Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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26 JANUARY 1949 as they are compiled. Those interested in receiving copies of the questionnaire should write United International. Inc., Dept. PB. 8582 Sunset Boulevard. Hollywood 46. Calif. United International also announces that it will produce Edgar Allen Poe's Goldbtif: and Richard Harding Davis's Gallagher as first in a series of pictures to be released in 1949. The company's plans call for the production of twenty six new pictures in the 1949-50 season. Radiant screen The improved 1949 Champion screen of the Radiant Manufacturing Corporation, of Chicago, features streamlined design and new two tone color combination. Mechanical innovations include a simplified positioning device, allowing instantaneous adjustment of the screen to any desired height. New Victor plant Since early in November, machinery and equipment have been transferred to the new $1,500,000 factory building of the Victor Animatograph Corporation. Davenport. Iowa. Construction was started on the plant late in 1947. Tiffen Catalog Tiffen Manufacturing Corporation, 71 Beekman Street, New York City, has published the 1048 catalog, which lists the complete Tiffen line of sunshades, adapter rings, black and white filters, color correction filters and sunshade and filter holder combinations. The catalog may be had free upon request. Ampro price reduction Retail price on the Ampro Imperial 16mm. silent projector has been reduced from $276.00 to $199.50, without case. There will be no change in the features or quality of the projector, according to the manufacturer, Ampro Corporation, 2835 N. Western Avenue, Chicago 18, 111. Camera Strap A "raided Vinylite camera hand strap, retailing for one dollar, has been introduced by Dejur-Amsco Corporation, 15-01 Northern Boulevard, Long Island City 1, N. Y. The strap will fit any domestic camera and may be adjusted for use with foreign makes. Dr. Mees honored Dr C. E. K. Mees, Eastman Kodak Company vicepresident in charge of research, has been awarded the Adelskolds' gold medal of the Photographic Society of Sweden. Dr. Mees acknowledged the award in a shortwave broadcast beamed to Sweden and other European countries. Kodak reports a record breaking dividend of an estimated $13,000,000 for about 51,500 employee^ in the western hemisphere. At the same time, a stock dividend of one share of common stock for each twenty held was declared in addition to a cash dividend of $1.60 on each share. The arts Establishment of a 16mm. sales and rental service for films of the arts, music, dance and crafts is announced by D. D. Livingston, 39 East 35th Street, New York 16, N. Y. Special permission has been given Mr. Livingston by the British Information Services to distribute Sadler Wells Ballet, marking the first time this subject has been made available in 16mm. form for educational and home use. E. K. book On Color A completely descriptive and non-mathematical book on color, intended for all persons interested in the subject, is being marketed by Eastman Kodak Company. Titled An Introduction to Color, the volume is by Ralph M. Evans, Eastman's superintendent of color quality control. It is available through all Kodak dealers at $6.00 a copy. AnSCO filters Ansco announces a new series of glass filters for color photography. The filters, in spun aluminum mounts, come in sizes 5, 6 and 7 to fit standard size adapter rings and sunshades. The UV-16 filter is designed for medium haze correction and for the correction of bluish color imbalance caused by unfavorable lighting conditions. For greater haze correction, the UV-17 filter is offered. Conversion filter No. 10 makes it possible, with an increase in exposure, to use Ansco Color film, daylight type, under 3200K illumination; conversion filter No. 11 permits the use of Ansco Color film, tungsten type, with daylight using the same exposure required for daylight type Ansco Color film under the same conditions. B&W filters Chess -United Company reminds the shortage-heset shooters of color film that dramatic and interesting movies can be made in black and white through the use of various filters. The company's filters for black and white emulsions are available in a full range nf colors, including yellow, orange, green and red. Full information may be had from Chess-United Company. Inc.. 95 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. Peerless bargain folder Called 6 61, a monthly bargain folder listing 661 items of new and used photographic equipment is being published by Peerless Camera Stores, 138 East 44th Street, New York 17, N. Y. The folder is brought up to date and reissued every thirty days. Copies may be had by writing to Peerless Camera Stores. Correction The illustration accompanying the news item on Movie-Mite's Emcee announcer system in December News of the Industrywas of the Movie-Mite audio-slide unit, a somewhat similar product designed specifically for use with slides. Floyd L. Vanderpoel dies |ovie Makers announces with deep regret the death on Saturday, December 11, 1948, of Floyd Lewis Vanderpoel, ACL, a member since 1926 of the board of directors of the Amateur Cinema League. He was fifty six. Always an enthusiastic hobbyist, Mr. Vanderpoel was among those present at the founding luncheon of the League, held in New York City on June 29, 1926. Later he was among the nine charter directors chosen by Hiram Percy Maxim. FACL, the League's Founder President; although never an officer of the corporation, Mr. Vanderpoel was elected to its executive committee in May, 1947. He and Mr. Maxim had been associated earlier in the American Radio Relay League, a similar group for amateur radio hobbyists, of which Mr. Vanderpoel was also a charter member. Mr. Vanderpoel was born in Saugerties, N. Y., and was educated at the Choate School. He founded and became president in 1912 of the TrumbullVanderpoel Electric Manufacturing Company, of Bantam, Conn., from which he retired in 1926 to his country home at Litchfield. From that date until his untimely passing, Mr. Vanderpoel answered ably and enthusiastically every call made upon his energy and wisdom by the Amateur Cinema League. That Christmas camera! [Continued from page 18] determination — be it by meter, camera exposure guide or cardboard calculator — and then to stick with it until you make it work. EXPENSE IS NOT EXCELLENCE In line with this same thinking, don't fall for the old fallacy that expense automatically makes for excellence. If you're starting off with 8mm. equipment, a fixed focus lens or a single lens camera, don't just envy the guys who are working on Sixteen, with a battery of lenses and a turret front camera. There's nothing wrong with your stuff that a little industry and imagination behind the camera won't fix. For the basic problems of good filming are the