Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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48 FEBRUARY 1949 SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR DRIVE for the E.K. Cine Special 110 Volt A. C, Single Phase, 60 Cycle This motor will run in synchronization with either 16mm. or 35mm. sound recorders. It is provided with mounting platform which permits removal of magazine while camera remains mounted on motor. Drive coupling attaches to single-frame shaft of camera and is mated to spring-steel drive arm of motor gear box. This assures that camera mechanism cannot be damaged if a film jam occurs as the spring steel arm drive will shear. This is easily replaced. A knurled knob on motor armature permits rotating for threading. "On-Off" switch built into base. Platform base threaded for VV' and 3/s" camera tie-down screws. Rubber covered cable with plugs included. Price $150 . . . Immediate Delivery (^ ^» FRANK C. ZUCKER *Hm€RfltQUIPm€llT(0. L* I600BHOHDWRU new SDRK CITU V A FOR THE MOVIE FAN Here are the latest and hottest items hand picked from the thousands offered to us. Our own tests have proven it to be a remarkable value, and of course each is fully guaranteed. CINELARGER. For making your own still snapshots from either 8mm or 16mm film. Simple and easy to use with standard 620 film. Makes 8 exposures on each roll. Specify either 8mm ti ^05 or 16mm. Immediate delivery. . .postpaid ^ | # ANIMATED TITLES. More than 500 different titles to choose from in 8mm or 16mm film. Special catalogue available FREE. Write today. TITLE LETTER SET. For those who make their own titles, here is an economical set of 100 letters in multicolor material with three colored backgrounds which require no adhesive. A regular font type box is supplied. $050 Immediate delivery postpaid ^ M. BOLSEY CINE FADER. For making fades, dissolves and other trick shots with ANY movie camera. More than 64 combinations are possible and the CINE FADER fits any lens. $0050 Immediate delivery postpaid .AA Extension Tube lor Cine Fader available for addi"q ■harply defined edges to the fades. 4/150 Postpaid n>£|-"' STINEMANN DEVELOPING SYSTEM. For those who do their own movie film processing, here is an opportunity to save more than $100. BRAND NEW sets which handle up to 200 feet of film, in factory sealed cases. S/IT50 Special, (shpg. wt. 50 lbs.) ^t\/Jys ORDER NOW! No C.O.D.'s without 20% deposit. nflTA PHOTO 690A 3rd AVENUE UlLIH SUPPLY NEW YORK 17, N. Y. Wanstead and Woodford Cine Club. Should any further letters be received, I have a number of people still waiting. I very much appreciate your cooperation in this matter, and can only wish your magazine the success which it justly deserves. J. Maddison Ilford. England The credit belongs to Movie Makers readers, of whom we are proud and to whom we are grateful. WE WIN BY A NOSE Sirs: Let me compliment you on the general overhaul you have given the magazine this past year. It seems to me that you have gotten your nose out of the upper strata of New York and now have it down into the meaty problems of amateur movie photography. You are doing a swell job! Dr. L. B. Foster, ACL Salina, Kansas THE ONLY ONE Dear Sirs: Please be sure to renew my subscription for another year. I have enjoyed Movie Makers very much during the past year and feel that it is the only one of the many photographic magazines that is of any interest to me as an amateur movie maker. George Yender, ACL Chicago, 111. SURVEYS A HELP Dear Sirs: I would like to say how much I like the new treatment of Movie Makers, especially the accurate and exhaustive series of Equipment Surveys. They are of great help to those of us who, for various reasons beyond our control, have no hope of seeing — let alone buying — new equipment for a long time to come. V. East, ACL Claremont, West Australia COMPETENT JOB Dear ACL: Here's my membership renewal for 1949. I have thoroughly enjoyed my past membership and subscription to Movie Makers. The League appears to be doing a highly efficient and competent job in serving the substandard movie field, and it is deserving of the highest commendation. L. S. Cullom, Jr., ACL Atlanta, Ga. POLICY HAS CHANGED Gentlemen: Last year at this time I was about to quit my membership in ACL, but decided to give the year 1948 as the last try for confidence in this organization as well as belief in the worth of the magazine. Now, since the editorial policy has changed in the latter part of 1947 and carried through 1948 and is devoted to the interests of the 8mm. as well as the 16mm. filmer on equal terms, I'm convinced that this magazine far outshines all its competitors. Jules J. Albrecht, ACL Webster Grove. Mo. Questions ^i iiiiiiiiiEj^iiiiiaiiiini Answers Readers are invited to submit basic problems of general interest for answer in this column. Replies by letter to individuals must be reserved for members of the Amateur Cinema League. Address: Questions & Answers, c/o Movie Makers. LIGHTNING A LA CARTE Dear Q & A: Our family is having a picnic soon and I am planning to make a film of it. I want the picnic to break up with a rainstorm. I know how to make the rainstorm, but do not know how to make the lightning. Please tell me just how I can make the lightning. C. A. Jennings, ACL Taylor. Texas . Two methods have been used by amateurs in the past, with greater or less effectiveness. In the first and better method, the camera is stopped during the filming, at normal exposure, of the scene in question. The diaphragm is then opened up at least three full stops and the camera button just tapped to give approximate single frame exposure. The resultant and heavy overexposure so lightens the scene overall as to simulate the effect of a lightning flash. In the second method, single frames of clear film base are spliced into the storm scene periodically. MAGNETIC SOUND ON 16? Dear Sirs: I was most interested in your reply to James H. Kilgore, jr., in the November Reader Writes, on the possibility that magnetic sound on 8mm. film may be available within the coming year. I wonder if you have any information as to whether this same system will be adapted for use on 16mm. films and projectors? Laurence W. Sanford Philadelphia, Pa. Movie Makers has no such information. Our estimate is that the magnetic sound on film system will not be extended to the 16mm. width, since this medium is already well served in the field of synchronized sound by the photronic sound on film track.