Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 37 number of more competent people are willing to hold office. No one will question that this is the cornerstone of a successful organization. The nominating committee will no longer have to set bear traps to snare candidates for club offices. More people are available to run for office because more have had experience in managing club affairs. When nomination time comes around, the field is not limited to a few reluctant old standbys who are the only ones who have been seen and heard. It is surprising how much ability some modest person may have kept hidden just because he has lacked a chance to demonstrate ability on a small job. The individual gains a lot as well. The club becomes alive and interesting to each one who has a share in its activities. Who could learn more about some phase of motion picture activity than a member of the program committee helping to present it at a meeting? This is what people join movie clubs for. Contests become more interesting. And, having learned about good motion picture practice, the members are better equipped to judge by popular vote. NEW MEMBERS IMPORTANT New interest and new talents are required to support and man an active organization. The folks who have been working for a year or two like to sit back and just watch once in a while too. Members move away or drop out for one reason or another. Their places must be filled if a club is to remain strong and active. So maintain an active membership program. Get people really interested in making movies. The more members you have of the right type, the more can be accomplished. So, don't keep the club too small. If you live in a small community, with only a dozen or so movie makers, you can still have a good time. Again, the big secret is how you organize the group. One such club with twelve members met once a month. Each member was host once a year. The group had no overworked officers because there were no officers. If something had to be done, some one volunteered and it was worked out on the spot. That club will last forever because there is little to go wrong with it. So, for a successful club, spread the work out. Have every one take an active part in some phase of club work. Have a control system to see that each thing is done on time. See that members get good, down-to-earth demonstrations in making movies. Take full advantage of the help the ACL and others can give. Be sure that new executive talents are constantly being developed. Last but not least, maintain an active membership program, so that there will be new talent and interest available at all limes. Welcome to Greater Miami [Continued from page 15] race track, famous for its beautiful grounds and pink flamingos, follows for forty days beginning January 17; Gulfstream Park closes the season with racing from March 4 through April 19, so you can catch and preserve on film all the action and thrills of the "Sport of Kings" in Miami this winter. Dog racing, too, while at night, is a thrilling sport within camera reach if you will use one of the fast black and white films. The Lipton Cup sailing race on February 12, the Miami-Nassau sailing race on February 15, send the cameraman's enthusiasm literally sailing. Important water sports events, including sailing, motorboating, diving and swimming exhibitions, will await you from January through April. MIAMI PROPER The Magic City, as it is called, has become one of the important aerial gateways from the Latin Americas, and the great new International Airport, with a landing or a takeoff every two minutes, will be a spot worth visiting. Crandon Park, still being enlarged and improved, was opened last year. It boasts a beautiful beach, many rides and amusements. It is reached by the new Rickenbacker Causeway. The Monkey Jungle (where the people are in the cages and the monkeys run free) is twenty-two miles south of Miami on U.S. Highway No. 1; but it is worth the trip, for you travel through Persian lime and avocado groves. SEMINOLE VILLAGE Musa Isle Indian Village at 1700 N. W. 27th Avenue is populated with Seminole Indians who go about their daily chores just as they did in the late '80's in the mysterious Everglades. A young Seminole wrestles an alligator throughout the day, and your pictures of this will be prized for years to come. The Seminole secret of hypnotizing the huge reptile by stroking its belly is clearly demonstrated. North Miami's Zoological Gardens and Captain R. Proske's world famous tiger farm and training center ate at N. E. 2nd Avenue and N. E. 132nd Street. The beautiful homes — some elaborate, some modest — are painted every color of the rainbow from faint pastels to vivid greens and reds. All are lavishly landscaped, for the rarest tropical plants are grown easily in one's front yard. Orchids carelessly stuck in the crotch of a tree flourish here. Every type of architecture from old world Mediterranean to the sleek chrome and steel modern house is found at Miami. The business district will amaze you with its new and beautiful office and (6 mm '■ FAMS \Seco«* 'release the personal collection of Lt. Comdr. CLIFFORD J. LISHMAN, U.S.N. (Ret.) ZION capiat for your BRYCE and North Rim of GRAND CANYON The painstaking perfection of this gorgeous kodachrome brings to your film library the infinite details and panoramas of natural beauty from Utah and Arizona wonderlands. These are silent films, supplemented by narration, expertly timed for reading during projection • Shipped postpaid, with reel and can. V^A^^ Send check or M.O. No C. O. D. please. (Add 2'/i% Sales Tax in California.) f&e ORDER HERE • Narration included Please send me, postpaid films checked here ZION CANYON 100' $17.65 BRYCE CANYON GRAND CANYON COMPLETE EDITION 400 approx. 65. 5Q lOO' 100' 17.65 17.65 35 City 7nnp Stntp Mail to Lt. Comdr. CLIFFORD J. LISHMAN, U. S. N. (Ret.), P. 0. Box 132, La Jolla, California STOP APOLOGIZING FOR YOUR MOVIE TITLES Write today for a FREE A-to-Z Sample Title Test Kit. Make titles that are different . . . better and tailored to your taste. Try our method . . . FREE. COMPLETE COLOR OR B.&W. OUTFIT $6.50 A-to-Z MOVIE ACCESSORIES 175 Fifth Avenue Dept. M New York 10. N. Y. 8-1 6mm Silent, Sound, Sales, Rental, Exchanges MOVIES Two 3c stamps for giant catalogue. State Size Reed & Reed Distributors, Inc. 7508 Third Ave. Brooklyn 9, N. Y. CLEARANCE SALE 16 MM SOUND FILMS Want a real buy in films? Take advantage of the I. C. S. 1114!) CLEABANCE SALE of 16 mm sound films — features, comedies, educationals, cartoons, novelties, etc. Send for list "A" today stating machine you own (make and model). A penny postal card docs it. INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE, Inc. 1560 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. DIRECT 1 6MM SOUND with MAURER RECORDING SYSTEM For the Producer of 16 mm business, educational and religious films • EDGE NUMBERED WORK PRINTS • SOUND RECORDING • DUPLICATE NEGATIVES • SYNCHRONIZED STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY • RELEASE PRINTS-COLOR and B & W GEO. W. C0LBURN LABORATORY, Inc. 164 N. Wacker Dr., Dept. M, Chicago 6, III.