Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1948)

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MOVIE MAKERS 257 Photographs by Joe Boyter, Beacon Journal Staff Photographer Kid stuff An Akronite combats minors' mischief with movies IF MR. ROPER ever gets around to polling the youngsters on Cordova Avenue, Akron, to discover the top man on their totem pole, Griffin Greenert, ACL, will be the unanimous choice. Greenert. a farsighted police patrolman who has observed the end results of juvenile delinquency, first set up a Thimble Theatre in his home for the amusement of his own three children; now, every Friday night or Saturday morning, he presents a free show, assembled from his 50,000 foot film library, for all the neighborhood kids. October 31 finds few upset garbage cans on Cordova Avenue, for most of the small fry prefer to see the cartoons and sports films that Greenert screens for them on Hallowe'en. The Soap Box Derby, PAL softball games and local athletic events filmed by this energetic policeman make festive fare for the tots. The popcorn and candy which his wife turns out for these occasions are an added treat, but the amiable Mr. Greenert has found that the surest way to a kid's heart is through a movie projector. GRIFFIN GREENERT, ACL, top, listens to the wholehearted applause of his half-pint hero worshipers, weekly patrons of the Thimble Theatre. The projection room is enclosed. 16 MM ■ FANS {Secof9c/ re/ease 1 from the personal collection of It. Comdr. CLIFFORD J. LISHM AN, U. S. N. (Ret.) BRYCE and North Rim of GRAND CANYON The painstaking perfection of this gorgeous kodachrome brings to your film library the infinite details and panoramas of natural beauty from Utah and Arizona wonderlands. These are silent films, supplemented by narration, expertly timed for reading during projection. • Shipped postpaid, with reel and can. VklJi Send check or M.O. No C. O. D. please. (Add 2'/i% Sales Tax in California.) f£& ORDER HERE • Narration included Please send me, postpaid films checked here ZION CANYON 100' $17.65 BRYCE CANYON GRAND CANYON COMPLETE EDITION 100 lOO' 400'approx. 17.65 17.65 65.50 Name Address City . State. Mail to Lt. Comdr. CLIFFORD J. LISHMAN, U. S. N. (Ret.), P. 0. Bex 132, La Jollo, California HOLIDAYS AHEAD! See how one amateur put verve and variety in a vacat on record film. The Picture Story for July MOVIE MAKERS &« V THE RALPH R. ENO CORP. 626 W. 165 ST. . NEW YORK Send your film for free criticism or estimate. BLACK AND WHITE • KODACHROME ENLARGED REDUCED. DUPLICATES GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY, Inc. 1 64 N. Wacker Dr., Dept. M, Chicago 6, III. VMUIIUTH vapOkateI EXCLUSIVE^^ALES AGENT ONE TREATMENT LASTS THE LIFE OF THE FILM MOVIE FILM PROTECTION against SCRATCHES, WEAR OIL FINGER MARKS CLIMATE ...... IVACUUMATE CORP.. 446 W. 43rd St.. N.Y. 18. N.Y. I General Film Labs, 66 Sibley St., Detroit. Mich.