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■ Cash required with order. The closing date for the receipt of copy is the tenth of the month preceding issue. Remittance to cover goods offered for sale in this department should be made to the advertiser and not to Movie Makeus. New classified advertisers are requested to furnish references.
■ Movie Makers does not always examine the equipment or films offered for sale in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and cannot state whether these arc new or used. Prospective purchasers should ascertain this fact from advertisers before buying.
10 Cents a Word
Minimum Charge $2
■ Words in capitals, except first word and name, 5 cents extra.
■ BASS SAYS: Get 'em cold ... Get 'em hot! For satisfaction. BASS is the spot '.—CHARLES BASS. President. CINE-KODAK SPECIAL, //1.9 lcn>. 15mm. 1/2.1 fixed focus, 2" //3.5, 3" //4.5. all with adapters, extra 100 ft. film magazine, combination case. S84S.00. 1" Kino Plasmat 1/1.5 coated, A ml.. $67.50: 1" Taylor-Hobson-Cookc 1/1.5 coated, $77.50: 1" Leitz Hector //1.4 coated, $110.00; 2" E.K. 1/1.6 with C int., S72.50: 3" Hugo Meyer Trioplan //2.8 coated. $65.00; 3%" Cooke //3.3, $72.50; 6" TaylorHobson-Cooke //4.5, factory coated, $147.50. MORE POP BOTTLES. 25mm. Eymax //4.5 in Eyemo C ml.. $27.50 4" Ilex Cinemat 1/2.9, Eyemo C foe. mt., $62.50: 16.5cm. C. Z. Tessar //4.5, Eyemo C foe. mt., $65.00: 8" Astro 1/5 in foe. mt., $45.00. We buy 'em, sell 'em and trade 'em. Complete stocks of new Cine equipment, all makes. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Dej.t. CC. 179 W. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111.
■ GUARANTEED fresh, panchromatic film, 25' 8mm. Weston 80. $1.65; 25' 8mm. color. $4.10; 25' 8mm. color base, $2.25; 100' 16mm. outdoor film (anti-halo), $3.45. Free machine processing! MK PHOTO, 451 Continental. Detroit (14), Mich.
■ 16MM. SOUND FILM RECORDER, 200 ft. daylight loading. Bodine Synch, motor, Veeder counter, variable density track, two posititon input mixer, all A.C. operated amplifier, microphone, headphones, cables, complete ready to operate, $395.00. Precision built and guaranteed. BOX 277, MOVIE MAKERS.
■ ... NO GOOD PICTURES WITHOUT A COOD TRIPOD: Victory Tripod Imported, luxurious. Free folder, write: ICNIS TRADING CO.. 1819 Broadway, Rm. 710. New York 23, N. Y.
B SEND for bargain list. Large selection of 8mm. cameras and projectors, 16mm. sound and silent projectors and cameras. Castle and Official film subjects, features, still cameras, rewinds, splicers, camera films, etc. ZENITH. 308 West 44th St., New York City.
■ SOUND projectors, 16mm., 35mm. from $127.50. Bargain prices on screens, reels, cans, amplifiers, speakers, microphones, splicers, processing equipment, lenses, cameras. All types, equipment bought, sold, traded. Bargain lists free. MOCULL'S. 68 W. 48th St., New Y..rk.
■ VICTOR sound projector 40B ; 12" speaker separatc case: St. George wire recorder, turntable, alligator case adapted to projector. All for $350.00. WILI.IAM MESSNER, 999 GarriBon Ave.. Teaneck, N. J.
■ MOVIE lenses — high speed, telephoto, wide angle guaranteed available on 15 day trial basis. IN
FOCUSING MOUNTS COATED FOR I6MM CAMERAS: 17mm. //2.7 Wollensak wide angle. $55.42; 17mm. //2.7 Carl Meyer wide angle, $54.50: 2" f/2 Schneider Xenon, $99.50; 3" //4.S Kodak Anastigmat. $59.50: 3" //2.8 Carl Zeiss Tessar, $119.50; 3" //3.5 Carl Zeiss Tessar, $94.50; 6" //4.5 Hell & Howell Eymax. $99.50. IN FOCUSING MOUNTS COATED
FOR 8\!\1 CAMER\S: W,,l|.nsak wide angle attach
ment, 134.70; '■■")/). 9 Wollensak Cine Raptar. $55.42; 1" //2.5 Wollensak Cine Raplar, $49.88; 1%" //3.5 telephoto anaatigmal (nol coated), $36.50: 1%" //3.5 Bell & Howell telephoto (not coated), $39.50. World's largest selection. Send this ad for catalog with compleie l.ns list. BURKE & JAMES, Inc., 321 So. Wabash A»e. Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Attn.: M. A.
■ VICTOR 4. almost new. Wollensak lenses, 2" f/l.S Vclottigmat; I" f/1.9 Raptar; 17mm. //2.7 Velostigmat.
All coaled. $250.00. Want Cine Special. Trad. 01 sale. WALDO JOHNSON, Adrian. Mich.
