Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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51 s~%*«*± THE FAMILY FILM Parties make the picture From Valentine's to Halloween, gay holidays create good filming DOROTHY M. PEPER ALMOST any gay family occasion provides a good reason for making a movie. But certain holiday celebrations and parties are truly the home movie maker's meat. Valentines Day is particularly photogenic, with its romantic theme and its colors of red and white. HEARTS AND FLOWERS Begin the film with a shot of the calendar turned to February 14. and follow with a few family shots. A breakfast table presentation of candy, "To Mom from Dad," in a heart-shaped box, might be followed with Junior's painstaking preparation of his best girls valentine. Sister's elation at the delivery of red roses from her one and onlv. or that characteristic comparison of the quantitv and quality of valentines that each member of the grade school received from the home room valentine box. But on to the party! You will film the guests' arrival, of course, and accord the nicest costumes an appropriate number of feet. And then the games — with valentine themes and props. See that Forfeits and Truth or Consequences are among the games played and there will be action aplenty. There'll be shyness and boldness. Excitement, thrills. Laughter, fun. Shoot the table and refreshments I first from a distance, then in closeup ) as they are enjoyed by the party guests. A kissing couple (chosen through a game) will afford a merry climax. SHAMROCKS AND SPRING Sure and the Irish will want to film a St. Patrick's Day party! And a fine one it can be, with its pipes and parades and brilliant green shamrocks. Here again, there'll be costumes and games, all of Irish origin or significance, and perhaps an Irish version of the ever popular Charades. As a climax, why not execute a colorful Irish jig? Springtime or May Day parties are nice, and they offer plenty of beauty and color to attract the eager camera fan. If it's a garden party, you'll have a natural background of pretty posies, before which gay ladies in their flowered and flowing dresses all but put the spring blossoms to shame. Effective contrasts and comparisons may be added by closeup studies of the two. For a climax, a May Pole — even a small one — will provide all the color and action any movie maker could want. SCHOOL DAYS Before school lets out for summer vacation make a film of some special school event. There are dozens of activities to choose from — special holiday celebrations, class parties and picnics, outdoor programs of athletic events. \ou will want to obtain the approval of school authorities, of course. But you'll find most teachers happy to help you in planning your film ahead and even in directing the action when you are ready to shoot. Most children, of course, are eager actors and will cooperate surprisingly well if coached a bit in advance. Center things around your own youngsters, if you wish, but try to bring back a well rounded record of the whole show. Another parly well worth filming is the first family picnic in the spring — whether it be in the country or around the backyard barbecue pit. Can't you just see Junior snitching a doughnut, while Big Sis sets the table and opens up the Cokes? Yes, and Bover sniffing the air excitedly, as Dad. in chef cap and apron, prepares to broil the steak and Mom begins tossing the salad like mad! One of the most popular party-picture occasions is the Fourth of July. What color! What action! And what scope! There will be fun galore — whether the day is celebrated indoors or out. The big parade, the picnics with their tournaments, races and other contests, all contribute to a magnificent movie subject. FLAGS AND FIREWORKS Pick your favorite type of celebration. Then set out to film one Glorious Fourth that none of you can ever forget! You'll be sure to get each member of the family into the act I does Uncle Dud usually win the pie-eating contest? ). and it goes without saying that you won't stint on film when it comes to the all-important fireworks! For they can be filmed. Type A is the best emulsion, with your fast lens wide open and your camera running at eight frames per second. And, if you're working on 8mm., a good trick is to run the film over two or three times — filling the frames with patterns. [Continued on page 73] Harold M. Lambert from Frederic Lewis VALENTINE VISIONS might be the subtitle for this enchanting near shot from a Valentine's Day party sequence. Note high light.