Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS that a maximum of 25 amperes current draw covers all my illumination needs. This system of general illumination works very efficiently and has helped me film more scenes in a given time than would be possible with movable light stands. Naturally, this type of illumination may need to be supplemented by a spotlight or flood on the floor for special effects. But for the simple basic illumination of most family films it is almost ideal. . . . And besides, your voungsters can't knock it over. Parties make the picture [Continued from page 51] PUMPKINS AND SPOOKS And now, Halloween. A bit more difficult to film — but very impressive, if you are willing to give some special attention to lights. Here again, we have colors and costumes and games. The colors, of course, will be orange and black, the decorations fall-ish — pumpkins, apples and shocks of corn. And there'll be skeletons and ghosts and big black cats. The games should be planned with the movie in mind, if the film is to be a real success. And the guests, as is the custom, should be masked. Guessing who's who on the screen will add to audience enjoyment. And the unmasking will provide you with a strong climax. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Most common, and human, is the birthday party, a type of celebration that takes place often in almost any house. For here are all the advantages offered by other parties — plus the special interest centered on the birthday child. Begin your film with the arrival of the guests. Then move along to the games, always concentrating your attention on the activities of the honor guest. The opening of gifts is the big moment of any birthday party, of course. And the recipient's reactions as each present is opened, acknowledged and enjoyed should be accorded a generous number of film feet. Also, the blowing-out of the candles and cutting of the cake. These two ceremonies are the big moments of any birthday party, so be sure you don't sell them short! Some parties will consume a whole roll of film or more, while smaller, less important affairs may require only twenty or thirty feet. In either case, when planning a party picture, ask yourself this: "Who and what are important?— What is it I want to get across?" Then answer your question carefully, continuously — on film — and your party picture will be a success on the screen, forever enjoyed! 7i rfudto-Stide Projector not furnished/ you use your own projector. New and Different ! Gives You SOUND with your 2x2 Transparencies Puts LIFE in your Color Transparencies Makes you Master of Ceremonies This new microphone, amplifier, and beautiful alligator leatherette case for use with your own 2x2 slide projector is particularly impressive at lawn parties, clubs, or in your living and projection rooms. Your own voice comes from the screen ... at the "mike", you are the master of ceremonies ... it helps control your shows. The AUDIO-SLIDE is especially outstanding in the School Room or at Sunday School. You can plug in a turntable if you wish. Most silent slide projectors will mount on the base and carry in the same case. AUDIO-SLIDE has the famous Movie-Mite four-watt amplifier with both volume and tone controls on the projector base. All cables are included. Write for literature. . . . See your photographic dealer today for a demonstration. "KFFP YPUtt FVFQ AA//J FAUQ flN MHI//F A4/TF " MOVIE-MITE CORPORATION «>_£r 1105 EAST 15th ST. KANSAS CITY 6, MISSOURI new! STRM1GE! DIFFEREIIT! *\ 3 16mm SPINE-TINGLERS in a uniquely different manner. The subtle artistry of Director William Cameron Menzies adds new dimensions to awe and wonderment. POE . . . FOR THE FIRST TIME in 16mm THE TELL-TALE HEART by Edgar Allan Poe with Richard Hart The eerie classic by the father of the mystery story masterfully interpreted and brilliantly acted. Imaginative photography captures perfectly the haunting atmosphere of this fascinating drama. 2 reels, running time 17 minutes Price: $50.00 COLLINS . . . FOR THE FIRST TIME in 16mm A TERRIBLY STRANGE BED by Willkie Collins with Richard Greene and Roman Bohnen The hypnotic spell of Collins" Victorian hair-raiser about a stranger in a strange, monstrous bed is brought to the screen with all its original potency. 2 reels, running time 16 minutes Price: $50.00 MARIONETTE MYSTERY with Regis Toomey A new approach to the mystery drama. Done ing. You are among the suspects. 2 reels, running time 21 minutes iature, with you, the audience, parficipatPrice: $60.00 Available at leading film libraries and dealers. Write our Dept. 13 for complete catalog of over 300 16mm sound pictures, shorts and features. KEEP POSTED WITH POST PICTURES CORP. 115 W. 45th St., New York 19, N. Y.