Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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68 FEBRUARY 1949 HOLLYWOOD DOES IT AGAIN!! HOW IT'S THE "MOVIE OF THE MONTH CI 08 " New It's the M0V1E-0F-THE-M0NTH CLUB and a membership in this new and novel organixotion, dedicated to the best in home-movie craftsmanship and production, is now available to you for only $2.00. Your membership cord in this new club rcotfv constitutes a "First Edition," and will entitle you to enjoy privileges not ordinarily available to others. THE MOVIE-OF-THE-MONTH-CLUB pictures will be collectors' gems . . . films that will make fascinating additions to your 8mm. or 16mm. movie library . . . pictures that will provide endless hoppy hours for you, your family and friends. There are no dues in our MOVIE-OF-THEMONTH-CLUB! You will receive the best home movie of our month on approval. You project the film on your screen before you decide whether or not you want to buy it. Mail coupon today: enclosing only $2 for membership fee, and first reel will be sent by return mail, together with yourmembershipcard Movie-of-the-Month-Club Dept. MM MEMBERSHIP 6509 De Longpre Avenue COUPON Hollywood 28, California □ EN'CLOSED FIND $2.00 MEMBERSHIP FEE. Please enroll me as a member of the "MOVIE-OFTHE-MONTH-CLUB. "• I understand this does not obligate me to purchase any reels and that you will send me a new reel on approval approximately every month. I will return the reels sent me on approval within 5 days (enclosing 25c handling charge) or pay for them at the special club members' price (8mm — $2.00; 16mm — $4.00; 16mm Sound— $5.00. I have a ( ) 8mm ( ) 16mm Silent ( ) 16mm Sound projector. PLEASE STATE SIZE. NAME . (Please print plainly) ADDRESS CITY ZONE STATE SPECIAL PRICES TO CLUB MEMBERS ON LONGER REELS, FOR EXAMPLE: 200 Ft. 8mm. only . $ 5.00 800 Ft. 8mm. Features, only_ 3 Musicals on a reel, only — 12 Musicals on a reel, only_ 16.00 12.50 42.50 8-1 6mm Silent, Sound, Sales, Rental, Exchanges MOVIES Two 3c stamps for giant catalogue. State Size Reed & Reed Distributors, Inc. 7508 Third Ave. Brooklyn 9, N. Y. BLACK AND WHITE • KODACHROME ENLARGED Ktjfct*^ g 1 KtUUwtU"- gi DUPLICATES GEO. W.C0LBURN LABORATORY, Inc. 164 N. Waclcer Dr., Dept. M, Chicago 6, III. TITLE-CRAFT TITLES FOR THAT PROFESSIONAL TOUCH! 40 artistic backgrounds available to select from ■t no extra cost. No charge for Tinting Film Amber! WRITE FOR free illustrated brochure and smmflei. TITLE-CRAFT, 1022 Argyle St., Chicago 40, III. Safeguard your Film. Ship in FIBERBILT CASES. 400' to 2000' 16mm. FIBERBILT CASE CO. 40 WEST 17th ST. NEW YORK CITY America Pageant, 1948. World in Color also announces the formation of a subsidiary unit to be known as National Park Films, which will produce and distribute a series of twenty two short Kodachrome pictures of the national parks. S.O.S. enlarged A greatly enlarged line of motion picture equipment for the advanced amateur is now carried in stock by S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corporation as a result of moving into larger quarters in its own building at 602 West 52nd Street, New York 19, N. Y. Acquisition of the building marked the twenty second anniversary of the company's growth. Victor move Western offices of the Victor Animatograph Corporation have moved to a new location in the Cine Mart Building, 6912 Hollywood Boulevard. Hollywood 28, Calif. Kodak films A new edition of Kodak Films and Plates for Professional Use, incorporating several completely new sections, is announced by the Eastman Kodak Company. It may be obtained through photographic dealers for thirty five cents. Beaumont Newhall. former curator of the department of photography of the Museum of Modern Art, has been named curator of George Eastman House, Inc. Mr. Newhall is nationally known as a photographic expert, lecturer and author. Sterling distribution Distribution of all Sterling Films in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky has been awarded to Lenco Photo Sales. Headquarters for Sterling Films, Inc., are at 61 West 56th Street, New York 19, N. Y. Camera film Intended as a practical aid to the beginning amateur, the dealer and camera clubs, Your Movie Camera and How to Use It is a one reel film distributed by Hollywood 35mm. Film Company. 1626 North Wilcox Avenue. Hollywood 28. Calif. Directed by Paul Burnford. the film is a humorous treatment of the things that the novice should avoid doing. It is available in a Kodachromewith-sound version, as well as in three black and white editions. Busman's holiday [Continued from page 59] onl) a day fa fast man with a melody, this minstrel of ours!), Red turns his hack on the creature comforts and heads westward into the sunset — San Francisco bound. . . . The balance of the story, Dud Porter tells us, is yet to be filmed! There are, you may be sure, a goodly number of typical Skelton gags sprinkled through this rambling continuity. But there are also a number of interesting and inventive cinematic angles to the production which derive directly from the earliest make-do days of the motion picture. Take the stagecoach sequence, for example. Comprised of the standard cross-cutting series of long shots, medium shots and closeups. the sequence includes only a very few long shots of an actual stage and horses galloping into the distance. The balance of the scenes — medium shots and closeups — were created by mounting a mock-up of the front part of a stagecoach on the open back of Red's convertible. (A close examination lower left on the medium shot still picture will show you the setup.) With this securely in place, Porter was then able to film a wide variety of medium and close shots of Red and the stage driver, even including moving camera shots from another car of the rolling progress of the coach. And mind you, since Red travelled only in the front seat with the driver, the producers never did bother with creating the back of the coach at all. The mock-up of the stagecoach front we suspect Red may have borrowed from an obliging studio property department. Other, more simple props the production crew made themselves. But there was one important item they couldn't fake. This was the buzzard. So, in true film fashion, they simply rented a trained buzzard by the day from one of Hollywood's many animal supply houses. And a mighty cooperative creature he turned out to be — as you can see in the still shot. Production credits for The Great Wilburspoon list Red Skelton as producer and scenarist; Lew Borzage. a friend and professional director, behind the megaphone, and Dudley Porter, director of photography. With Red featured as the minstrel, the cast includes Georgia Skelton, his wife, as the miner's daughter; Rod O'Connor, announcer on Red's radio program, as the stage driver; Lew Borzage. doubling as the miner, and Pat McGeon. an actor from Red's radio show. The picture is being produced at sound speed on 16mm. Kodachrome. with a Bolex H-16 and a Cine-Kodak Special as the cameras. The sound track will be largely post-recorded. Backgrounds for his busman's holiday have included the Malibu Mountains, the San Fernando Valley and the Mohave Desert. If they don't get lost out there, and if the film ever gets finished, the end title will probably read: Dud and I Dood It!