $175.00; 16mm. B. & H. 70A, 1" Cooke f/i.S lens, fixed focus, case, 887.50; 16mm. Cine-Kodak Model K, f/1.9 coated lens, combination case, 8125.00. NEW CHOICE CAMERAS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Cine-Kodak Magazine 8, f/1.9 coated lens, §145.83; 8mm. B. & H. Magazine Auto-8, Super Comat f/1.9 coated lens, foe. mt., iy2" Telate //3.5 coated lens, 8296.22; 16mm. Revere Magazine. Wollensak //2.5 click stops coated lens, 8127.50; Cine-Kodak Magazine 16, f/1.9 coated lens, 8175.00; 16mm. B. & H. Filmo Auto Load, Lumax f/1.9 foe. mt. coated lens, 8214.08. We buy 'em, sell 'em, and trade 'em. Complete stocks for new Cine equipment, all makes. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Dept. CC, 179 W. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. ■ HAVE two sound projectors with extras; must sell one. Bell &. Howell 138T two case sound (MOVIE MAKERS, Nov. '47, page 470) 8295.00; Holmes Rex, new, 1947 Model A, cost over 8550.00; sell 8448.00. DEMPSEY, 625 So. 29, Lincoln, Nebraska. ■ BELL & HOWELL Projector-Viewer, 500 w., forward-reverse, single frame, 8115.00; 16mm. Moviola, 1600 ft. capacity, 8250.00; like new Kodascope FSION sound projector, 8295.00; 30x40 Radiant tripod screen, $12.00. Write for free list. CAMERA MART, 70 West 45th St., New York. ■ IMMEDIATE delivery: new Ampro, Victor, Natco, Bell & Howell, RCA. sound projectors. Keystone. Victor. Cinklox. Revere 16mm. cameras. Ampro. Keystone, Revere 8mm. projectors and cameras. Full line of rewinders, reels, camera films. Castle. Official and Pictorial Films. Write ZENITH. 308 West 44th, New York City. ■ LATEST MAURER 16MM. CAMERA, Model 05, with Maurer Viewfinder, 200' Magazine, sunshade and bar, 12 volt motor, handcrank, camera motor cable, Cine-Pro head only for Maurer, and carrying case, only 300' of film run through it. like new. Priced for quick sale, 83250.00. HOOSIER PHOTO SUPPLIES, Inc., 130 S. Penn. St., Indianapolis 4, Ind. Want to buy? Want to sell? Want to swap? Use MOVIE MAKERS Classified Advertising MOVIE MAKERS 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. PLANNING To Put Your Name HERE? Then Start PLANNING Your Ten Best Film TODAY Established in 1930, MOVIE MAKERS selection of the Ten Best amateur films of the year is the oldest, most honored contest in the world of personal filming. • Open to Amateurs Everywhere • 8mm. or 16mm. Films • Black and White or Color • Silent or Sound • Short or Long • On Any Subject The TEN BEST CONTEST 1948 closes OCTOBER 15 START PLANNING NOW FILMS WANTED ■ I BUY— sell, swap, rent S. O. F., 8 and 16mm. films, list free. HARVEY IRIS, Box 539, Brockton, Mass. FILMS FOR RENTAL OR SALE ■ Castle Films for sale; 8mm. -16mm. silent and sound; complete stock, orders shipped day received by STANLEY-WINTHROP'S, Inc., 90 Washington St., Quincy 69, Mass. ■ USED and NEW Castle films, 8-16, silent and sound. Send for lists. ALVES PHOTO SERVICE, Inc., 14 Storrs Ave., Braintree 84, Mass. ■ COLOR SHORTS, 16mm. only, 100' Kodachrome, $16.50. Write for list. WURTELE FILM PRODUCTIONS, Box 504, Orlando, Fla. ■ SOUND shows $2.00 a day. Film and equipment bargains. Movie-Mite sound projectors available. JENKINS' AUDIF1LMS, Box 395, Selma, Alabama. H FREE 1948 catalog 8mm. -16mm. silent, sound home movies, at terrific savings. Large sound rental library, complete program, $4.95. ODEL'S FILM SERVICE, 138 Tehama (M.M.), Brooklyn 18, N. Y. ■ UNIQUE Novelty Movies (8mm. -16mm. ) ; cartoons, sports, musicals, nite club acts, thrillers. Finest reel entertainment. Color slides. Films bought — sold — exchanged. Catalog and refund coupon, 25? coin. JACK PROCTOR CO., Box M-161, Melrose 76, Mass. ■ CASTLE— Official — Excel; feature, £4.30; short, $1.25. New Revere proj., $100.00. JANNETTYS 8mm. ENTERPRISES, 168 East Main, Waterbury, Conn. ■ RARE 8-16mm. silent-sound films. Brand new 1600' cans, $1.25 each; $12.00 per dozen. INTERNATIONAL, 2120 Strauss, Brooklyn, N. Y. ■ CLEARANCE SALE: 16mm. Sound and Silent. Want a real buy in films! Take advantage of the I.C.S. yearly CLEARANCE of 16mm. sound and silent features, comedies, educationals, cartoons, novelties, etc. Send for list "A" today, stating machine you own (sound or silent) and enclosing 3<f stamp. INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE, Inc., 1560 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. ■ EXCLUSIVE HOME MOVIES. Select films. SPECIAL discount offer on projectors, cameras and films. Write for free lists. HOME PIX, 1674 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS H PRINTS from your movie films? Yes. Send a small piece (color; black & white) and one dollar to get enlarged negative and 2 enlargements. CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York City. ■ BEAUTIFUL TITLES you can make yourself perfectly centered, beginner's instruction book, 85 pages, pictures galore. Send $1.00. Descriptive folder on request. WESTWOOD CINEMA CO., 635 Victoria Street, San Francisco 12, California. ■ NO Negative??? Send picture and $1.00 for new negative with enlarged print to CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York, N. Y. THE DELAY in the arrival of this MOVIE MAKERS is due to temporary conditions at our New York press over which we had no control. MOVIE MAKERS