Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 77 Closeups— The End of an E ra WEDNESDAY, January 5, dawned cool, gray and rain swept. Mist hung in the air like a pall, and the groping whistles of the harbor craft rolled mournfully over the city. The rain slashed and chewed at the dirty snow still in the gutters. It was the day of the funeral. . . . We join the world's movie enthusiasts in mourning the loss of Colonel Roy W . Winton, who contributed so greatly in the development of amateur movie making. Joseph H. McNabb, ACL President Bell & Howell Company Chicago, 111. The office was tense with inactivity. The compelling occupations of the past two days — the list of names to telephone, the letters to write, the wires to be sent — all of these things were done now. The numbing opiate of action was wearing off. There was nothing to do now but wait. . . . The Amateur Cinema League has lost a great leader, and the amateur movie maker a true friend. Walter Bergmann, FACL Mount Vernon, N. Y. The service would be at one. At eleven you went down to the cafeteria to have lunch. But it was too early; the food was not ready. So, you walked around the block, smoked a cigarette and finally had a bowl of heavy soup. It was a quarter to twelve. . . . 1 am shocked at the loss of my dear friend Colonel Winton and wish to express my appreciation for having known him so long and favorably. Charles Bass Bass Camera Company Chicago, 111. \ou arrived at the funeral chapel at twelve o'clock, and you found you were the first one there. Black coated attendants greeted you with low voiced sympathy. "Are you a member of the family?" one said, and you said "No. No, you were not a member of the family." You had a job to do, that's all. You had to check the flowers. You didn't tell him that Colonel Winton had no family. . . . The death of Colonel Roy W. Winton is a distinct loss to all of us who had the privilege of knowing this distinguished gentleman . . . Please convey to the appropriate member of his family my sincerest sympathy. Ralph E. Gray, FACL Miami, Fla. There was an American flag draped across the foot of the open coffin. Flowers rose in bright masses around it, and their mingled scent hung almost sickeningly in the hot, still air. You went out for a drink of water. And then you came back, and you looked at all the little cards and you copied down all the names. An electric organ began to drone softly in the background, and the first friends were arriving. You went out to greet them. . . . With deepest sympathy — Eastman Kodak Company; With profound sorrow — Horace Jones; With sincerest condolence — Metropolitan Motion Picture Club; With all our sympathies — Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lee; With sincerest sorroiv — Eugene Castle and Murray Goodman. Now the chapel was filled and the great double doors closed in the silence . . . / am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live . . . The voice was strong, soothing and confident. . . . The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? You found that your hands were clenched and moist. So you relaxed them, dried them on your handkerchief and again looked forward . . . / will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh even from the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth. The black-robed figure turned away, then, from the chapel and faced the bier. Let us pray, he said . . . Unto God's gracious mercy and protection we commit you. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace, both now and forever more . . . Amen. U. S. Pat. No. 2260368 GOERZ AMERICAN APOGOR F:2.3 the movie lens with microscopic definition successful cameramen have been waiting for— A new six element high quality lens for the 16 and 35 mm film camera. Corrected for all aberration at full opening, giving highest definition in b!ack-&white and color. Made by skilled technicians with many years of optical training. Fitted to precision focusing mount which moves the lens smoothly without rotating elements or shifting image. This lens comes in C mount for 16 mm cameras. Fitting to other cameras upon special order. Sizes available now : 35 and 50 mm uncoated and 75 mm coated. Write for prices, giving your dealer's name. TheC.P. GOERZ AMERICAN MM-2 OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. Want a real buy in I6MM SOUND FILMS? Take ad vantage of the I.C.S. 1949 CLEARANCE SALE of 16mm sound films — features. comedies, educationals, cartoons. novelties, etc. Send for our giant list today stating machine you own (make and model). INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE INC. -M2 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. THE ONLY BOOK DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO TITLES Every step explained , sim ply and thoroughly. It Answers Every Title Making Problem Sold Only by Mail | MAIL A DOLLAR BILL TODaTj WEStWOOD SALES CO. 635 v.cTORlA AVENUE. SAN F«A DIRECT 1 6MM SOUND with MAURER RECORDING SYSTEM For the Producer of 16 mm business, educational and religious films • EDGE NUMBERED WORK PRINTS • SOUND RECORDING • DUPLICATE NEGATIVES • SYNCHRONIZED STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY • RELEASE PRINTS-COLOR and B & W GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY, Inc. 1 64 N. Wacker Dr., Dept. M, Chicago 6, III.