■ CINE 5pe< I-iIh. $185.00 up, extra magazines, lenses.
lories, tripods, Auricon sound cameras and equipment, new and used. I sed 10mm. sound projectors. $19".. O'i up. Hfghesl prices paid for 16-35mm. equip. ment. CAMERA MART, Inc.. 70 West 45th St., New York.
When you answer ads always mention MOVIE MAKERS.
Traveling... Raising a family... Relaxing with your hobby... Or just plain living—
No matter what you're planning on doing this winter, you're probably going to make movies while you're doing it.
And while you're making your movies, you'll want information all the time — the full dope on the latest gadgets, the latest short cuts that are available to movie makers — dope that is up to the minute and helpful.
That's where Movie Makers fits in, as you already know. That's why you'll want to read every word of Movie Makers every month in 1949!
To make sure that Movie Makers reaches you regularly each month, just fill in the coupon and mail it in to us.
Incidentally, Movie Makers makes a very acceptable present for your movie making friends.
420 Lexington Avenue
New York 17, N. Y.
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•Canadian $3.50; foreign $4.00.
■ I BUY— sell, swap, rent S. O. F., 8 and 16mm. films, list free. HARVEY IRIS, Box 539, Brockton,
■ WANTED: 16mm COLOR footage of Inauguration of President. Send footage and prices asked to THURMOND, Box 651, Cincinnati, Ohio. No C.O.D.
■ FREE 1948-49 list of the latest 8-16mm. home movie releases. Write SUPERIOR FILM SERVICE, Box 713, Troy, N. Y.
■ CASTLE Films for sale; 8mm. -16mm. silent and sound; complete stock, orders shipped day received by STANLEY-WINTHROP'S, Inc., 90 Washington St., Quincy 69, Mass.
■ USED and NEW Castle films, 8-16, silent and sound. Send for lists. ALVES PHOTO SERVICE, Inc., 14 Storrs Ave., Braintree 84, Mass.
H UNUSUAL 8-16mm. film subjects. Kodachrome projection length sample, $1.00. Color slides, sample 40^. Films exchanged; big catalog 25£ ; refunded first order. NATIONAL FILM SUPPLY, Broadway Sta. (E), Toledo 9, Ohio.
■ DOCUMENTARY film "Come Again," two reels, 16mm. SOF, new prints, $12.50. Film, equipment, bought, sold, traded. Lists free. MOGULL'S, 68 W. 48th St., New York.
H EXCLUSIVE: Select movies, sports, musicals. Projectors, screens. Large stereoscope-viewer, unique filmstrips, $2.98. Free catalog. HOME PIX, 1674 Broadway, New York 19.
■ 1949 ROSE PARADE, Pasadena, California. For sale, 8mm., 100 feet, 16mm., 200 and 400 feet glowing Kodachrome. AVALON METCALF, 441 No. Orange Drive, Los Angeles 36, Calif.
H BARGAINS: 16mm. sound film, miscellaneous, "as is," one cent per foot. Sound features from $42.50, shorts from $2.50. 1600' reels, $1.00; storage cans, take two 1600' reels, 95£. Wire belts, 49£. Minimum order, $2.00, include postage. Films, equipment, bought, sold, exchanged. Bargain lists free. MOGULL'S, 68 W. 48th St., New York.
| ITALIAN features and shorts (16mm. sound) for rent or sale. C. F. BOX 55, Times Plaza Station, Brooklyn, N. Y.
■ R1N, TIN, TIN— "Silver Trail," 6 reels, James Oliver Curwood story. 16mm. SOF. New optical reduction prints, $85.00. Trades accepted. Film lists free. MOGULL'S, 68 W. 48th St., New York.
■ 1949 CLEARANCE SALE: Want a real buy in 16MM SOUND FILMS? Take advantage of the I.C.S. 1949 CLEARANCE SALE of 16mm sound films— features, comedies, educationals, cartoons, novelties, etc. Send for our giant list "A" today, stating machine you own (make and modell. INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE. Inc., 1560-M2 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.
| Two enlargements and negative from your movie film. Send frames and one dollar. CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York 52.
■ KODACHROME DUPLICATES: 8mm.. or 16mm., 11£ per foot. Immediate service on mail orders. HOLLYWOOD 16MM. INDUSTRIES. Inc.. 6060 Hollywood Blvd.. Hollywood 28, Calif.
■ NO Negative '.' ? ? Send picture and $1.00 for new negative with enlarged print to CURIO PHOTO. 1187 Jerome Ave.. New York. N. Y.
■ TITLES 8mm. at 6# each. 50 prepared titles on 8mm. B/W film or 25 prepared titles on 16 B/W film for $2.98. Ready for splicing. Write also for FREE bargain catalogue "T 3". FOTOSONIC, Inc., 132 W 43rd St., New York 18, N. Y.
■ TITLE MAKING, free booklet. WESTWOOD CINEMA CO.. 635 Victoria Street. San Francisco, California.
IF YOU want to sell a piece of equipment or if you can't find the item you want, the Classified Advertising section of MOVIE MAKERS is your meat. You'll find our rates at the top of this page.