Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 35 partment of Agriculture, a pictorial review of our national forests. On Past Presidents Night the club was shown Macbeth (the new Orson Welles epic?), which was received with mixed plaudits and jibes. Philadelphia program The phila d e 1 p h i a Cinema Club was treated recently to a showing of films arranged by members. The screening was opened with Nassau and Curacao, two travel films with wire recording by Irwin Boeshore. ACL. Vacation Reflections of Mountain and Seashore, by club president Alfred Nichols, ACL. completed the evening's entertainment. Washington season The current 1948-49 season of the Washington (D.C.) Society of Amateur Cinematographers promises to be the most fruitful in its history. With 150 members, monthly attendance of members and guests has averaged 175. The WSAC News Bulletin was launched in the fall as the club's first publication. Considerable impetus was given this year's contest, entries for which are screened at the monthly meetings, by the donation by local dealers of $157 in equipment prizes, to be awarded in addition to the trophy cups, ribbons and silver medals. Recent elections returned W. C. Kuhl. ACL, as president for the year, A. B. Thaw and R. Bruce Warden, ACL, as vicepresidents. with J. D. Sutherland. ACL, as secretary and T. H. Sarchin. ACL, as treasurer. Visitors to the capital are extended a cordial invitation to attend a club session. They should get in touch with Mr. Sutherland at 1315 Rittenhouse Street, N. W. Chicago western night The Pre holiday meetings of the Chicago Cinema Club were enlivened by the showing of travel and vacation films by members, which covered a large area far west of the Mississippi. Averil and William Ludtke showed Where The West Begins and Winter Radiance, both 16mm. Kodachrome pictures of Estes, Bryce, Zion and Grand Canyon National Parks. The Pacific Northwest was offered by W. P. Ward, which took in Banff, Lake Louise and Grand Coulee Dam. Roaming in Wyoming, an 8mm. Kodachrome film by Albert F. Rus. rounded out the program. East London contest Winners have been announced for the film competition conducted by the East London Cine Club. in South Africa. First and second prizes were awarded respectively to E. B. Hughes for his 16mm. Father's Dream, and to F. H. Cowie for East London Centenary, an 8mm. production. Club president E. E. J. Thorvaldsen. ACL, announced plans for a contest to decide the year's best film. Oklahoma City elects Officers for the current club year were chosen at a pre-holiday meeting of the Movie Makers Club of Oklahoma City (Okla.). R. C. Hardcastle is the new president, while John Varnell became vicepresident, and Mrs. Hugh Turney the secretary-treasurer. An innovation of the new season is the club's review committee, which screens all members' films to be shown and at the meeting aids the discussion with constructive suggestions. Oklahoma City University — West Michigan Football Game, newsreel coverage in 16mm. Kodachrome by Earl Hearn, was shown, as well as Oklahoma City In Review, two reels of 8mm. Kodachrome by W. J. Crowe. Long Beach ballots T h e Long Beach (Calif.) Cinema Club chose its new officers at a late fall session. Howard Derr was elected president, with Joseph Stoklasa and Frank Kallenberg as vicepresidents. Kyle Holmes and Al Larrabee, ACL, fill positions of secretary and treasurer, respectively. Durban Cup honors J J M° Kenzie was awarded the Selwyn Jacobs Cup in the annual competition of the Durban Amateur Cine Club, in South Africa. The winning film was Caravan Holiday. A special merit medal went to the second prize winner, Dr. V. Wager, for his 8mm. Barrier Reef. Dr. Wager also took third place with his Tongaland. Kansas City 16mm. honors The William Rockhill Nelson Art Gallery was the scene recently of the finals in the 1948 16mm. annual contest sponsored by the Kansas City Amateur Movie Makers. ACL. Leonard Carr carried off top honors for My Home Coming, with William Goodson. ACL, runner-up for Make Believe. In third place were Clarence Simpson. ACL. with Ice-Capades, and William Hoehn with Missouri Trails. Parkchester winner The recently concluded 8mm. contest of the Parkchester Cine Club, ACL, finals of which were judged by the consulting staff of the ACL, resulted in Marty Weledniger taking top honors for his interesting Headlines — 1 945. U. S. Pat. No. 2260368 GOERZ AMERICAN APOGOR F:2.3 the movie lens with microscopic definition successful cameramen have been waiting for— A new six element high quality lens for the 16 and 35 mm film camera. Corrected for all aberration at full opening, giving highest definition in black-&white and color. Made by skilled technicians with many years of optical training. Fitted to precision focusing mount which moves the lens smoothly without rotating elements or shifting image. This lens comes in C mount for 16 mm cameras. Fitting to other cameras upon special order. Sizes available now : 35 and 50 mm uncoated and 75 mm coated. W rite for prices, giving your dealer's name. TheC.P. GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. THE RALPH R.ENOCORP. M6 W. 165 ST. . NEW YORK Send your film for free criticism or estimate. KODACHROME DUPLICATES 8MM. and 16MM. I 1 _ PER FINEST QUALITY I I C FOOT Mail Orders Accepted Hollywood 16mm. Industries, Inc. 6060 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. AT GOWER HOLLYWOOD 28, CALIF. n] inaag;