Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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66 News of the Industry Up to the minute reports on new products and services in the movie field THOUGH American Bolex's set of matched Kern lenses is designed specifically for the Bolex H-16 camera, all three lenses have standard C mounts for cameras using such lens mounts. THE APOGOR line of f 2.3 lenses, manufactured by the C. P. Goerz American Optical Company, offers focal lengths of 138, 2 and 3 inches. HUGO MEYER'S new 3 inch f/2.8 Trioplan telephoto lens is the second of their series of cine lenses. A high speed lens, it produces sharp movies in color or black and white. T. H. EMMETT, president of Hollywood Film Enterprises, Inc., hands Martin Murray, president of Martin Murray Productions, a copy of their new distribution contract. Bolex lenses The American Bolex Company. Inc.. 521 Fifth Avenue, New York City, announces a set of matched Kern lenses especially for the Bolex H-16 motion picture camera. The three lenses, a Kern Switar 1 inch //1.4, a Kern Yvar 3 inch //2.5 and a Kern Yvar 15mm. f/2.8. are coated and are controlled by precise manufacture and test to insure that exposures made at any given diaphragm setting will be identical on all three objectives. They may be purchased either as a set or individually. The 1 inch Switar. a high speed, all purpose lens selling at $183.75, features an ingenious depth of field scale which indicates at all apertures and focal settings the depth of field in sharp focus. The 3 inch Yvar. at $128.34. is a compact and light lens for telephoto work, while the 15mm. Yvar, $78.75, takes care of wide angle requirements. All three lenses have standard C mounts and can be used with all cameras using threaded lens mounts of this type. Goerz Apogor Three new high quality lenses for 16mm. and 35mm. movie cameras have been introduced by the C. P. Goerz American Optical Company, 317 East 34th Street, New York 16, N. Y. Known for the Apogor formula, all three have a speed of //2.3, with focal lengths of 1%, 2 and 3 inches. At present the 1% and the 2 inch lenses are available uncoated, with C mounts, for $175.00 and $191.33. The 3 inch lens is available coated, with C mount, for $245.00. Ultimately all three Apogors will be coated. Hugo Meyer lens A 3 inch //2.8 Trioplan telephoto lens is available from Hugo Meyer & Company. Inc. The new lens is designed for use with all standard 16mm. cameras, gives a flat field and is fully corrected for color, astigmatism and spherical aberration. For 8mm. cameras, the manufacturer has a iy2 inch //2.7 Trioplan telephoto. Full information on both lenses may be had from Hugo Meyer & Company. Inc., 39 West 60th Street. New York City. Distribution contract Martin Murray Productions, 5746 Sunset Boulevard. Hollywood, Calif., have announced the signing of an exclusive five year contract with Hollywood Film Enterprises. Inc., 6060 Sunset Boulevard, for distri bution of their Movie Melody films. Murray Productions have recently delivered nineteen complete 16mm. musical shorts to their new distributor. Craig to distribute Craig Movie Supply Company. 1053 South Olive Street, Los Angeles 15. Calif., has been appointed exclusive agent in the eleven Western states for Pictorial Films. Inc., and Film Highlights. Present plans call for the establishment of film libraries throughout the Southern California area as rapidly as possible. Ampro appointments A. J. Pal m e r , president of Ampro Corporation, announces the promotion of Howard Marx, former assistant sales manager, to the position of vicepresident and general sales manager of Ampro, to succeed Harry Monson, recently resigned. Frank B. Rogers, jr., has been appointed vicepresident and assistant sales manager of the company, with headquarters in New York City. Lishman slides A new set of twelve Kodachrome slides titled Postwar Japan has just been released by Lt. Cmdr. Clifford J. Lishman, world traveler and roving cameraman. The set, selling for $5.85, contains such scenes as the famous suicide coast, a carnival and Japanese farmers plowing by ancient methods. Full details are available from Lt. Cmdr. C. J. Lishman (U.S.N. Ret.) at La Jolla, Calif. DeVry promotion Henry M. Fisher, until recently manager of DeVry Corporation's New York division, has been promoted to vicepresident in charge of sales and merchandising. He will make his headquarters at the home office in Chicago. Educational catalog A second printing has been ordered of the new educational film catalog published by Library Films, Inc. School principals and supervisors may obtain their copies of the catalog by addressing the Customers' Service Department. Library Films, Inc., 25 West 45th Street, New York City. Variable speed motor Anew variable speed motor with tachometer to fit the Cine-Kodak Special and Maurer cameras has been developed by National Cine Equipment, Inc., 20 West 22nd Street, New York City. The motor features a speed range of from eight to fifty frames per second, determined by a mechanical governor and read on the tachometer. Four interchangeable motors are available. For use with the Special, a