Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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76 FEBRUARY 1949 Send for your ^ I No ■>.*•■ 2S7k I've printed o new BARGAINGRAM for all the camera fans who want to buy fine photographic merchandise at my kind of bargain prices. You're entitled to your free copy ...just drop me a reques.. President 2uafUy Aimu /9I0 1 7 » W. MADISON ST. CHICACO 2. ILL.. "STS KODACHROME DUPLICATES 16mm., 8mm. He per foot MaH Orders Accepted. Discount to Dealers. 974 EdgeclifF Drive Hollywood 26, California POWERFUL 5'/2" COATED F-3.5 TELE-LENSES 138mm) for Bolex. Victor, B &. H. evere. Keystone, etc. 16mm cameras, harp, color corrected AAF surplus lenses in our focusing "C" mounts. A powerful lens for REAL ose-ups. Mailed insured. Complete with $3050 CENTURY PRECISION SPECIALTIES CO. 2231 Parry Ave. Los Anoeles 25. Calif. PASADENA TOURNAMENT OF ROSES 1949 Filmed in Spectacular Color! Gorgeous, Glamorous, Spectacular Prize Winning Flower Bedecked Floats— Replete with Beautiful Girls— Don't Miss This! Available in 1-2-3 or 400 foot lengths $16 per hundred, or $60 for complete edition COD's 20% please. Residents of Calif, please include 21/2% sales tax. ARTHUR H. HART CINEMATIC DEVELOPMENTS &CINECHROME LAB. 2125 Thirty-Second Ave., San Francisco, Calif. IVa x 3</4 COLOR PRINTS 50c each Price of larger prints on request From 8 and 16mm Color Film Send 3 frames or tie thread next to frame desired. Add 25c handling charge on orders of less than 55.00. No C.O.D.'s. HOUSE OF COLOR 1108 Seal Way Seal Beach, Calif. STOP APOLOGIZING FOR YOUR MOVIE TITLES Write today for a FltEE A-to-Z Sample Title Test Kit. Make titles that are different . . . better and tailored to your taste. Try our method . . . FREE. COMPLETE COLOR OR B.&W. OUTFIT $6.50 A-to-Z MOVIE ACCESSORIES 175 Fifth Avenue Dept. M New York 10. N. Y. "millions tor defense TfR(fS% . . . but you don't need millions to defend films against dirt, oil, scratches and other hazards. Insist on the reliable PEERLESS FILM TREATMENT ^g-rnt rcc fnM processing tCKLtSS CORPORATION 163 WEST 46th STREET, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. Earthquake, by George B. Stone; Our Eastern Vacation, by William A. Ware; i'acation, by A. A. Maryott; Cotton Wood Lake, by Dr. A. J. Linderman; Monterey Bay and the Coast, by Nella G. Stiverson. Richmond open house The bis event of the year for members of the Richmond I Calif. ) Movie Camera Club was the gala night celebration held before the holidays. A gay. carnival atmosphere prevailed at this occasion, and the highlight of the evening was the awarding of the Hollywood-type Oscars to club members for their year's work. Taking top honors were Saturday Night, by Bob Buckett; Tints of Nature, by Miss Whittlesey; Making Ceramics, by Tom Beddoes. and Floral Splendor in Hawaii, by Edna Hunting. Kansas City awards An innovation was introduced in judging the 1948 annual contests held by the 8-16 Home Movie Makers of Kansas City, Mo. At the end of the program, judging was done by the audience with the aid of an applause meter. Results in the 16mm. class were as follows: Cal Duncan, first place, for Gold To Happiness ; Robert C. Davis, second place, for Beyond the Blue Horizon; John C. Sherard, third place, for 50th American Royal. Winners in the 8mm. class were not known at press time. Minneapolis 8's elect Recent election of officers by the Minneapolis Octo Cine Guild returned Ralph Mueller as president: Clinton Hedsten. vicepresident : Chris Nielsen, treasurer, and Earl Peterson, secretary. North Kent schedule Members of the North Kent Cinema Club, of Barnehurst, Kent. England, are having a very busy time of it this current season. Like most other English amateur groups, club interest is centered on unit produced films, of which North Kent has three in progress at the moment: Late Extra and Silence Is Not Golden 1 16mm. I, and The Bell (8mm.). In their spare time, members have been availing themselves of the club owned sound recording equipment to add sound to their silent films. Kings film gift 0f interest to clubs wishing to serve their community through movie making is the recently completed project by members of the Kings Cine Club, ACL, of Brooklyn, N. Y. A club produced film documenting the activities and -ervices of the Hebrew Educational Society was presented to that organiza tion on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary celebration in January. The film ran 1000 feet of 16mm. Kodachrome. Single frame controls [Continued from page 58] MAKING THE PARTS As I recall now. all the parts were made in three or four evenings. The star wheel was turned 13/16 of an inch in diameter and 5/16 of an inch thick, from tool steel. The teeth were cut with a file to 5/16 of an inch by 1/16 of an inch at their tops, the root diameter being 17/32 of an inch. Reasonable irregularities in filing are unimportant. Tempering was to "light straw," drawing being done by heating a bolt screwed into the threaded bore. OTHER ADAPTATIONS The basic design — use of the star wheel — can be adapted to other forms of camera button releases. Where the button moves into the camera case. Fig. 2 could be revised by eliminating the pull rod and turning the mechanism to cause the tripper arm to bear directly against motor release. Another variation might use a bell crank as in Fig. 3. OTHER METHODS For cameras with a release arm pivoting on a point, a device similar to that shown in Fig. 4 has been discussed elsewhere. A fine steel knitting needle. FIG. 4: For cameras with pivoted-type motor release, an ingenious frame by frame control can be devised by attaching fine steel knitting needle to the camera lever. bent to a curve found by experiment, was attached to the motor release arm. The originator claimed that his finger would slip off when the curve was pressed at a certain point, thus allowing quick return of the release. The inherent spring of the needle eliminated unnecessary jars to the camera. Designs for electromagnetic releases have been published from time to time. (Movie Makers, April, 1948— Ed.). The writer, however, has not made great explorations along this line, as he frequently finds himself quite remote from any source of electricity. It was found that the star wheel device also adapts itself to normal running and locked-in running of the camera. No exposure corrections have been necessarv in the single frame operation.