Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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70 FEBRUARY 1949 FROM THE ^^ PERSONAL COLLECTION M ^ OF LT. COMDR. ^ United Stotes Novy (Ret.) t^ ■ ■ MOVIE MASTERWORKS IN FULL COLOR „ Here .ire those films with the m.ister touch of Clifford J. Lishmnn, Master Cameraman. "-Seas Voyager, and World Traveler. Superb color, continuity and composition. Shipped complete with reel and can, these are silent films with titles and /or expertly timed narration. Which would you like to see first? AVAILABLE IN 16mm, 100 FEET ZION, BRYCE OR GRAND CANYON $17.65 ea. AVAILABLE IN 1 6mm, COMPLETE EDITION WESTERN WONDERLAND, a trip through Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyons $65.50 DEATH VALLEY, a full visit to California's most colorful scenic region $65.50 JUST RELEASED . . . COLORFUL SAN DIEGO, where California began. 16mm, 100 foot reels . . . $17.65. 16mm Complete Edition . . . $65.50. All the above also come in 8mm. Complete Ediliom, $29.75. Fitly ft. Editions, $8.25. Lt.Comdr. CLIFFORD J.LISHMAN (U.S.N. Ret.) Dept. 38 Eon )32,Lo Jolla, California, U. S. A. i YOU MUST BE PLEASED OR MONEY BACK DISTINCTIVE EXPERT TITLES and EDITING For the Amateur and Professional 16 mm. — 8 mm. Black & White and Kodachrome Price list on request S T A H L EDITING AND TITLING SERVICE 33 West 42 St. New York, N. Y. KODACHROME DUPLICATES 8MM. and 16MM. 11 PER FINEST QUALITY I I C FOOT Mail Orders Accepted Hollywood 16mm. Industries, Inc. 6060 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. AT GOWER HOLLYWOOD 28, CALIF. r^s*s#sr^s#N* VIEWS of HAVANA, CUBA in Beautiful 35mm Kodachrome We have a collection of over 70 different subjects at 50c each Send for fiee list KODAK CUBANA LTD. Apartado 1349 Havana, Cuba rrxxt&% Easy • Quick • Convenient MOVIES BY MAIL fron B FILM RENTAL LIBRARY : ~ — — — our 1949 Sound movie catalog, hot off the press. Feature programs as low as Si 7"). Write fo Depf. R FREE! CAMERA STORES PEERLESS FINEST HOME MOVIE SELECTION 138 E.44thSt.,New York 17.N.Y. system of lens calibration. Mr. McNabb was noted principally as an organizer and business executive. Under his direction, the Bell & Howell Company became one of the first industries in the Middle West to collaborate with universities in developing cooperative student training programs. His company was also a Midwest leader in converting to national defense work. With Mr. McNabb's passing the amateur movie industry loses one of its ablest leaders and the Amateur Cinema League one of its oldest friends. Welcome to Natchez [Continued from page 57] visit and a colorful film record to carry away with them. Amateurs who sometimes long for the opulent settings of theatrical productions will find here a paradise of authentically romantic scenes, rivaling the most lavish Hollywood creations in beauty, charm and elegance. Graceful and gracious as these subjects are, their pictorial charm can be notably enhanced by the knowing movie maker. He will remember to frame the classic beauty of the old homes through the languid branches of the ancient and sheltering trees. He will recall the glamour of a vanished era with human interest scenes of the beribboned belles and lovely ladies who are there to greet him. He will be lavish in his use of the closeup, capturing with it the delicacy of architectural detail and the fragility of the tender flowers. He will reward the stateliness of his subject matter with a steady camera. And above all he will refrain from the depravity of panning. DUNLEITH Possibly one of the loveliest houses in America, certainly an outstanding example of ante bellum mansions, is Dunleith, with its imposing large-columned galleries on four sides, a classic adaptation of the Greek temple. Built in 1847 by Charles Dahlgren, it stands on part of the original 1700 acre land grant given to the Rouths, his wife's family. Now the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Leslie Carpenter, the fifth generation of Carpenters to occupy Dunleith, the house is shown on the afternoon tours, being open from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. MELROSE Melrose, stateliest and concededly the best preserved of ante bellum mansions, is set amidst spacious lawns and garden-. Its grounds, furnishings, bonks and portraits, all practically unchanged since the house was built in 1845. are exquisite examples of the finest artistry and craftsmanship of the period. In the main dining room is a carved mahogany punkah over the table with a Ion"; -ilken eord. which was pulled by a -ervant to fan the dinner guests. The handsome Natchez landscape over the mantel was painted by Audubon. In the rear courtyard are the outside kitchen building and old-fashioned milking room, both still in daily use. Melrose is the home of Mrs. George M. D. Kelly, having been in possession of the Kelly family for four generations. It is shown on the morning tours. D'EVEREUX Another example of the pure classic type of Southern colonial architecture is D'Evereux, built in 1840 by William St. John Elliott. At the front of the house, six fluted columns set on square pedestals support a gently sloping roof which extends over the broad gallery running the width of the house. A balcony over the entrance is framed in wrought iron. The house is beautifully furnished with antiques of the period. Henry Clay was a frequent visitor to D'Evereux, and the hospitality he enjoyed there is recorded in The Congressional Record. THE TAVERNS Connelly's Tavern and King's Tavern are two interesting historical buildings which always attract tourists on the Pilgrimage. The former is the place where Lafayette was entertained at a ball during a visit to Natchez in 1825. Here, too, tradition has it, Aaron Burr plotted his dark intrigues. The tavern is a curious combination of primitive pioneer living and imported old-world elegance. King's is the oldest house in Mississippi. The first United States mail brought over the Natchez Trace was delivered here for distribution. The present occupants of the house are direct descendants of the Postlethwaite and Bledsoe families, who have owned and occupied King's Tavern for over 130 years. Among its other treasures, King's boasts a legendary ghost of an Indian chieftain who appears at midnight in the old taproom. UNFINISHED LONGWOOD One of the most unusual of the old houses is Longwood. a Moorish castle of considerable proportions. It was started shortly before the war. but the outbreak of hostilities in 1861 prevented continuing the work on the interior, which was never completed. Pails of paint, brushes and tools may still be seen as they were left by the workmen who rushed off to answer the call to arms. AND MANY OTHERS We cannot take time here to describe each of the houses in detail, but the others are equally interesting and attractive. There is Arlington, with its fabulous Gold Drawing Room, priceless original furnishings, its lovely English