Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 33 Closeups— What filmers are doing MMMUHmHUHVMHMmUHfi Movie Makers announces with pleasure the presentation of the Knight of Dannebrog cross to John V. Hansen, FACL, President of the Amateur Cinema League. The presentation was made early last month by Hendrik de Kauffmann, Danish ambassador to the United States, on behalf of the Danish government and in recognition of Mr. Hansen's outstanding services to that country through his motion pictures. Lassie, that canine charmer of Cheektowaga, N. Y., has been out on the cinema circuits again, after discharging her maternal duties more than a year ago. Remembered by many for her stellar role in Lassie Stays Home, a 1945 Ten Best winner, the beige beauty has recently been awarded a blue ribbon and a silver plaque by the 12th South African Salon of Photography for her work in the same film. The picture, says Raymond J. Berger, ACL, its producer, was judged the best in the cinema section of the contest. Sponsor of the salon is the Johannesburg Photographic and Cine Society, ACL. A N incident on which we could not report in the more formal confines of our review of The Salmon — River of No Return, 1948 Ten Best award winner, was what happened to Frank E. Gunnell, FACL, and party after coming safely through the savage rapids of the Salmon. Well, here they were, six of them in a single engine Travelair making a leisurely return to Salmon City. FRANK E. GUNNELL, FACL, at the tiller of the Salmon City, flat bottomed barge. And then, over the jagged, impassable walls of Salmon Canyon, an oil leak developed. There was no place to sit down save on the river bed, so that's exactly where they sat down — on a tiny, sandbar landing field used only by the U. S. Forest Service. But it was the Forest Service which saved them in the end. For, using a roundabout phone circuit of the Service, their pilot soon had spare parts and oil supplies parachuting into the canyon to their rescue. Eight hours after landing they were again airborne, hoping devoutly they had seen the last of the Salmon River. J oseph J. Harley, FACL, is another member of the League to win recognition for his outstanding work in motion pictures, with his recent election to Associateship in the Oval Table Society, of which Joseph M. Bing, ACL, is president. The Society cited Mr. Harley as contributing substantially to make photography and cinematography one of the great cultural assets of American life. Across the Threshold: Since last reporting under this head, we have had pleasant visits from several old and new friends of ACL. Among the oldtimers was Leslie P. Thatcher, ACL, of Toronto, a consistent Ten Best award winner during the middle Thirties. Mr. Thatcher is now heading his own highly successful 16mm. industrial film producing unit. From farther afield have come Thomas J. Farkas, ACL, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Olav Soelberg, ACL, of Oslo, Norway. Mr. Farkas has been studying photographic merchandising in the United States, in preparation to joining his father in the management of Fotoptica, one of the city's largest photographic stores, while Mr. Soelberg is the secretary of the Oslo Movie Makers. Adrian J. Lustig, ACL, of Detroit, is among the latest to mount the rostrum, with two ten-week courses being given under the aegis of the Adult Education Program of Detroit's Downtown YMCA. Course 1, naturally, is for the neophytes, with course 2 planned to aid and interest the more advanced. Mr. Lustig, as long-standing president of the Detroit Cinema Club, ACL, comes to his chosen task with wide experience. THE BOLSEY CINE FADER DELTA proudly presents the BOLSEY CINE FADER. After an absence of many years, we can once again offer this ingenious device, which automatically makes fades, dissolves, laps and other effects with ANY movie camera. Simply and instantly attached to the lens on your movie camera, either 8mm or 16mm, it opens a new field to the amateur movie maker. Beautifully designed and made in Switzerland with watch-like precision, each one is a jewel of careful workmanship, capable of giving long years of service. Masks are adjustable to give 64 combinations and effects with the different designs on the blades of the moving masks. Place is supplied for different shaped masks, limited only by your own imagination. Each one fully guaranteed by us, available for immediate delivery. Priced at <t *% ^ <JQ Federal Excise Tax included. $22! EXTENSION TUBE. ,* m c f\ For Sharply Defined Edges H***» JV> FOR THE MOVIE FAN Delta is constantly on the watch for new items that will help you to make better movies. Here is a list of BRAND NEW items that will give your movies that lift, and make them outstanding. All items have been tested by us, and bear our stamp of approval. ANIMATED TITLES. We have a listing of more than 500 titles in either 8mm or 16mm, black and white or color, which are truly professional in the results they produce for your movies. Each is attractively boxed, and priced from 49? to $1.75 in color. FREE CATALOGUE and order form on request. Ask for Title Catalogue "A." TITLE SET. For those of you who wish to make your own titles, here is your opportunity to "go into business." Over 100 letters and characters in multicolor material, with two colored backgrounds ll"xl4". No adhesive is required to affix the letters; they stay on the background by means of a very clever arrangement of the fibers on the material itself. The set is supplied with a font type box for easy sorting of the letters. Fully guaranteed by us. Delta <t ^ 50 Multi-Color Title Set. Postpaid in U.S.A. ^ STINEMANN DEVELOPING SYSTEM. For those of you who do your own movie film processing, here is the famous Stinemann tank and reel system for the processing of up to 200 feet of film. Supplied with 3 nesting tanks, noncorrosive reels and full instructions. These currently sell for $160.00. We offer them brand new for only &^^^T50 (Shipping weight 50 lbs.). $47! Mail orders filled No C.O.D. shipments without 20% deposit DELTA PHOTO SUPPLY 690-A Third Ave., New York 17.N.V. 6KISWOLV FILM SPLICERS for every size and type of film, sound and silent, perforated and non-perforated. WRITE for details GRISWOLD MACHINE WORKS Dep't A, Port Jefferson, N. Y.