Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS — washing diapers, mixing formulas, sterilizing bottles and the like. So-o. that's just what we now filmed him doing. For example: From the baby's scenes of lusty howling (real), I cut to a shot of Dad. oblivious in the corner, happily reading a handful of congratulatory cards (staged). As he deals them off one by one, they are seen dropping (extreme closeup) into a pile. Since both of these scenes were new, I was now able to dissolve from this closeup into one of similar pattern as freshly washed diapers drop into a pan. This cuts to an extreme closeup of my hands wringing out the diapers, which dissolves in turn to an exactly similar action as Mother wrings out the baby's wash cloth. From these traditional scenes (both staged) I was now able to cut naturally to my sequence of scenes (real) of Linda's bath. Similar transitions, involving carefully planned dissolves from extreme (and therefore unidentifiable) closeups, were staged to create a sense of continuity and progression in the rest of the older, all-toorandom footage. I was now ready for the conclusion, or climax. According to my overall plan, it should be lighthearted and humorous. So-o, back to poor old Dad. As the sequence opens, we find him ready to snap some flash shots of his unconcerned offspring— who again is cross-cut in real scenes of early activity with staged scenes of Dad's despairing antics. After a series of contortions designed to get Baby in the right mood, the perfect moment seems making up. Tensely, Dad trips the exposure button on his still camera. Nothing happens. The flash bulb has failed to go off! The scene cuts back to Baby serenely blowing a bubble — suggesting the prize scene that Dad has missed. Now back to him, as he examines the camera and wrestles with the traitorous bulb. Suddenly, with the camera and flash gun turned full on his own face, the bulb goes off. Dad shakes his head in utter disgust, as the end title dissolves in and the scene fades out. And now, for those who may be interested, a few technical data. A Bolex H-16 camera, fitted with a Kern Switar 1 inch //1.4 lens, was used throughout. (The Unexpected is Mr. Kremer's first major 16mm. film, after years of mounting success in the 8mm. medium. In this respect, he follows in the footsteps of previous Maxim Award winners. Joseph J. Harley. FACL, and Al Morton, FACL. — The Editors.) The lap dissolves were made with the Baia Master Cine Transito. This instrument is attached to and operates with the camera mechanism, thereby making it relatively simple to create excellent dissolves and wipes. A balanced light level of //2 was maintained throughout, using a Weston 31 You're "on top" of the action with an glgeef Telephoto Lens No matter where you are, your movie camera is close subject when you equip it with an Elgeet telephoto lens, spectator's position you can now take "closeup" action shots bobsledders, and tobogganers. From a seat in the stands you can get shots of ice performers, hcckey games— action shots that are too quick for your eyes to follow view them on your screen right "on top" of the action. With the winter season at hand, and all its winter sport events to photograph, you need the "field glass vision" that Elgeet Cine-Tel* Telephoto Lenses can give you. The complete line of Elgeet Cine Tel* Telephoto Lenses enables you to choose the telephoto lens that meets your photographic requirements and your budget limitations. Prices start at $24.05 including tax. See them at your dealers. Ask him for a copy of the new Elgeet Booklet, "Exciting Movies with Elgeet Cine Lenses," or send us a post card request. *Trademark Registered Wme &ua/itu *> tfrnfiM^vn/. . . ELGEET LEADS to your From a of skiers, carnival . . and OPTICAL COMPANY, INC. 59 ATLANTIC AVE. • ROCHESTER, N. Y. DISTINCTIVE EXPERT TITLES and EDITING For the Amateur and Professional 16 mm. — 8 mm. Black & White and Kodachrome Price list on request S T A H L EDITING AND TITLING SERVICE 33 West 42 St. New York, N. Y. JftdrTHVS FILMS Thrilling Home Movies of all types. Send only One Dollar for Super Short Subject "EXCITING STARS". Order NOW from Dept. M.M. CXCITING FILM/ ri071 El Centro, Hollywood, Calif. Check Size: 8mm D 16mm □ Sound □ .— —>———— —I i in I .inn in i V4CUM1TO vapORATeI EXCLUSIVE^^ALES AGENT ONE TREATMENT LASTS THE LIFE OF THE FILM MOVIE FILM PROTECTION against SCRATCHES, WEAR OIL FINGER MARKS CLIMATE ...... Ask Your Dealer VACUUMATE CORPORATION 446 West 43rd Street, New York 18, N. Y. GENERAL FILM LABS. 66 Sibley Street Detroit, Mich. COLBORN LABORATORY, Inc. 164 North Wacker Drive Chicago, III.